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Fuck Microsoft and Fuck Nadella.

As expected, the 24H2 update installed 'Recall', it can't be uninstalled.

To disable the Microcoft spyware, run this as admin

C:\Windows\System32>Dism /Online /Disable-Feature /Featurename:Recall

Can't vouch that all the people you share your screen, code, IP, private details, will disable theirs. consider NOT sharing anything ever again.

Michael Gale

@hareldan #Alt4You

Screenshot of a Windows command prompt in Administrator mode, showing "Recall" (the mentioned privacy nightmare features) being disabled.

Thomas Böttcher-Holschen

Come to the dark side. We hate cookies ;-). Switched to #linux_mint because of this. I started with dual boot, but I haven't used Windows in several months.


@veruhl this is a work laptop so the only other option is a mac.

(Not because we can't run Linux, because of all the other spyware we're required, like crowdstrike, etc)

I am seriously considering a @frameworkcomputer in the future


@hareldan @veruhl @frameworkcomputer Same, work laptop for me too and no other option. Just received a new one recently and I didn't install anything personal. It's still on 23H2 so got in before the Recall 😁

Lohikäärme 32 :amiga:

@veruhl @hareldan

Ping if something is confusing. Often online "why is this" are misinformed, or hostile to new users.

I'll try not to be.

Ben Todd


I have switched to Linux Mint on my laptop and it works like a champ. I'll probably install it on my desktop when win10 dies.


Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@veruhl @hareldan that's how it went for our mom also :)
dual boot but barely used Windows in the last years. she's also on Mint and currently so are we.

Thomas Böttcher-Holschen

@elexia @hareldan The only thing that hindered me from switching to Linux earlier was gaming. I used Linux Mint inside a VM. Then I discovered

Morning Song

@veruhl @elexia @hareldan yeah these days the big limitation Linux is high end productivity or creative software, like AutoCAD and Photoshop.

Aroop Roelofs :verified:

@veruhl "We hate cookies, we love mints tho"

Sadly, I can't move over to Linux just as-is because some pretty software I use, doesn't run on Linux (and Wine isn't a solution either) :\


Tim 🎮

@hareldan thanks for sharing this. Bookmarked so I can find it again whenever my PC gets that update.

Ryan The Red 🖥️🚲🍺🏳️‍🌈

@hareldan This is a little dramatic for the uninitiated, but to clarify instructions if you want to disable Recall:

- Tap the [Win] key and type "cmd"
- Click the Run as administrator option
- Paste the command: "Dism /Online /Disable-Feature /Featurename:Recall"

Your results should be something like:
Image Version: 10.0.26100.2033
Disabling feature(s)
The operation completed successfully.

Brett Flippin


Just adding this in, it’s now a dependency for File Explorer itself. If you remove it it literally deletes the Windows 11 File Explorer.

Although most of us know this but something disabled like this will definitely be turned back on without warning in a future update.


@bflipp I read about the file explorer thing previously, mine seems to still function correctly, but will surely be a factor in me tossing this laptop out if it does.

As for them re-enabling things, oh yes, after every update I go and uninstall and disable everything I can. Recall can't be disabled in the typical methods, but the check is also simple (for now at least)

Brett Flippin


You didn’t remove Recall. You just disabled it. I’m talking about deleting it. If you delete it File Explorer will break and/or kick you back to a cut down version similar to Windows 10’s explorer.

Brett Flippin


What I’m getting at is they have wound this thing around the core internals and functionality of Windows. It’s never going away.

Switching to Linux is imperative for every machine you have end to end control of.


@bflipp Gotcha.

I had the joy of also getting crowdstruck BSOD.

Not a good outlook for Windows.
This is a work laptop though, so I don't have complete control over these decisions, but certainly considering for any future personal devices.

Brett Flippin


I’m lucky that my IT guys are holding on to Windows 10 as long as possible and switching as many people to Mac as they can. Not that Apple Intelligence is any better/more secure than Recall.

I will still campaign for a Dell Precision with Ubuntu when they force an upgrade on me. I literally don’t do any work outside of my WSL install of Debian anyway.

I’ve been all Linux at home for years now though.

Chloe Raccoon

@bflipp @hareldan @Beckydog "or kick you back to a cut down version similar to Windows 10’s explorer." seems like an upgrade to me...

Chloe Raccoon

@frost @bflipp @hareldan @Beckydog I have no issue with not having tabs. I don't see the need to add them to everything. Why would I want them on my file manager? I don't see an advantage there over multiple windows, esp when dragging files, which is my primary use for multiple windows...


