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>with hundreds of bills simultaneously, it's hard to believe this isn't by design
(speculation) Since gay people are almost universally accepted, they had to move on to some other group to keep up the culture war, whose purpose is to waste as much time as possible. I genuinely see no other reason why anti-trans legislation would exist other than to stall for time.
Watch all the companies that virtue signal during Pride month completely ignore all of this, by the way. Remember, they don't actually give a shit.

1 comment
Mike M.

@iagondiscord @alyssa
It's not *just* to waste our time, I think. Fascists need an excluded group to blame and hate, for an intersection of reasons (keeps the troops from noticing the leaders' grifts; keeps the brain from processing rationally; prep for the violence to come; etc). Why transfolx? They're the most vulnerable. But once trasnphobia is widely re-established, they'll go after gay, antifa, POC... eventually, they turn on themselves. We gotta stop them now.

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