@Daojoan @violetmadder @storyworker
Passively accepting one’s role in an unjust status quo is a perfectly reasonable survival strategy, but it doesn’t make that status quo good or just.
Your landlord isn’t providing you with housing. You are providing your landlord with housing. If landlords did not hoard more housing than they could personally use to collect feudal rents from tenants like you, then housing costs would be dramatically lower, all else being equal.
@HeavenlyPossum @Daojoan @violetmadder that doesn't answer my question- from whom am I to rent?
Sorry, but your statement about my landlord "not providing me housing" is unreasonable. They have provided me more than housing - they have provided me a home, one where I have been able to dramatically rebuild what was a pretty awful life.
So..are 6iu able to answer *my* question? A question with an emotional and experienced basis in *my* life. Talk to me - not concepts.