@chloeraccoon @bflipp @hareldan @Beckydog Depends how you use the file manager. Personally we use tabs quite a lot, not for dragging files but for working in separate but oftentimes related-to-the-same-task folders (like export images for one art thing + export images for a different art thing), and we use split panes for drag and drop, and we sometimes use multiple windows for drag and drop and we should probably do that more actually.

Chloe Raccoon

@frost The only advantage to tabs in explorer is if dragging a file you go to the tab at the top and wait for the current view to change, instead of down to the taskbar. Split panes isn't a thing, you need multiple windows for that.

Chloe Raccoon

@frost And when windows are hidden behind things tabs means I'd need to go to the taskbar to bring explorer to the front, the to the top of that window to select the tab - the tabs don't appear as a window list on the application's taskbar icon, only the active tab is. Well, it tells you that there are tabs, but not what they are or allows you to select them...


@bflipp @hareldan doesn't even go down to Windows 10 - I'm fairly certain it goes all the way back to the Windows 7 explorer!

Brett Flippin

@0xPortal @hareldan

Yeah I’m just going off of videos I’ve seen. I just know it looked suuuuper basic. Would not doubt that it’s Windows 7 at all.

Rich Felker

@bflipp @hareldan (Could you point to any instructions on how to actually delete it?)

Brett Flippin

@dalias @hareldan

Mint is the easiest distro to switch to. The Cinnamon desktop is similar to Windows 7 in workflow and functionality. Even non-technical users can run it fine even if they need it installed for them.

If you’re comfortable with running Windows debloat utilities you should just stop running Windows.

Rich Felker

@bflipp @hareldan FFS I probably know a thing or two about Lunix... 😂

What I was asking is how to remove Recall, without removing their OS, from the PC from someone who does not want me to wipe all their shit and force them to switch to something different.

Brett Flippin

@dalias @hareldan

I am not interested in giving you instructions that will likely break core functionality in Windows. Microsoft wound CoPilot around FILE EXPLORER. There’s no telling what else is broken or could be broken by future updates by removing it. They could also just slipstream it back in during an update defeating the purpose of removing it anyway.

You should devote your time and energy on moving people away from Windows instead. It’s incumbent on those that know how to teach those that don’t or the cycle of abuse Microsoft perpetuates against their users will never stop.

@dalias @hareldan

I am not interested in giving you instructions that will likely break core functionality in Windows. Microsoft wound CoPilot around FILE EXPLORER. There’s no telling what else is broken or could be broken by future updates by removing it. They could also just slipstream it back in during an update defeating the purpose of removing it anyway.

Brett Flippin


Enjoy supporting a hacked up and ruined version of Windows instead, genius.

Rich Felker replied to Brett

@bflipp You realize your behavior here is one of the things so offputting about the fediverse, right? You could try to tone it down and stop presuming you have standing to decide how others reorient the stuff underlying their lives.

Brett Flippin replied to Rich


I pointed out the logical fallacy in your desire to maintain a broken Windows install instead of acclimating to a new OS right now. One that doesn’t require you to break it in order to use it in safety and privacy.

Moving away from Windows is the only truly correct decision to make. I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s less work and less effort than maintaining broken Windows installs for the sake of privacy. If you disagree that’s fine.

khm replied to Brett
"posts are made with the best intentions"


@bflipp @dalias @hareldan > Even non-technical users can run it fine even if they need it installed for them.

Yeah, but be prepared to defend your treachery when they find out they can’t have Microsoft Solitaire anymore.

Brett Flippin

@toddz @dalias @hareldan

Does Gnome not ship with and provide their own version of Solitaire on Flathub?

But we should definitely let Microsoft keep up their abuse because of a card game. That’s a totally valid point.


@bflipp @dalias @hareldan I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek and speaking from experience. Point was: just don't underestimate the attachment "non-technical users"—e.g., octogenarian parents—have to the exact appearance and operation of the Windows applications they've been using for many years.

"Yes, you'll be able to play solitaire on Mint" I'd naively warranted. But no Linux alternative is an exact clone. In my desperate Googling I found the internet awash with people pleading *"pleeaase how can I install Microsoft Solitaire on Linux to make my parents happy! I don't want to support Windows again!"*

@bflipp @dalias @hareldan I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek and speaking from experience. Point was: just don't underestimate the attachment "non-technical users"—e.g., octogenarian parents—have to the exact appearance and operation of the Windows applications they've been using for many years.

