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Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@ErisCaffee It does not say that. The exact phrasing is:

(d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.

(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

Samuel Smith ✅

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee I wonder where people who have both XX and XY cells at birth fit in all this?

Sam Fleming

@AlexanderVI @Jirikiha @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee Who would have thought? It's not like biologists and endocrinologists have been spreading rumours for years or anything.



So who's going to start registering every baby on the maternity ward female? Seems that might bring matters to a head.

@Jirikiha @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee

Sam Fleming

@AlexanderVI That seems to be the legally necessary thing to do. I'm not sure the "do not obey in advance" instruction applies in this case.

@Jirikiha @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@Jirikiha @ErisCaffee If you mean people with DSDs, then they are all either male or female too. Glad I could help you with that.

Eris :trans:


True, but a good joke had to be made or else I'd be sitting here stewing impotently in rage. This is something that directly affects me, after all. I know that I need to fight against this, but for my own sanity I also need to keep myself from becoming morosely negative and I also think it's important to mock Trump and his cronies for this and everything else. They absolutely can't stand being mocked. Witness how they reacted to being called "weird" during the election.

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@ErisCaffee You must do you, but I don't think making claims that are trivially demonstrable as being untrue will help you, or anyone else.

Eris :trans:


Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment, making claims that are trivially demonstrable as being untrue is exactly how Trump has won election to the Presidency twice.

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@ErisCaffee Yep. Just how bad a job did the democrats do to have been crushingly defeated by _that_, right?

Eris :trans:


They've always been good at shooting their own feet.


@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee
Bullshit. Hate won. Stupidity won. Misogyny won. Racism won.

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 at least people using of "science" and "biology" for justify transphobia and LGBTphobia opens space for people to use of social sciences and liberal theory for justify civil disobedience and civil resistance lmao

Yeah, Democrats are 99% Neoliberal Fascist, indeed.

At this point I hope Trump will turn the USA into the "Western World Russian Federation" lmao

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 Yeah, I mean, people will say that high school biology justifies transphobia and LGBTphobia yet they won't accept that by this logic high school sociology and high school liberal theory justifies civil disobedience and civil resistance lmao

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are lots of Trans scientists and LGBT scientists who have already pointed it out, but sadly there are people who can't even make a Google Scholar search regarding such matters. Except when it's for attack socialism/communism/leftism/progressivism/Anarchism because they'll be able to go even to the deepweb/darknet for get resources/sources for "discredit" the left lmao

Eris :trans:


I've removed the quotation marks since that wasn't actually a quote.

Michelle Paquette

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee Person at … conception? At conception to the sex…. At conception the effects of the sRY gene and messenger protein are nil. The epigenetic switches haven’t been flipped. As “at conception” that fertilized egg is going to grow someone of female phenotype, with ovaries or ovotestes. Actual real world biology is more complex than what is taught to 12 year olds.

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are people who enjoy to use science for justify their prejudices and bigotry, like people who enjoy using of Austrian Economics, Pro-Western Economics, and Anti-Communist Propaganda for justify Western World Supremacy etc. Like people who will say "all ethnicities are equal" at the same time they're all for Western World Cultural Supremacy and Cultural Pinochetism lmao

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 @tokensane @yogthos @nyx can't we just agree the Western World is basically the Fourth Reich at this point plz?

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 @tokensane @yogthos @nyx this is basically the proof the Western World is just a Neoliberal Capitalist version of the White Aryan Reich ngl...

Token Sane Person

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee How does anyone "belong" to a sex at conception? The only interpretation I can give to this is chromosome gender. But then what about people with a faulty SRY gene who are XY but are born female?

The "only 2 sexes" idea just sets up two procrustean beds: you have to fit in one or the other, and anything that doesn't fit gets cut off.

Lord Abzu

@tokensane @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are lots of Trans scientists and LGBT scientists who have already pointed it out, but sadly there are people who can't even make a Google Scholar search regarding such matters. Except when it's for attack socialism/communism/leftism/progressivism/Anarchism because they'll be able to go even to the deepweb/darknet for get resources/sources for "discredit" the left lmao

Robert Taylor

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee large reproductive cell? WTF does that mean? The guy truly is a moron!

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@allynkhine @ErisCaffee that’ll be a human egg, which is about 10,000 times larger than its male counterpart, the sperm cell. Hence “large”.


@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee
The name of the order is very telling. In general, the better the title of a bill sounds, the more draconian the bill itself is. Might as well have a bill titled the "Save Puppies Act" that orders the extermination of all non-Aryans.

Pavel Machek
@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee I don't think this definition works, and actually I'm not aware of definition that would be binary. What does "belong to the sex" mean? There are human chimeras, for example...

@mart_brooks If you don't produce either reproductive cell (and people don't until puberty), then you don't get a gender until then? I've had a vasectomy - do I no longer qualify as male?
Not to mention - how does the government intend to verify this? Are kids expected to give fluid samples?

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