@storyworker @violetmadder @Daojoan
> “from whom am I to rent?”
Landlords, of course, in the same way that feudal peasants would have received the same answer to the same question.
I’m not telling you that you’re doing anything wrong. “The system in which we’re forced to live is unjust” doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong by renting. I too am a renter.
> “They have provided me more than housing - they have provided me a home, one where I have been able to dramatically rebuild what was a pretty awful life.”
No, they are using their control of a scarce resource to extract rents from you. Unless they’re renting to you at a loss, your rent is paying for the capital costs on the house—the mortgage, upkeep, etc. *You* finance their ownership of the house in which you live, with no ownership rights despite paying those capital costs.
You might also be paying them wages on top of buying them a house, if your rent is greater than those capital costs.
@HeavenlyPossum @violetmadder @Daojoan this is the problem with so much discourse these days - I've offered you a personal and heartfelt reflection of my own experience as a renter, and you've remained lost on a labyrinth of words and concepts. Life is an experience between people, not concepts and word play. Your need to remain cynical is yours alone.