@ashtime @Radical_EgoCom @sule_becalm
You have the right idea, but you’re suggesting the wrong business model. To do what you are suggesting, you must use Common Capitalism. You can read about it at https://mastodon.social/@commonscapitalism/113270542968145565
Worker coops are great for, but only help, worker/owners. The large majority of workers in worker coops are just employees. Worker coops are ad hoc organizations; they are created for a specific purpose. They don’t replicate and create new worker coops.
@ashtime @sule_becalm
The current reach of worker cooperatives, ESOPs, and EOTs is limited. They have not scaled (and won't scale) to a level that could address the needs of the entire workforce. These models mainly address issues within individual companies rather than at a societal level. Systemic problems like widespread income inequality and environmental sustainability require broader solutions. (Copilot, parenthetical emphasis is mine.)