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Alyssa Rosenzweig 💜

When I was 10, I came out as transgender. I was a girl and I knew it.

I was one of the lucky ones.

After four painful years, I was fortunate enough to access gender-affirming health care. First testosterone blockers. Later estrogen, the stuff my peers soaked in for years while I threw myself into software development to distract from pain.

Despite being old enough to go through the wrong puberty and suffer its permanent changes, it took four years to access the medical fix. Four years of gender therapy, hard talks with doctors, and a lot of determination.

There’s a vicious myth that kids just walk into clinics and leave with hormones. Quite the opposite.

I was lucky: my parents supported me, and by then we lived near San Francisco, where a gender clinic was willing to take me as patient.

I’m 21 now. I’ll be blunt: if not for gender-affirming care, I don’t know if I would be around. If there would be FOSS graphics drivers for Mali-T860 or the Apple M1.

If I were a few years younger, lived in the wrong part of the US, that may well be the reality, because gender-affirming care is banned for minors in conservative areas across the United States. Texas, for example, would threaten to take me from my loving parents under Greg Abbott’s directive.

Even now, I’m lucky I don’t live in the wrong place: the medication I’m prescribed is banned for adults in several American states.

I fear the 2024 election. How long until there’s a ban nationwide?

In high school, I knew this day might come. I applied to Canadian universities. Canada isn’t perfect, far from it. But stripping trans rights isn’t on the ballot yet.

Growing up, we liked visiting Florida.

Now there are travel advisories against it.

One recent Florida law threatens jail time if a trans person uses the bathroom - any bathroom - in a public space. I remember in high school, arguing back against “bathroom bills” designed to marginalize trans people. They seem tame next to the vile attacks on trans people championed by Ron DeSantis.

What’s next?

Does anybody remember the Nuremberg laws?

I was raised Jewish. Growing up, we were haunted by the spectre of the Holocaust. I knew queer Germans were in the cross-hairs alongside Jews. I didn’t know that Berlin was a queer centre before Hitler came to power.

In high school, I understood if fascists came to power in the United States, I might be first to go. Nazis had a special symbol for people like me: a pink triangle superimposed on a yellow triangle. I was 16 when I wondered if one day I would be forced to wear it.

In 2020, Donald Trump used the Nazi’s symbol for political prisoners – forced to be worn in camps – to threaten leftists in a campaign ad.


You don’t need to like Democrats, but I need you to understand that if you vote Republican in 2024, you vote erasure. You vote oppression. You vote fascism.

Maybe you “just have some concerns” about trans kids.

I was a trans kid, and I want you to know that DeSantis, Abbott, and Trump were my nightmares. Their policies will lead to the deaths of transgender Americans. With hundreds of GOP-sponsored anti-trans bills and laws simultaneously sweeping the United States, it’s hard to believe this isn’t by design.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

The trans experience isn’t inherently defined by suffering. Not for trans kids, not for trans adults.

When treated with respect, allowed to transition, when we can access the medication we know we need, life can be great.

Personally, I have felt virtually no gender-related discomfort in years now.

I once recoiled at my reflection. Now I look in the mirror and smile at the cute woman smiling back at me. I’m surrounded by lovely friends, and we support each other. Laugh together. Cry together. Text endless stickers of cartoon sharks together. Past the shared struggle, there is immense trans joy.

When we are made to suffer – by banning our medication, arresting us for peeing, legislating our identities out of existence on the road to establishing a theocratic state – that is a policy choice.

We’re not asking for much. We don’t want special treatment. We just want respect. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Right now I want legislators to get the fuck out of our doctors’ office.

I’m on the board overseeing Linux graphics. Half of us are trans. If all you care about is Linux, resist the attacks on trans people.

If you have any decency, fight back.

It’s your choice.

