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Michelle Paquette

@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee Person at … conception? At conception to the sex…. At conception the effects of the sRY gene and messenger protein are nil. The epigenetic switches haven’t been flipped. As “at conception” that fertilized egg is going to grow someone of female phenotype, with ovaries or ovotestes. Actual real world biology is more complex than what is taught to 12 year olds.

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are people who enjoy to use science for justify their prejudices and bigotry, like people who enjoy using of Austrian Economics, Pro-Western Economics, and Anti-Communist Propaganda for justify Western World Supremacy etc. Like people who will say "all ethnicities are equal" at the same time they're all for Western World Cultural Supremacy and Cultural Pinochetism lmao

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 @tokensane @yogthos @nyx can't we just agree the Western World is basically the Fourth Reich at this point plz?

Lord Abzu

@michellepaquette @mart_brooks @ErisCaffee @NoahLoren13 @tokensane @yogthos @nyx this is basically the proof the Western World is just a Neoliberal Capitalist version of the White Aryan Reich ngl...

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