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Jonathan D. Cope, Esq.

@sule_becalm @ashtime

Pardon me if something I said suggested that capitalism can be abolished. It will never be abolished. Capitalism will always be the preferred economic vehicle for small closely held corporations and venture capitalists. Some corporations are too large to be converted to worker coops, ESOPs, EOTs, or CCEs. Additionally, capitalism is endless in breadth and width.

Şule Albayrakoğlu replied to Jonathan D. Cope, Esq.

@commonscapitalism @ashtime Sorry I gave this answer to @ashtime . By the way capitalism may be abolished under different conditions and in a very long time.

Jonathan D. Cope, Esq. replied to Şule

@sule_becalm @ashtime

If it is abolished, it most likely would be the result of societal collapse caused by a failure of worker well-being. The question then is what would fill the economic and political void created by societal collapse, probably a society similar to western Europe's in the 6th century with the beginning of a new feudalistic order.

🍄ashtime🍄 replied to Jonathan D. Cope, Esq.

@commonscapitalism @sule_becalm Ok guys, you know that capitalism does not equal democracy and that we had different economic models in existence in the 20th century? How workers cooperatives work in #USA is jot the only model in the entire world. With the existence of #billionaires we already live in some kind of a #feudal system.

Şule Albayrakoğlu replied to 🍄ashtime🍄

@ashtime @commonscapitalism May be this can be called vulture capitalism. And we still don ot know the way of abolishing such a system out of capitalism dictates us. Maybe later in conjunction with changing energy/power resource, type of production , also means of prodyction, tecnology depending upon these changes social classes, social physchology, etc. not reforming in capitalist mode of production. By the way I am not against all these suggestions those cannot abolish capitalism.

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