53 comments | Expand all CWs
Gianni Rosato

@alyssa Your incredible strength & determination clearly hasn’t stopped at software development. I’m entirely on your side here, and this country should realign itself in pursuit of the obvious greater good. It is wonderful to hear you’re in a better place now, and *everyone* should fight for *every* trans individual to experience that joy. 🙏

Alyssa Rosenzweig 💜

@gianni 🙏 trying to use my platform for something other than shitposting for a change

Gianni Rosato

@alyssa I mean, shitpost all you want, I’m here for that too :)

Toni Widmo Trans people shitposting is an expression of trans joy, and is itself a revolutionary act. ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transgender:​ ​:trans_balloon:​ ​:QueerCatMorningCoffee_Transgender:​ ​:trans_lily:​ ​:trans_flag:​

@alyssa thank you for saying this. i was a trans child and unlucky enough to have to wait until i was 22. the damage is so severe...
Alexis :verifiedtransbian:

@alyssa As another trans woman terrified for her safety, I want to give you a hug :meowHuggies:

I'm actively fighting this fight for our rights too. Unfortunately I'm not rich, so I've not been able to get much of a response from those in power, but I keep trying. I would like to see things like being able to update our legal documents to match our gender and without being forced to be sterilized too.

Tommy Thorn

@alyssa I too am very concerned. Just a few years ago it would have been impossible to imagine blatant fascists in US politics. I still can’t understand how quickly it has gone downhill.


I don't know if it'll make you feel any better but it's been building for decades. Smaller things around the edges mostly held at bay by social norms. Trump's election after openly courting white nationalists online where the majority of voters didn't notice made his people think the norms had changed. It reinforced their belief that most people agree with them but are afraid to admit it. That's why it exploded into the open all at once.


@alyssa :rainbow_heart: & ✊

Jacob the Jacobin🌹🕊️🏳️‍🌈

@alyssa you are awesome, Alyssa! I am a happy mac owner, Unix freak and I dunno I might be nb.


@alyssa not a fellow trans person but a fellow Jew, the horrific and rapid escalation of fascist violence has me insanely on edge and there's no intersectionality to my identity, I can't imagine the fear in people who belong to multiple marginalized groups. I'm here, I hear you, I support you, and I will fight for you. "Never again" isn't a pale set of words to be repeated, it's a conscious and active effort made by all of us, through our words, our votes, our actions, and hopefully not but unfortunately very likely our bullets.

@alyssa not a fellow trans person but a fellow Jew, the horrific and rapid escalation of fascist violence has me insanely on edge and there's no intersectionality to my identity, I can't imagine the fear in people who belong to multiple marginalized groups. I'm here, I hear you, I support you, and I will fight for you. "Never again" isn't a pale set of words to be repeated, it's a conscious and active effort made by all of us, through our words, our votes, our actions, and hopefully not but unfortunately...

CautionWIP 🇨🇦 🏳️‍🌈

@alyssa FWIW (and I know it’s not much) there’s a huge number of people in Canada who want to do what they can to help. One of the largest petitions in Canadian history (3rd so far, with almost 160000 signatures) is about to be submitted, urging the government to extend the coverage for those seeking asylum for reasons of gender oppression to the US (as well as worldwide), which is, unfortunately, considered a “safe” country.

Gen X-Wing

@alyssa For @e_urq, have you ever written about the connection between tech and transgender? This is properly legit stuff they are coding.

I think trans rights are human rights sums my views up pretty well. Stay safe!

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@alyssa Thanks for your words.

At this point it the genocidal policies must be stopped by all means necessary...

Tom Forsyth

Thankyou for your post. Thankyou for staying.

> You don’t need to like Democrats, but I need you to understand that if you vote Republican in 2024, you vote erasure.

Yes yes yes. I get so tired of saying this. People don't have to like Biden. But they WILL have a President forced on them. "None" is not an option. Choose the (epically) lesser evil.


@TomF @alyssa
This again shows that, unfortunately, the US election system is broken. You should be able to vote on the candidate that best represents your views.

(you will never find a candidate that represents all your views. Not even in many party countries like the Netherlands, and we have 16 parties in our lower chamber).

It should not be the lesser of two evils. But the current system creates, and reenforces, a two party system.

Toni Widmo They should also vote out the oppressors at State, senate and house levels. The president doesn't have absolute power, and much of the evil is coming from state level legislature.


@alyssa bookmarked

Arne Babenhauserheide

@alyssa Yesterday someone talked to me in the park about the dog. 5 minutes later he asked “do you believe in god?”. 15 more minutes and he said “do you see these images they put at the European Parliament? Should kids see that?”

I told him: yes, they should. If this shows kids who need it that transitioning is an option, it can prevent a lot of suffering. And I told him how two people I know who transitioned are so much more relaxed and happy now.

