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Ilyaz Nasrullah

@cwebber Alright. Happy to help. First of all, your spelling is wrong. There should be a space like so: activity pub. To prevent any confusion, you may also use “pub o' activity”.

Second, contrary to the name, this is in fact a pub where nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all. The needle returns to start of the song and we all sing along like before.

That's about it. Now, about my consulting fee...

C. Scott Ananian (he/him)

@ilyaz @cwebber i think you mean Mastodon/ActivityPub, since Mastodon is in fact built on components from...

Jen Chan

@cscott @ilyaz @ideclon @cwebber Mastopub? MastivityPob? Actividon?

oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no 🎶

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