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6 posts total

FYI, Cheap electric cars from China won't solve anything.
More cars, won't solve anything.
Electric cars are still cars.
Autonomous cars are still cars.
Cars won't solve anything, no matter what some rich fuck told the other rich fuck.

Ilya Zverev

@hareldan I had almost the same wrt classic mapping. I made @everydoor to get my mind off mapping: now it's a background task when I'm outside (meaning fresh air keeps the head from diving into mapping 100%).

Doesn't always work (malls and old towns easily spin it into 2-hours dedicated mapping session), but better than spending days in JOSM.


I love the fact that "geo" includes, on the one hand, super complex algorithms and technologies that have to be precise to the nth degree or stuff would go out of sync and our modern life will come to a standstill, yet also includes a guy with some twine and a compass staking out something in a field.


y'all paying for Mapbox API? or just scraping public keys from github

Ilya Zverev

@hareldan Fun fact: doesn't have Mapbox layers because somebody got the keys and ate up my quota. Of course no way to set up limits there.

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