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Eris :trans:


True, but a good joke had to be made or else I'd be sitting here stewing impotently in rage. This is something that directly affects me, after all. I know that I need to fight against this, but for my own sanity I also need to keep myself from becoming morosely negative and I also think it's important to mock Trump and his cronies for this and everything else. They absolutely can't stand being mocked. Witness how they reacted to being called "weird" during the election.

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@ErisCaffee You must do you, but I don't think making claims that are trivially demonstrable as being untrue will help you, or anyone else.

Eris :trans:


Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment, making claims that are trivially demonstrable as being untrue is exactly how Trump has won election to the Presidency twice.

Martin A. Brooks :verified:

@ErisCaffee Yep. Just how bad a job did the democrats do to have been crushingly defeated by _that_, right?

Eris :trans:


They've always been good at shooting their own feet.


@mart_brooks @ErisCaffee
Bullshit. Hate won. Stupidity won. Misogyny won. Racism won.

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 at least people using of "science" and "biology" for justify transphobia and LGBTphobia opens space for people to use of social sciences and liberal theory for justify civil disobedience and civil resistance lmao

Yeah, Democrats are 99% Neoliberal Fascist, indeed.

At this point I hope Trump will turn the USA into the "Western World Russian Federation" lmao

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 Yeah, I mean, people will say that high school biology justifies transphobia and LGBTphobia yet they won't accept that by this logic high school sociology and high school liberal theory justifies civil disobedience and civil resistance lmao

Lord Abzu

@ErisCaffee @mart_brooks @NoahLoren13 I mean, yeah, there are lots of Trans scientists and LGBT scientists who have already pointed it out, but sadly there are people who can't even make a Google Scholar search regarding such matters. Except when it's for attack socialism/communism/leftism/progressivism/Anarchism because they'll be able to go even to the deepweb/darknet for get resources/sources for "discredit" the left lmao

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