It seemed unexpected …


>with hundreds of bills simultaneously, it's hard to believe this isn't by design
(speculation) Since gay people are almost universally accepted, they had to move on to some other group to keep up the culture war, whose purpose is to waste as much time as possible. I genuinely see no other reason why anti-trans legislation would exist other than to stall for time.
Watch all the companies that virtue signal during Pride month completely ignore all of this, by the way. Remember, they don't actually give a shit.

>with hundreds of bills simultaneously, it's hard to believe this isn't by design
(speculation) Since gay people are almost universally accepted, they had to move on to some other group to keep up the culture war, whose purpose is to waste as much time as possible. I genuinely see no other reason why anti-trans legislation would exist other than to stall for time.

Mike M.

@iagondiscord @alyssa
It's not *just* to waste our time, I think. Fascists need an excluded group to blame and hate, for an intersection of reasons (keeps the troops from noticing the leaders' grifts; keeps the brain from processing rationally; prep for the violence to come; etc). Why transfolx? They're the most vulnerable. But once trasnphobia is widely re-established, they'll go after gay, antifa, POC... eventually, they turn on themselves. We gotta stop them now.

ajilemondrop :artix:

@alyssa With the rise of online conservatives (Ben Shapiro, etc.), I see more and more young people actually hateful towards trans people and other queers. People that used to be happy or quite accepting. Leftists aren't brainwashing with their "gender propaganda". Conservatives are, with their universal truth and simple, stupidified science. Good luck to all the US trans people!

Larina 🏳️‍⚧️

@alyssa What a good post, Alyssa. I don’t know anything about Linux, but I do that I am glad you are around and the joyful person you are. The world is blessed to have you in it!


Thank you for all you did and all you are still doing, and for being a role-model for younger trans kids, and a good example to politicians what their policies might mean.

I was part of the Perl community. One conference, 10 trans people attended. Out of 300 attendees, that is quite a percentage. One guy said "awesome, I see 3 transgender people". I replied "I saw 10". He asked "can you point them out?". Nope, I did not want to, because they deserved to pass.



I'm a trans man living in Poland, and the trans panic hasn't reached us quite yet on the government level, we're still at "lgbt ideology", but I can feel it looming over us. We're invisible at the moment. Unfortunately terf rhetoric has changed discourse irreparably, misinfo about trans people has entered the collective consciousness, and I'm sure it's not gonna end at talking.

And the laws around transition aren't good to begin with.




I feel for everyone affected by the full scale attack on trans rights in the UK and the US. And I'm glad at least you're far enough into your transition that you can feel safer, however that might sound.

My outlet has always been art, sometimes computers too. It's nice to see how queer the foss community actually is, I feel a lot better here when I don't just see libertarian cishet men around.




You're right that there's joy in being trans. It's not only suffering. I didn't believe it until I came out to my friends and until my parents stopped playing mind games with me. I see it in how I feel gender euphoria and not just dysphoria because I'm able to wear clothes that don't make me feel like garbage and because I can perform masculinity. It's really a wonderful thing to have so much pressure taken off you.


Uriel Fanelli

@alyssa I've a suggestion then: make friends. A lot of friends.


@alyssa we used to say “never again”, but as it’s started happening again we’ve nearly stopped objecting. Instead of insisting that we meant it we’re arguing about whether Democrats are a good enough alternative. Sure, in some sense they’re not good enough, but they’re better than giving power to the party that’s actively working toward exterminating the most vulnerable members of our communities and our families.


@alyssa It’s time to drop the GOP and say “never again” not just to the end result but to the campaign of encouraging hatred and violence that’s already underway

Rylie, queer ❄️ princess 🏳️‍⚧️

@alyssa thanks for writing this Alyssa. I don't think it will be news to anyone following my account but I boosted it anyway.

And the Florida crap really sucks, and I don't even live there, I just wanted to vacation there. Honestly it will probably delay my transition because stuff is already scheduled...


@alyssa Showing 69 retoots here as of writing. Nice. Not nice that this is what things have come to. I don't feel good about the future either. I hope things don't fully go how they went in the 30s, as they are unchecked by the checks that were available in the 40s (the US' military can go toe to toe with the second and third largest conventional forces at the same time, unlike the combination of the SS and Wehrmacht).

Hector Martin

@ellenor2000 @alyssa Go to the original server, retoot counts on other servers are incomplete. 660 here.


@marcan I'm well aware that boost counts are incomplete. That's why I mentioned "from here".



Yep, this is what I came here to say. Can you imagine if Hitler had had access to the present-day US nuclear arsenal?

