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My daughter is trying to convince me that the phrase "social butterfly" implies the existence of a "social caterpiller", which justifies her wrapping herself in a quilt, her "social cocoon", and refusing to get up today.

I have to admit it's a pretty good argument. Solid wordplay, reasonable-sounding if ridiculous conclusions, ticks all the boxes. Kinda dad-proud right now, gotta say.

Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS!

That's damn good, I'll be stealing it. Please tell her thanks from me.

Frederik Braun �

@mhoye I kinda want to push back on you calling it a ridiculous conclusion.


@freddy In a certain fall-morning light it does seem reasonable, yeah.

Chris Murphy

@mhoye As much as I dislike “X implies Y” jokes I gotta say this one is pretty cute.


@mhoye Your daughter is going places.

Maybe not today, but eventually.


@chrisod @mhoye today she's staying in bed wrapped in a cocoon

Rachel Rawlings

@mhoye I've never considered myself a social butterfly, but long before the term "mental health days" came along, I called days I just wanted to stay home and rest "coccooning." Your daughter is spot on.

(The term also works when you get out of the shower on a cold morning and jump right back under the blankets.)



I do that even before the shower, in cold mornings. .


Eduardo Mercovich (él)

I'd say she totally won the right to stay on her cocoon for a little while... :)
(and will also be very proud in your place). :D


@mhoye I should have known as a kid that word play counts as argument... :blobcat_angel:

Karen E. Lund 💙💛

@mhoye Sounds like an introvert to me.

Introverts are not (all) shy. Some of us can be quite outgoing, but it takes some emotional and intellectual energy, so we need a little "caterpillar time" alone to rest and recover our social energy.

PS: Your daughter is a genius.



there are even different definitions of "introvert" and "extrovert".
The common one:
introvert = shy
extrovert = outgoing

The other one:
introvert = loses energy when socialising
extrovert = gains energy when socialising

And I find the latter much better.


Medea Vanamonde🏳️‍⚧️ ♀

@mhoye as long as she’s not listening to Joy Division when wrapped up then it might just be a phase

Ben Aveling

@mhoye maybe don’t remind her that a cocooned caterpillar is rebuilding itself into something new and completely different.

Fjord In Progress

@mhoye @sheepnik Better be careful not to stay in a cocoon for too long. If you metamorphose into a butterfly you’ll have to go out and talk with people…

Gotta love critical thinking and idea synthesis skills growth demonstrations. :abunhdhappyhop:

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon

@mhoye I think she has that one one won, until she leaves the cocoon, then butterfly time under her own rules.

Jose Luis Peruyero

Remind her that if her reasoning is right, she will have to melt in an indifferenciated nasty goon inside the cocoon.


@mhoye my youngest is a social caterpillar, and they need to eat more pieces of cake...


@mhoye I'd vote for her in a heartbeat... Good logic.


@mhoye The dadgame is strong with your daughter.


@mhoye I remember that in the late 90s / early aughts, I saw the term "cocooning" pushed in Germany as a trend.

It was mainly used by mortgage providers wanting to get everyone to buy houses.

That said, I applaud your daughter´s argument. She has my support.


@mhoye Sounds like you've got yourself the entire new field of Social Etymology here


@mhoye awesome. Although for our family I think our kid is the social butterfly and we (parents) are the caterpillars.


@mhoye Smart kids are both a blessing and a curse.


@mhoye @ghost_shit That 100% works for introverts who do enjoy the company of their friends and going out, but need to work their way up to being ready for it. Psyche themselves in to it.

I’m definitely going to start using it.


@mhoye Never thought about it, but I guess?

Ronnie (they/them)

That sounds better than my usual anti-social butterfly.


@mhoye your daughter is definitely on to something there. Social Caterpillar - explains a lot 🤔


@Scmbradley @TheBreadmonkey @mhoye

Live, Laugh, Larva means we'll all be worm food.

Infinity Counter 🟦

@mhoye Entirely reasonable. Snacks must be left nearby for when the butterfly emerges.

wauz ワウズ

Früher™ gab es mal einen Knopf, mit dem man die Prozessorfrequenz herunter schalten konnte. Ich vermute mal, das wäre in solchen Fällen ganz praktisch...


@mhoye What a great argument! When my kids were school age, I gave them one free mental health day a month to stay home for any reason. This clever use of words and concepts might have earned an extra day!


@mhoye I gotta say I agree with her. Top tier logicing

🤍🌻 Elle has a shimmery 🖋

@mhoye This is just great, you are the second person I've seen boost this onto my tl, I love it.


@mhoye not to nitpick, but this would technically result in a social moth

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