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This leads me to think that most instances will block tumblr once they realize how detrimental it is

Justice F. Dazzle :verified:

@dansup The problem with that is that the people who tend to be on #Tumblr are also the ones who would be drawn to #Mastodon and the #Fediverse.

This means that a high percentages of admins and mods will have an emotional attachment to Tumblr, because of their experiences there, so there are going to be instances that will resist blocking it, no matter how detrimental it is.

Esprit de Vore

@dansup ooof yeah. I've heard similar issues at smaller scale with sending a constant stream of delete activities. Is this... something AP can fix at the protocol level in a future revision?


@aphyr Not likely.

You'd have to either assume the followers of the deleted post are the only ones who have a copy (ignoring other servers who can search/store the post without following) or send a delete activity to all known servers to ensure its deleted to the best of your ability.

Not ideal, but neither is tracking remote instances that *could* have interacted with said post


Also Tumblr isn't a charity, they are a for-profit company.

Do you want them to steward the fediverse, maybe include a few ads here and there for the privilege of their participation?

I think they will soon realize the cost-benefit analysis doesn't correlate to their bottom line.

People over profits, don't settle.

Magess :heart_ace:

@dansup Tumblr users sure think it's a charity. They riot whenever the company tries to do anything to staunch the millions of dollars it loses every month.

Piyush Chandwani :verified:

@dansup Hey Dan, wanted to ask you when will the android version of pixelfed is releasing

John Conway

@dansup Personally, I don't care about things being for-profit. Hell, I'm a for-profit enterprise!

I do think that overwhelming scale and the potential for monopolies matter, and I hope that doesn't happen (I don't think it will, Tumblr's too weird).

The Fediverse is currently too small. Even small-time creators are going to find it hard to find an audience big enough to sustain them. Gaining access to Tumblr's users is really quick win in this regard.

Dale Harvey

@dansup Yes? As much as I welcome the downfall of capitalism it needs to be done one step a time. Having large companies be motivated to participate in open eco systems is a huge win over them being better funded and more successful silos.

There isnt any point in building something technologically pure that nobody uses.

In #Flancia we'll meet

@dansup it'd be fine though, you can always [[fork]] -- take the good of federating with them, leave the bad.

Chris Maler

Solo micro instances will help alleviate this problem. Once turn-key solutions come on line people won't need Tumblr.

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