@Radical_EgoCom Keine neue Palmölplantagen, dann macht der Kapitalismus etwas anderes, etwas umweltfreundlicheres. Die alternative zu Nutella zum Beispiel. Wenn kein Gewinn herausspringt, warum sollte man was ändern?
Dann gibt es eben das Produkt nicht mehr.
Wäre das besser?
I don't know why you seem to be so fixated on making sure the super rich stay super rich, but that is not my prerogative. I want to protect the environment and end social inequality, two things that capitalism is directly responsible for due to its prioritization of profit over the environment and human rights, a prioritization that stems from 1. The private ownership of the means of production, 2. Market Competition, and 3. The profit motive, three things that...1/2