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Gianni Rosato

@alyssa Your incredible strength & determination clearly hasn’t stopped at software development. I’m entirely on your side here, and this country should realign itself in pursuit of the obvious greater good. It is wonderful to hear you’re in a better place now, and *everyone* should fight for *every* trans individual to experience that joy. 🙏

Alyssa Rosenzweig 💜

@gianni 🙏 trying to use my platform for something other than shitposting for a change

Gianni Rosato

@alyssa I mean, shitpost all you want, I’m here for that too :)

Toni Widmo Trans people shitposting is an expression of trans joy, and is itself a revolutionary act. ​:Blobhaj_Flag_Transgender:​ ​:trans_balloon:​ ​:QueerCatMorningCoffee_Transgender:​ ​:trans_lily:​ ​:trans_flag:​

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