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> Qanno

@davidrevoy Congratulations! Some very good work here!

Stéphanie Pageau

@davidrevoy Wow! The process is so cool to see (and so impressive)

Golden Ratio

@davidrevoy gorgeous artwork - and congratulations on Pepper & Carrot!

@davidrevoy @davidrevoy That could look real good as a wallpaper. It's very cute.

@davidrevoy This 100% will go to my wallpapers folder!


@davidrevoy oh man, I wish there was a widescreen-version! Looks amazing though, great work as always David 👍

Stéfan van der Walt

@davidrevoy I've seen many of your process drawings in the past start with line sketches, which are then painted in. This, and the recent riding-an-ox, are the reverse of that. When do you use which process?

David Revoy

@stefanv Hey, thank you for the feedback and this is accurate. In short, when I worked (10y ago) in film/video game concept art, I developed a technique of painting based on shape and silhouette to quickly express ambiance/design/scene idea out of necessity. This technique is spontaneous, quick, fun but I need a very clear picture in my mind of the result before starting. It also has downside: proportions/facial expressions/ well, construction aren't super precise in the end... 1/2

David Revoy

@stefanv For example, I can't with this technique paint a perspective camera deformation on top view of a character. For that, I need a solid perspective grid, a solid drawing, etc... And when I do a drawing, I'm always tempted to preserve it and the result become "a colored drawing", a bit not like a 100% painting rendering. I'm right now experimenting to fusion all my techniques or at least to get enough skill to not have this clear split. It's part of my recent experimentations. 2/2

Stéfan van der Walt

@davidrevoy Thanks so much for taking the time to explain. Your work is, as always, inspirational!

James Tan

@davidrevoy that's so pretty! I'm going to use it as my wallpaper :) Thank you so much for sharing it


@davidrevoy Superbe comme toujours ! Ça fait aussi une trĂšs belle image d'en-tĂȘte qui rĂ©sume bien l'ambiance ici 🙂


@davidrevoy I love that cat in your avatar and exceptional art! :blobcatheart:

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