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Token Sane Person

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee How does anyone "belong" to a sex at conception? The only interpretation I can give to this is chromosome gender. But then what about people with a faulty SRY gene who are XY but are born female?

The "only 2 sexes" idea just sets up two procrustean beds: you have to fit in one or the other, and anything that doesn't fit gets cut off.

Lord Abzu

@tokensane @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are lots of Trans scientists and LGBT scientists who have already pointed it out, but sadly there are people who can't even make a Google Scholar search regarding such matters. Except when it's for attack socialism/communism/leftism/progressivism/Anarchism because they'll be able to go even to the deepweb/darknet for get resources/sources for "discredit" the left lmao

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