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"Run-down countries, environmental pollution, it didn't matter, people, animals, nature." Your description fits America and many other capitalist countries. Both capitalist and socialist countries have had run-down living areas and plenty of pollution, unfortunately, but at least in socialist countries, they had free education and healthcare. 1/5



"[In the West] there was also pollution, but people had food and were free and traded." People starve in America all the time. If you think that America is a land of no starvation, then you've been told a lie about America. According to "Feeding America," More than 47 million people in the US face hunger, including 1 in 5 children: 2/5



"Why not a bit of both?" Because that isn't liberation, which is my goal for the working class. I want full liberation for the working class, not "half liberation," not a compromise where the capitalist gets to oppress us a teeny bit, COMPLETE LIBERATION! 3/5

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧


I don't think you want to make the rich richer. I never said that. What I think, based on what you've told me, is that you want to maintain the rich's wealth and power over the proletariat, i.e., "No revolution for the working class, you guys! Let's compromise with our oppressors, and maybe they'll be nicer to us if we try hard enough," which I've already explained why that is the worst thing for the working class to do. 4/5

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧


I am radical, but not like capitalism, as you blatantly and incorrectly suggested. Capitalism is radical for the continued oppression and subjugation of the working class. I am radical for the opposite: the destruction of capitalist oppression and subjugation and the liberation of the working class. 5/5

Süßes Bienchen replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧

@Radical_EgoCom ja du bist radikal und Radikalismus ist eben Schlecht.
Islam ist ok - Taliban ISIS ist radikal und tΓΆtet Menschen.
Christentum ist ok - KreuzzΓΌge und Missionierungen anders Glaubenden waren Mist.
Jede Form von Extremismus ist nicht gut.
Communismus ist gut gedacht aber schlecht durchgefΓΌhrt worden.
Kapitalismus ist gut fΓΌr die Entwicklung, aber zu viel fordert Opfer.
Merkst du jetzt das du auch falsch liegst.

Denke darΓΌber nach.

@Radical_EgoCom ja du bist radikal und Radikalismus ist eben Schlecht.
Islam ist ok - Taliban ISIS ist radikal und tΓΆtet Menschen.
Christentum ist ok - KreuzzΓΌge und Missionierungen anders Glaubenden waren Mist.
Jede Form von Extremismus ist nicht gut.
Communismus ist gut gedacht aber schlecht durchgefΓΌhrt worden.
Kapitalismus ist gut fΓΌr die Entwicklung, aber zu viel fordert Opfer.
Merkst du jetzt das du auch falsch liegst.

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to Süßes


You're talking as if you're completely disconnected from reality. Just watch the news or go online, and you'll see that the climate crisis and pollution are worse now than ever before. Whether that is because of capitalism or not is up for discussion (I'm of the opinion that it is), but pollution is objectively worse now under 1/4

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧


And what is this nonsense you're speaking of about "a few people are starving?" A few people? Your definition of "a few" must be skewed. Does 733 million people (1 in 11) sound like "a few people to you? According to "Comcern Worldwide US," that's how many people go hungry every day. 9 million die from hunger every year, many being children under 5.

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧


Also, you didn't prove that radicalism is always bad. Besides me not agreeing with 3 out of 4 of your examples (I don't think Islam or Christianity are okay even when not extreme, Communism has never been implemented, and I don't think every instance of socialism has been poorly executed) you presenting 4 examples of radicalism being bad doesn't prove that radicalism is always bad, only that those 4 examples are bad, which again, 3 out of 4 of which I don't agree with, 3/4

𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 replied to 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧

@Sweetbee no, I don't "realize that I am also wrong" because you didn't present any evidence that I'm wrong. You're the one who needs to think, particularly about the statistics I've sent you. 4/4

Süßes Bienchen

@Radical_EgoCom es hungern ein paar Menschen.
In DDR Zeiten gab es nicht mal genΓΌgend Obst fΓΌr Alle.

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