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jahway603 :archlinux:

@lyrenhex @hareldan Microsoft back pedaled on what they saif they were going to do and decided to make it non opt-able.

1 comment

@jahway603 @hareldan are you specifically able to confirm that?

For a myriad reasons, I don't consider a DISM feature being enabled sufficient proof that Recall is functionally enabled: Microsoft communications visibly showed options outside of the DISM framework for disabling Recall, which may be how it was intended to be turned off by default. This is not an unreasonable design decision.

I'm asking because I want to know, but don't currently have the update: if someone does have it and can specifically confirm that

- there is no setting for Recall outside of DISM, or that such a setting is enabled by default, and
- Recall actually does perform snapshots on devices without an NPU

then that would be great to know. but I haven't seen a single clarification that this is the case, only DISM command outputs...

I'm especially doubtful that there isn't any user-friendly way to at least opt out, as that was in the original design spec which was already concerning to the ICO: making it mandatory would guarantee action from the ICO, which I highly doubt Microsoft want.

@jahway603 @hareldan are you specifically able to confirm that?

For a myriad reasons, I don't consider a DISM feature being enabled sufficient proof that Recall is functionally enabled: Microsoft communications visibly showed options outside of the DISM framework for disabling Recall, which may be how it was intended to be turned off by default. This is not an unreasonable design decision.

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