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David Revoy

That feeling when you get a new skill.

I'm still training my brushwork and my speed to complete artwork. After many failed tests, this one is starting to bring together a lot of aspects that I like. A good reason to share it with you. I hope you'll like it.

#CritiqueWanted #krita
#MastoArt #fantasyart


@davidrevoy really David, you're so good, I'm amazed each time... Please keep up the good work!!!

David Revoy

@fla Coucou! Merci et merci encore pour les madeleines ce dimanche; c'était sport mais j'ai réussi grâce à ça à tilter le stock du libraire :blobcheerbounce: Aussi, maintenant que j'ai vue ton avatar, je me souviens trop et ça remonte à loin, Diaspora. Rigolo comme parfois j'aurai réellement besoin de l'avatar des gens en conf 😊


@davidrevoy mon avatar c'est mon chat sur diaspora* :

Et ouais, se faire un badge avec son avatar c'est un truc qu'on avait fait au fosdem avec @AugierLe42e @jaywink ca avait bien marché


@davidrevoy great. would love to play that character in an rpg.


@davidrevoy Hi ! Very nice piece of Artwork ! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I would perhaps point some stuff but it's only about the scene ! 😜
+ The armor is very nice and complete : it's not a none-realistic sexy outfit like chain-mail bikini with a small plate top and that's absolutly cool !



Oh ME does like this one.

Empowered Women, competent and strong within themselves are very Aspirational for ALL of US!

Conor C. Peterson 🔥

@davidrevoy Very very very cool! I love that it conveys a magical/mystical/fantasy feeling. Love the style of the sword too! ^^

Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@davidrevoy Speculars! You need more speculars! Let this warrior shine! 😁 Honestly: this is fine. Very well balanced, nice brush strokes.

David Revoy

@oliviersaraja Haha, Merci! Yes, I always have this taste for non shiny surfaces. But maybe it's time I consider that not like a taste but as a flaw. I'll try to place more dramatic specular in the future and see how it looks. Thanks for the advice! 👍

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Les cheveux et les jeux de lumière sont magnifiques 😍
Par contre j'aime moins l'armure qui lui protège le buste : cela lui fait des seins ronds et "indépendants" (sur une armure ça peut passer à la rigueur mais si c'était un vêtement très ajusté ce serait irréaliste, le tissu compresserait la poitrine pour n'en faire qu'un seul bloc)

Cyber Yuki

@davidrevoy Any specific parts you want us to focus on?

David Revoy

@yuki2501 Feel free to comment anything that went immediately to your mind when you saw it. Especially if it is in the type of feedback "oh.... it's too bad xxxxxxxxxx wasn't better done, the piece could have been so much better with yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy , or zzzzzzzzzzz really breaks the suspension of disbelief I need to feel this piece as immersive. "

Cyber Yuki

@davidrevoy Well, the grass field could use more detail but that's about it.

Cyber Yuki

@davidrevoy You're welcome!

(In general I'm a sucker for details and rough plain areas kinda kill the immersion for me. Just adding some dirt or brown patches here and there would make me say something like "ooh a patch of arid land in that grass field!" instead of "meh, not enough effort.")

Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint

@davidrevoy I wonder how long it takes you to get to this stage

David Revoy

@chengdulittlea It's a "between 2h and 3h piece" because I bypass many steps I do usually (that's the reason of my training, a technique I can consider for future Pepper&Carrot comic pages).


@davidrevoy Excellent brushwork and use of color to help draw the viewer around the piece. Negative space is well attended to and quite frankly, beautiful. Facial expression conveys a solemn confidence in the subject's ability to swing that sword and seeing the image makes me want to know more about this character.

Great work!


@davidrevoy You're very welcome, thank you for sharing your art 🎨 😊

LinuxGamer :fedora: :kdenew:

@davidrevoy looks absolutely amazing as always. Such an inspiration!


@davidrevoy It looks really good!

Here are things I liked: The way the armor shines is really realistic, but also not too flashy or distracting, and the armor has a lot of details that make it feel real and wearable. I like the use of red to make the character stand out and draw attention across them. (I liked a lot of other things too but I won't go into everything since there's a lot)

Here are my critiques: It's not super clear what the right arm is doing. It doesn't quite look like it's engaged in the action of holding the sword, but it doesn't look like a comfortable resting position either. The scratches on the blade are a nice detail but the way they're curved doesn't make them look like they happened during a swift decisive action during battle, they seem incidental like the sword got dropped or something. Maybe straighter scratches would imply a more interesting story of how they got there.

@davidrevoy It looks really good!

Here are things I liked: The way the armor shines is really realistic, but also not too flashy or distracting, and the armor has a lot of details that make it feel real and wearable. I like the use of red to make the character stand out and draw attention across them. (I liked a lot of other things too but I won't go into everything since there's a lot)

David Revoy

@montag Thank you very much for all the feedback; I agree and that's good to think about how scratches on a blade can bring additional storytelling instead of random scratches. Oh yes, her right arm was really like in; "what I do with this one". I'll try to plan better in the future.

[edit: autocorrector white arm→right arm]

Serpent à plumes

@davidrevoy Très joli dessin. 😍 Juste un reproche, qu'on peut faire à de nombreux dessinateurs : corps féminin "classique". Ce serait bien de varier un peu. Notamment dans ce type de scène guerrière, un corps plus massif et musclé serait vraiment bienvenu. 💪

Paolo Redaelli

Beautiful but "real armour" AFAIK aren't or shouldn't be "boob shaped" 😁
I once read an Italian article on the matter but I can't find it anymore. Alternatively see and
Many kudos nevertheless

David Revoy

@paoloredaelli Thanks for the report (it was already discussed on the comment). Yes, I grew up watching Anime like Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya , and playing JRPG with this stylisation coming back often so I had no questioning about it. But now I see the mistake; I'll paint unified plastron next time I paint this. Thanks for the links, very interesting and sorry for the suspension of disbelief caused by this element.


@davidrevoy The serenity of her facial expression appears gorgeously simple. The entirety of this piece feels so easy and light then the bright red of her hair is a pop of color creating a focal point that draws the eye continually back to the armored woman. Very lovely.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy This looks absolutely awesome! The shadowing of the armor makes it look so real and the contrast between front and back makes focusses the gaze so strongly.


@davidrevoy well I am not really a fan of boobplate, but everyone to themselves. nice colour mix and composition with the background.

David Revoy

@ewanderer Thanks! It's a hot topic on the comments already, I replied to it and I also agree. Thank you for your feedback!


@davidrevoy L'armure est...comment dire...un peu trop moulante.

Sco :progress: :flag_mm:

@davidrevoy She looks great. Great pose, and i love the facial expression.

Only complaint is in the background. I love the basic structure of the scenery. But the colors are a bit cloudy, and mix into one'another. And backgrounds can be an afterthought to the subject. But this scenery is almost perfect. Just a bit blury on the colors.

David Revoy

@Scofisticated Thank you for the feedback! Thanks, I tried a very loose 'brushy' background; but I went maybe a little too extreme on its simplification because I had more feedback like your about it. I'll keep that in mind for my future artworks. 👍

Sco :progress: :flag_mm:

@davidrevoy Keep up the good work! And keep having fun. :blobthumbsup:

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