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Christian Pietsch πŸ‘

@steve Anyway, the bigger problem is that @Mastodon or rather @Gargron seems to have given up on decentralization. He thinks people are too dumb to understand the difference between a software and an instance running that software.

@chpietsch I don't know what he is thinking, but it is the wrong way. @steve @Mastodon @Gargron
Jan Niklas Fingerle

I, too, disagree with his decision. I do so without misrepresenting his reasoning.

@steve @Mastodon @Gargron

Jan Niklas Fingerle

(1) @Gargron explicitly advocates for decentralisation, and (2) he never says people are dumb (he rather points out a way he wants to educate and convince people, which would contradict the assumption of dumbness).

I don't agree with him. I believe, most people will stay with their first instance, no matter what. Such, I am missing him explaining, how he wants to "push" people to migrate. But that doesn't give me the right to misrepresent what he said.

@steve @Mastodon

(1) @Gargron explicitly advocates for decentralisation, and (2) he never says people are dumb (he rather points out a way he wants to educate and convince people, which would contradict the assumption of dumbness).

I don't agree with him. I believe, most people will stay with their first instance, no matter what. Such, I am missing him explaining, how he wants to "push" people to migrate. But that doesn't give me the right to misrepresent what he said.

Jan Niklas Fingerle

Other than what? The 0-hypothesis should be, that @Gargron believes the things he lays out in his blog post. He might be wrong (I believe he is), but nevertheless it explains his actions.

You seem to think that he's lying. If so, make it explicit and accept the burden of proof. If not, how do you reconcile your description with the contents of the blog post?

@steve @Mastodon

the roamer

@chpietsch @steve @Mastodon @Gargron

Agree on both items, QP and centralisation, it looks like a climbdown on both. Sad, sad day. And the vulgar "you asked for it..." language makes it worse.

Lien Rag


The difficulty of choosing an instance is actually a real problem that turned a lot of people off Mastodon.
But answering that by onboarding everyone on is a bad answer to this real problem.

@steve @Mastodon @Gargron

Manuel QuiΓ±ones

@lienrag @chpietsch @steve @Mastodon @Gargron but is a good immediate solution. Don't you think? In my own personal experience I have been very insatisfied after passing to such painful onboarding, having to read a lot about fedi-things before joining.


@chpietsch @steve he hasn't given up on anything, he didn't give a fuck about decentralization from the get-go. he's trying to make as big as possible in order to further consolidate power and/or sell out.


@deutrino @chpietsch @steve And Twitter was/is the place with the toxic people… πŸ™„

Guillaume Chau :vue:

@chpietsch @steve @Mastodon @Gargron A lot of people really don't "get" Mastodon when they arrive, and just leave never to be seen again. Precisely because they have to chose a server.

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