It's not just trans people. It's not just the rest of America. The world cannot afford a second Trump presidency or anything remotely like one.



@markusl @alyssa Yup.

manic pixie dream gorgon

@alyssa I just watched how Democrats defend bodily autonomy. I’m not voting Republican, but I’m not voting Democrat either.

For 50 years they campaigned and fundraised off Roe v Wade. Then when the time came, on their watch, they did nothing. Nobody even put on their little pink hats and took to the streets.

The Biden administration is already compromising on the Title 9 expansion; all they know how to do is appeasement.

They’re not coming to save us.

David Neto

@eurydian @alyssa

As Tom wrote, you will get a government one way or another. There is no opt-out.

manic pixie dream gorgon

@dneto @alyssa Yep and I’ll vote for who I think does the best job.

I’m not voting for Nazis but I’m not voting for collaborators either. The Democrats have not lifted a finger to defend trans rights; they haven’t done a single thing.

Again, we literally just watched them do nothing about abortion rights.

I’m not voting for them just because it’ll make you feel better.

manic pixie dream gorgon

@dneto @alyssa Meh? I do mutual aid every week, and also help train my fellow trans siblings in firearms.

When one party wants to kill me, and the other won’t stop them voting loses a lot of its meaning.

It is just slightly more comfortable than wiping my ass with the ballot; it’s not very soft.

bedast :diabetes:

@alyssa My nephew is a trans teen in Texas. He has a lot of support from his family around him, especially his father (parents are separated for bonus teen angst, he lives with his father). They haven’t started HRT because of Texas laws. There’s various family plans to leave the state.

He’s thrown himself into music. It’s become a strong passion of his. His dad is also learning with him. It’s a pretty cool thing to watch. And it’s great to have something “normal” to focus.

Veronica ⚧ 🏳️‍⚧️

@alyssa I agree that the RNC is heinous and blatantly so.
The RNC is NOT the only fascist party.
The DNC is every bit as police state authoritarian and corporate and militaristic and capitalist as the RNC is.
The only difference is;
RNC = fascism with white supremacist/white nationalist Klan leaders.
While the DNC are fascists with DEI inclusion at the state level and to a lessor degree at the federal level.
In addition the DNC are a for-profit private corporation that sells government influence to the highest bidder, billionaires and corporations.

I wish to point your attention to how little that the DNC have done for us at the federal level.
Obama 2009-2011 DNC SuperMajority AND Biden 2021 to 2022 DNC Majority did 0 for LGBTQI people.
No ENDA, no medical care, no housing.
But the DNC uses us to raise funds.
Dont be fooled/suckered.
Vote Green or Socialist.
Culture war is distraction from class war, nothing more.

@alyssa I agree that the RNC is heinous and blatantly so.
The RNC is NOT the only fascist party.
The DNC is every bit as police state authoritarian and corporate and militaristic and capitalist as the RNC is.
The only difference is;
RNC = fascism with white supremacist/white nationalist Klan leaders.


@Veronica_SmarteristGeenyas @alyssa I would agree in many other countries that have preferential voting, but unfortunately the US is a badly damaged democracy and understand that it sucks and many are disenfranchised, but even moving the needle a little in the right direction is important.


@alyssa and if anyone thinks this will stop at trans people, think again. Remember: first they came for the communists but I wasn't a communist...


I'm from germany. One time my grandfather told me what it was like being a teenager in Nazi Germany. Especially being a teenager with a father who was a politician in the social democrats party when Hitler came to power. A father, my great-grandfather, who one day got arrested and deported to the Dachau concentration camp. Because he voted against the NSDAP.

Thanks for sharing, for me it was a gut punch. Because it's happening again. You have my keyboard!

I'm from germany. One time my grandfather told me what it was like being a teenager in Nazi Germany. Especially being a teenager with a father who was a politician in the social democrats party when Hitler came to power. A father, my great-grandfather, who one day got arrested and deported to the Dachau concentration camp. Because he voted against the NSDAP.


@alyssa 🩷🩵

Thank you for sharing, and your work on Asahi is very cool. (I’m German, so I can only look at the political developments in the US in horror.)

🐙🐇🐝Pointed Sarah🐞🐡🐧

@alyssa what makes me even more terrified about this is that relatively few people seem to understand how bad things currently. children are effectively being legally mandated to be tortured to death through dysphoria and nobody seems to care

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