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Christine Lemmer-Webber

I would like it especially if men would tell me how activitypub works. I think I'd have a harder time understanding it otherwise and we've got to give dudes their chance to speak up for once

Old Tom

@cwebber Activitypub packets of ramen noodles traveling through a system of tubes. It’s simple. And delicious!


@cwebber is solicited mansplaining still mansplaining?

honk honk I'm a truck *brrrrr*

@hllizi @cwebber Allow me to explain, you see the way mainsplai-




@hllizi @cwebber Maybe I'm missing like an inside joke or something, but how is answering a straightforward question as requested "mansplaining"?

wb x64

@hllizi yes. (In case you're not in on the joke, look at the names of the creators here: )


@wilbr I was aware of that, yes. The toot was intended as a joke based on the definition of mansplaining as unsolicited explanations by men of inferior competence.


@wilbr (I'm also aware of the fact that, in all likelihood, Christine wasn't *seriously* soliciting such.)

Jen Chan

@cwebber @andrewfeeney @hllizi femme here and I was entrapped too... laziest learning I did today 🤣

Andrew Feeney

@jenc @cwebber @hllizi I'm just glad I'm in on the joke.

I AM in on the joke right?



Idris Elbow Macaroni

@andrewfeeney @hllizi @cwebber

Made us all laugh
Cause yanno, she wrote it you see
The question was as loaded
As it could beeeee


David Bremner

@cwebber Sorry, you'll have to wait until Mansplain Monday. I don't make the rules.


@cwebber I think it's like if Bluesky and IRC had a baby?


@blaine @cwebber OK now I'm just certain this service is the new Tumblr lol

cybik :deifirev:

@kaosine @blaine @cwebber except Tumblr might actually be implementing an ActivityPub interconnect.

So Tumblr might be joining Tumblr? That sounds unbearably wrong.

[deleted+reposted to remove a thing because of some references I'm not sure are acceptable]


@root @blaine @cwebber which, I would love to be able to interconnect with all of it...if they don't limit it somehow. Since I can see them really limiting what people on or off tumblr can interact with. Which would be dumb

Adrian Cochrane

@blaine @cwebber Bluesky... Wasn't that the name of a war-profiteering counterfeiting ring in The Red Panda Adventures?


@dermoth @cwebber 😱 scandal! We're going to need to get a DNA test!

cybik :deifirev:

@blaine @cwebber that was *needlessly* savage good lord.

(I chuckled. I'm so sorry.)

Alexander Hamizdat 🌹

@cwebber So ActivityPub is a social networking standard invented by <checks notes>

Ilyaz Nasrullah

@cwebber Alright. Happy to help. First of all, your spelling is wrong. There should be a space like so: activity pub. To prevent any confusion, you may also use “pub o' activity”.

Second, contrary to the name, this is in fact a pub where nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all. The needle returns to start of the song and we all sing along like before.

That's about it. Now, about my consulting fee...

C. Scott Ananian (he/him)

@ilyaz @cwebber i think you mean Mastodon/ActivityPub, since Mastodon is in fact built on components from...

Jen Chan

@cscott @ilyaz @ideclon @cwebber Mastopub? MastivityPob? Actividon?

oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no 🎶

David Gerard


*puts on man hat*

"It works very well, thank you Ms Lemmer-Webber for your service"

Thomas Lee ✅ :patreon:

@cwebber I could. But others have already done so and done well. describes the protocol. The introduction section provides a good description of how the protocol works.

Jared Cash

@DoctorDNS @cwebber Indeed. I feel like the editors on that article really helped the contents flow so they can be better understood. 😉


@zepfhyr @DoctorDNS @cwebber I'm pretty, and impressed, that this Christine Lemmer-Webber person was an author and an editor on this document.

i personally find it really hard sometimes to edit my own text


@meena @zepfhyr @DoctorDNS @cwebber IDK about the W3C process specifically, but a lot of times in these sorts of things, you're getting contributions and input from many different people, so it's up to the editors to pull it all together into a cohesive spec. Think more like the editor of a newspaper, less editor of a book.

Raphael Wimmer

@DoctorDNS @cwebber

Yeah, she should just read the spec. I guess she doesn't even know who wrote it.
I have only learned about this ActivityPub thing last week but I am happy to explain it in detail.


@DoctorDNS so erm, in danger of getting wooshed: was this post intended to be serious or ironic?

Kurt :flan_cleaver:

@cwebber Are you familiar with a T-shirt cannon? It's like that, but for JSON. :flan_guns:​

Abraham Williams

@cwebber you go to a pub and do an activity. Like maybe darts.


@cwebber @jacqueline why can’t we just print more ActivityPubs?

Ryan Daniels ~# :idle:

@cwebber So I heard that Alice can toot Bob. Then Bob can reply to Alice's toot, to explain things. And this all happens on what everyone calls Mastadon.
Or something like that, do your own research

Alexander Shendi



It's #legacy technology not implemented in #Rust.
Not very interesting. I hear it #beguiles some people, though. Now go back to the kitchen and later you can dress nice and accompany me to the #metaverse.

Matt Cengia

@cwebber I'm am genuinely very glad that you're having fun with this. 😊
And it is incredibly entertaining (and exasperating). 🤦

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