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David Neto

@eurydian @alyssa

As Tom wrote, you will get a government one way or another. There is no opt-out.

manic pixie dream gorgon

@dneto @alyssa Yep and I’ll vote for who I think does the best job.

I’m not voting for Nazis but I’m not voting for collaborators either. The Democrats have not lifted a finger to defend trans rights; they haven’t done a single thing.

Again, we literally just watched them do nothing about abortion rights.

I’m not voting for them just because it’ll make you feel better.

manic pixie dream gorgon

@dneto @alyssa Meh? I do mutual aid every week, and also help train my fellow trans siblings in firearms.

When one party wants to kill me, and the other won’t stop them voting loses a lot of its meaning.

It is just slightly more comfortable than wiping my ass with the ballot; it’s not very soft.

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