"Yes, you'll be able to play solitaire on Mint" I'd naively warranted. But no Linux alternative is an exact clone. In my desperate Googling I found the internet awash with people pleading *"pleeaase how can...

Brett Flippin

@toddz @dalias @hareldan

It is incumbent on those of us with the knowledge to guide those that don’t understand exactly what Microsoft is doing with Windows now. I will not let people I care about run an OS that so deeply compromises their data and their privacy. I don’t feel like anyone with a conscience would either.

I would rather do this than waste my time disabling or removing a service over and over and over again for said non-technical user after it’s automatically reenabled/reinstalled in any random update.

@toddz @dalias @hareldan

It is incumbent on those of us with the knowledge to guide those that don’t understand exactly what Microsoft is doing with Windows now. I will not let people I care about run an OS that so deeply compromises their data and their privacy. I don’t feel like anyone with a conscience would either.

Mathias Hasselmann

@bflipp Even worse: There soon will be an unfortunate "bug" that ignores your setting. Latest when and if Trump becomes president.


Brett Flippin

@taschenorakel @hareldan

Trump’s election has no bearing on Microsoft’s ongoing invasion of your privacy.

Microsoft let the Chinese military have basically root access to M365 for 7 months because they promoted a staging environment admin account without MFA to production and have received literally zero consequences from our Department of Justice.

Besides that Kamala Harris is a San Francisco Democrat wholly in the pocket of Silicon Valley. They all are. Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, etc…Too much money to not be.

@taschenorakel @hareldan

Trump’s election has no bearing on Microsoft’s ongoing invasion of your privacy.

Microsoft let the Chinese military have basically root access to M365 for 7 months because they promoted a staging environment admin account without MFA to production and have received literally zero consequences from our Department of Justice.

Mathias Hasselmann

@bflipp That fascist already announced boldly to persecute everone not following him and his agenda. Microsoft Recall will be one of the tools to establish Trump's dictatorship. Don't believe me? Read the history books how the NSDAP ensured its ultimate power. Software like Recall is the perfect tool for estabishing a modern version of the Gestapo.


Mathias Hasselmann

@bflipp And no: Trump doesn't have to be friend with Microsoft or anyone. He'll just seize this doom machine.


Brett Flippin

@taschenorakel @hareldan

Please don’t assume you need to explain fascism to me.

I’m trying to tell you that Kamala and the Democrats especially are captured by the same money and people.

What you are talking about has been and will continue to happen. Mostly weaponized against black people and other minorities. The same as it would be under Trump.

Local, State, and Federal governments are already the largest purchasers of data about the populace. Peter Thiel literally runs the largest of these companies and their primary customer is the government. He literally just signed another $500 million contract in May.

@taschenorakel @hareldan

Please don’t assume you need to explain fascism to me.

I’m trying to tell you that Kamala and the Democrats especially are captured by the same money and people.

What you are talking about has been and will continue to happen. Mostly weaponized against black people and other minorities. The same as it would be under Trump.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@hareldan This is not the correct way to ensure that microsoft won't track you anymore.

Here is the correct method:

format C:


Jan Schiefer

@hareldan This looks like a clear sell signal for MSFT stock.

Mensch Meier :anarchismred:

In which stock market you are active in? When in recent memory did especially any #Windows news moved the stock price of Microsoft 😅. If anything pushing their #Recall feature is something "the shareholders" should love. They don't care about the users of the OS that much. @hareldan

Jan Schiefer

@Sdfendor @hareldan Agree that it won't move the needle on the stock price. I am thinking more of the long term.

Many of "the shareholders" are looking to the company's management to make sound business decisions and manage risk appropriately. When management loses the plot, it's time to get out.

So why would a shareholder love #Recall?


@hareldan did Microsoft not added a switch option in settings to turn recall off ?

But yes, the forgot the uninstall option.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@hareldan I.consider #Windows a #Govware and #Windows11 a #Malware that is incapable of complying with #BDSG & #GDPR and I expect @bsi and @EUCommission to ban the use of any Windows machine because if that.

- #Microsoft can't be trusted as they are acting under duress (#CloudAct) and are known for.comitting illegal #espionage (#PRISM collaboration!)...

Anything else but a flatout #WindowsBan due to #Recall is undue leniency and would look like a conditionless surrender by regulators.

- But I guess @noybeu has to sue companies into compliance!

