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Essem :skeeter:

discord has ruined the definition of the word "server" for potentially an entire generation of people

lua 💫

@esm yeah. i wish they would call them guilds like they do internally. or something like that :P like i like "discord server" as an expression but its Wrong !!

DigiDuncan while I agree, man I can NOT keep calling these things "guilds" it hurts every time I say it

Ada Unlike the fediverse, for instance :P

Dillon Pentz

@esm I kinda wish they stuck with calling them guilds.

Antho Minecraft and Gmod taught me right, don't you worry

[GAMER] gamer the com sci profs at my uni who use discord for their classes insist on calling it a "discord group" and honestly that should really be what it is

Leonie :pb: :verified_queer:

@esm well, they're still called guilds internally

✿ xX_Аня_Xx ✿
@esm so did many videogames in the past where you could crate a "server" which was basically just a hosted room by the developer.

It isn't that wrong to assume that a discord guild could be a individually hosted instance by discord tbh.
@esm also kinda ruined various communities before by taking away potential users, plus people seem to have a bad habit of hosting information for projects or whatever on a discord channel, like why do you need a glorified chat room with 18 channels for such things
Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@esm I wonder if that's the reason why mastodon decided to call their servers "instances".


@esm Probably because people would think that you are limited to talk to your own server if it was called like this I suppose.

Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@ifrit In this context, what is the difference? I don't know of any server that runs more than one instance. Particularly when we talk about Mastodon, because it's not very efficient and we often see the opposite: one instance with multiple servers (e.g. web server, sidekiq, database...) and in all cases it's still one public facing server handling all the traffic.

o ifrit

@starsider "I don't know of any server that runs more than one instance", but could be "and we often see the opposite: one instance with multiple servers", because instance =/ server ;)

Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@ifrit At the end I added "and in all cases it's still one public facing server handling all the traffic". I.e. when you connect to you connect to one specific server. Anyway, it still makes more sense than with discord. A discord "server" is more like a chatroom that contains other chatrooms. They don't have an address, a host name, or anything like that. It's just some internal ID managed by discord's actual servers.

Miau 🏳️‍⚧️ - head pats or die✨

@esm @riley

Discord is evil indeed.
This is neo capitalist new speak to distract the youth on setting an real server up by themselves!

I started with a team speak server.
What will the youth use to start?


@esm that's because a server is now called cloud

anime girl uwu :heart_trans:

@esm Can confirm, as a server administrator (the real kind, not the discord ones) this makes me pretty sad


the difference in mere skill of both expressions is mind shattering.


Although in that vein, I present you: VPN

And there's a bunch of other overloaded terms...


There's what Slack calls them, and there's what people on them call them ;)

David Mooney

@esm X11 is what did it for me. The server is here, where I'm typing and the client is over there, in the machine room.

Lost and Confused

@esm the servers of the now are the clans of the then.


@esm i understand WHY they decided to start calling them servers, because they were trying to replace teamspeak and mumble which WERE server based so they wanted to make it as easy as possible to migrate over. doesn't make me hate it any less though. i wish they would just call them guilds like they do internally. it sounds cringe but after 7 years of using that word it would have sounded natural

fluffy 💜

@nano @esm does discord actually call them “servers” or is that just the community term for it, like how in the 80s people called NES cartridges “tapes?”


@fluffy @esm internally and on the backend they're called guilds, but on the frontends and almost anything userfacing they say "server"


@fluffy @esm oh i also wanna mention that most of the marketing for 2015/2016 discord was "free servers" lol


@esm @nano @fluffy they call them « guilds » internally. Something that still obscures me. (With internally I mean API/SDK)

fluffy 💜

@alex @esm @nano yeah I knew the internal term is “guild,” I just thought they might use some other term like “group” or “community” in public, not “server”


@fluffy @alex @esm they have "group" for group chats which are single channel chats with no permissions and a maximum of 10 people and they do throw the word "community" around to refer to large public servers but yeah the primary word is "server"

fluffy 💜

@nano @alex @esm yeah, thanks for clarifying! Their terminology is a mess and that’s a big part of why I thought “server” might be a de-facto thing rather than an official thing.

