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@esm i understand WHY they decided to start calling them servers, because they were trying to replace teamspeak and mumble which WERE server based so they wanted to make it as easy as possible to migrate over. doesn't make me hate it any less though. i wish they would just call them guilds like they do internally. it sounds cringe but after 7 years of using that word it would have sounded natural

fluffy đź’ś

@nano @esm does discord actually call them “servers” or is that just the community term for it, like how in the 80s people called NES cartridges “tapes?”


@fluffy @esm internally and on the backend they're called guilds, but on the frontends and almost anything userfacing they say "server"


@fluffy @esm oh i also wanna mention that most of the marketing for 2015/2016 discord was "free servers" lol


@esm @nano @fluffy they call them « guilds Â» internally. Something that still obscures me. (With internally I mean API/SDK)

fluffy đź’ś

@alex @esm @nano yeah I knew the internal term is “guild,” I just thought they might use some other term like “group” or “community” in public, not “server”


@fluffy @alex @esm they have "group" for group chats which are single channel chats with no permissions and a maximum of 10 people and they do throw the word "community" around to refer to large public servers but yeah the primary word is "server"

fluffy đź’ś

@nano @alex @esm yeah, thanks for clarifying! Their terminology is a mess and that’s a big part of why I thought “server” might be a de-facto thing rather than an official thing.

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