@hareldan I.consider #Windows a #Govware and #Windows11 a #Malware that is incapable of complying with #BDSG & #GDPR and I expect @bsi and @EUCommission to ban the use of any Windows machine because if that.

- #Microsoft can't be trusted as they are acting under duress (#CloudAct) and are known for.comitting illegal #espionage (#PRISM collaboration!)...


@hareldan sorry but isn't your PC supposed to be a CoPilot+ device to be able to even use these Recall features? I've got 24H2 and the feature is installed, but Recall settings are nowhere to be seen. It's not doing anything, since my PC is not a CoPilot+ device. So meh... 🤷‍♂️

@hareldan i heard that breaks windows explorer

@hareldan Nice one ... good to know that my 3.500€ Surface Laptop Studio 2 I have bought less than a year ago isn't going to support that.

wall-e / Daniel

@hareldan this is gonna be such a headache for companies...
Imagine getting an art. 15/16/17 GDPR request. Now you'd technically have to scour all your employees Recall DBs as well, no?

Murteza Yesil 🇺🇦

If Microsoft gets into the habit of enabling this every now and then without users' consent, Microsoft will have a lawsuit in their hands at some point. Taking regular screenshots is a very bad security habit and against many companies' security policy.

I wonder how long it will take before some company suffers a data leak thanks to Microsoft's recall.

Thank you for sharing the instructions to disable it.

Artur Neumann

@hareldan that also means that whatever you ever share with a windows user, is out there to fetch for M$

Neko the gamer

@hareldan damn, not sharing anything ever again? that’s… pretty hard to do

Xerz! :blobcathearttrans:
@hareldan isn't that the same thing as uninstalling from the features panel?
Chris :mastozany:

@hareldan I fear that ransomware gangs will love Recall 🙄


@hareldan thank you for your efforts. You are protecting our freedom by doing this

Joachim Ziebs

@hareldan Will this update be installed on all Win11 installations? Asking for my wife's laptop.

Sir Richard :verified: 🇺🇸🍿

@hareldan Great Information. Sharing this with my friends who may have upgraded without waiting to see the issues with this release.

Thank you!

🐘🐘 Humpleupagus 🐘🐘
A simpler solution is to stick a linux installer on a flash drive, reboot, enter the boot menu, boot the flash drive, and write windows out of existence. 🤷‍♂️


By the way, the file explorer has a dependency on this shit! If you delete all the files, have fun using a legacy file explorer, because fuck you (says Microsoft).


Linux people have been trying to warn Windows users... They only had to listen...


@hareldan At least this will help motivating me to transition to Linux as soon as Win 10 support ends.


@hareldan @Verso

It’s not going to transition into corporate IT well.



This is for Win11 only still, right? Online search seems to point to yes, but wanted to confirm. My work system is still on Win10 so I'm wondering if I need to deal with this somehow.

Martin Seeger

@hareldan They just want to make sure that when I update my Win10 gaming PC I will switch to Linux.

Thorsten Winkler

@hareldan As all the users, even governments and companies, stick with Windows - no matter what they do in terms of privacy - why should Microsoft change it's behavior? I really don't get it.

:sgahri_shy: Vavency :sgahri_sparkle: Windows users get the linux experience. ​:silvervale_lols:​

Actually, no. Linux doesn't have such spyware. ​:spookyvale_evil:​

Ludovic Archivist Lagouardette

@hareldan Because of my NDAs, I can't switch to Windows 11 due to this trash, I can't know when it's gonna re-enable itself and it is bullshit

@hareldan I wouldn't upgrade to 11 even if I was paid to at this point. Copilot and Recall are major deal breakers.

@hareldan Listen, we, the tech community, have been saying that MS is the enemy for over two decades. They've spun up a mildly usable cloud and have polished their image by embracing Linux, but at their core they're still a big evil corp.

Bishop Whitewind

@hareldan or you could just stop using Windows you maniacs :)


@hareldan per a few weeks ago Recall is supposed to be limited to Copilot+ PCs and specifically opt-in, not out. Is this not the case...?

jahway603 :archlinux:

@lyrenhex @hareldan Microsoft back pedaled on what they saif they were going to do and decided to make it non opt-able.

Alonely0 🦀

@hareldan recall would be awesome provided Microsoft could be trusted. I already have the habit on all my devices of taking screenshots of stuff I wanna save for later, something that organizes them (like the watered-down recall) would be fucking incredible.


@hareldan it's in the name recall: rec-all

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