Mars they literally call it so many different things themselves too 😭 I've seen Discords, Servers and Guilds

sam にゃん :verified_woem:

@esm conspiracy theory that they call them “servers” to make them seem more independent than they really are

Luna :circleA:

@esm They had to make it more gamer to appeal to the gamers though 😎​

Mara Marenzers

@esm little fact: you can spot a discord dev or bot dev if they call discord 'servers' 'guilds' instead. On the backend, that's what discord calls them.


Imagine an actually federated Discord alternative. No not Matrix, its not quite the same.


I havent actually tried xmpp yet. But most people say that the clients are too complicated.

Essem :skeeter:

@osaka I use dino and and they're both pretty nice to use

chesapeake :verified:
@esm they did it to market to gamers, who only knew of servers from minecraft

@esm Just like Discord ruined the word "server", GitHub ruined the word "fork".

Dawid Rejowski

@mikolaj @esm

Really? Can you explain what's the difference?


@didek @esm Forking means having a schism in the project -- one group of people stays in the original codebase, another goes to work on a new *forked* codebase, and both codebases proceed to diverge.

On GitHub, however, forking means creating a personal development branch, frequently meant to be merged back into the original codebase. Not a schism.


@esm still voting on calling them subcords


@esm we're pretty ok actually, most people who have even steped close to tech i know understand that a server isn't just discord

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@esm Eeyupp!

The sheer fact that both #Discord and those using it call it a #Server when in fact they only choose an #instance is infuriating.

But #discord can't even properly update their packages using a #repository...

Falcon Darkstar

@esm they were going to call it "guild" but I think they changed it to market to teamspeak users.


@esm this also reminds me of how github co-opted "fork"

Kio _snorts, raises glasses_
excuse me, it's called a guild


@esm and the worst part is it's fucking by design

Slips to compensate we should just call everything a "guild" like god intended
--posted from my Calckey guild

Chris L-W👻🚫

@esm some day I will set up one of the open source alternatives to Discord and Twitch. The difficulties are the bots/integrations between those projects, and normally they don't exist.

Paul McManus

@esm I don't use Discord - what do they use the word server as?


@esm @ariadne and then there is "serverless computing" - which is IMHO even further away

medium rare bird

@esm good, burn down the client/server distinction and usher in the p2p future we should have had from the start


@esm not really: they only forgot to prefix it with “irc


@esm Yeah, I had students tell me they had their own server to host gaming voice chats and I was like "Wow, good job, was it a lot of work?" thinking they paid for a VPS and acquired some basic admin skills. Recently I learned the truth... and I kind of dislike Discord without even using their service.

Niclas Hedhman


Well, the WWW ruined the word "server" for previous generation.

Ask anyone older than 80; "It is a person who brings the food to the table."

Tom (tired of the computer)

@esm discord has ruined potentially an entire generation of people

junho8 mastodon? How does tha- servers? OH, SO IT'S LIKE DISCO-

No, it's not like fucking discord! AAAAAAAAAH

Tetra Why? Discord calls them Guilds ​:troll:​

millions :spinny_cat_bi:

@esm I’ve never seen a mastodon post with over 1k favorites what did you do

Essem :skeeter:

@millions stats on local posts tend to be larger/more accurate than on remote posts, this isn't the first time a post on the network (or on wdw!) has gotten this large

Kat the Leopardess

@esm I'm trying not to make this the hill I die on but.... gods its hard!


@esm How so? I know internally they are guilds but it's a separate instance on discords end - idk if they could still be "servers" probably more like containers.



Григорий Клюшников

I usually call them communities. Or when I call them "servers", it's always in quotes.

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