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Veronica Explains

Since folks have asked, I'll elaborate a bit.

I believe Google/Microsoft/OpenAI/et al will increasingly work to strip search results which provide alternatives to their own products, and that includes self-hosted media.

I've seen this when I've attempted to cover using RSS feeds instead of YouTube subscriptions- I have no reason to trust Google to surface Google alternatives in good faith.

Clark W Griswold until 25-Dec

@vkc You have no reason to trust them..:and you have ample reason to distrust them. They’re not an unknown quantity. They have a track record.

Scott Williams 🐧

@vkc Back when I was on #Facebook, multiple times I had posts about my personal #Nextcloud server taken down as "spam".

Veronica Explains

There will come a point where you ask internet-oracle-of-choice "how do I self-host a Netflix alternative" and they will intentionally give you bad advice in order to discourage you.

That point is coming sooner rather than later, and we need to train *an entire generation* of internet users how to get out of this trap.

That's *our* work to do, RIGHT NOW.


@vkc I really need to figure out how to get the movies on the NAS to end up on the TV without going through a Chromecast...

Veronica Explains

@socketwench LibreELEC is really good at this.

I personally spun up Jellyfin though, there's a supported Kodi plugin and it handles everything like a champ. Pretty sure a spare Pi could handle it (I hope to cover this in a video soon, just need to finish the damn basement first).


@vkc House stuff takes *forever* especially if you're doing it alone.

I do have a miniPC I got from FreeGeek with LibreELEC on it. I should see about using that someday.

Veronica Explains

@socketwench It's pretty great- I've got at least three videos scripted in a series I'm calling "So you want to self host your media", but I really want to do it like a cheesy infomercial and not a typical episode.


@vkc I volunteer to be the cheesy, bedazzled customer who is wowed by the solution.


@vkc @socketwench I second Jellyfin, it's pretty cool. Depending on what you have you can use several things as a client to consume that stuff: am app on your TV itself, a Kodi box, some streaming box, an HTPC and probably more. I went with an Nvidia Shield.

Miah Johnson

@socketwench @vkc

Start here: Is a simple Linux installation with KODI. It will "just work" when installed on a NUC and hooked up to your tv.

Then also check out to setup a server to share your media on your network.

After you have libreelec and jellyfin, you can install a jellyfin video add-on into KODI.

A remote that works 'out of the box' Rii Mini K25 ~$30

Miah Johnson

@socketwench @vkc If you have a "smart tv" or use a plug-in device like apple, amazon, google, roku there is likely a Jellyfin app you can install through their store. Though I recommend the libreelec/kodi way as its not a device tracking everything you do =)

Lastly, if you do go libreelec/kodi/nuc you will be able to control kodi well with the remote I mentioned, but... not your TV. This is because of HDMI CEC support, this can be solved with a USB device, details here:


@miah @socketwench @vkc Jellyfin smart TV apps are tracking users?

Miah Johnson

@tehstu @socketwench @vkc Jellyfin isn't, but the smart tv itself is, as are the devices sold by apple, amazon, google, roku, etc


@miah @socketwench @vkc well, but it would be the same with a Kodi device connected to HDMI, right? Sorry to nit pick, I'm just trying to understand what additional tracking might be at play. I've turned off device and Roku picture scanning, for instance.

Miah Johnson

@tehstu @socketwench @vkc kodi is a open source application. Its not tracking anything.

If a device is hooked up to a smart tv through hdmi its possible your tv is doing automatic content recognition still and collecting all that data.

If you really want to limit what can be collected, ditch the smart tv, go buy a used display from a thrift store.


@miah @socketwench @vkc Gotcha, thank you! Yeah, I've turned all that nonsense off. Assuming Roku honors the setting.


@socketwench @vkc Jellyfin is my go-to choice since it's FOSS, but people seem to like Plex as well. You can point the libraries at the NAS directories and then use their apps to play on pretty much anything.

I have the Jellyfin app on my Nvidia Shield and it works perfectly.


@socketwench @vkc
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned minidlna.

If your TV is any kind of smart TV, it has all the stuff built in to play videos from a DLNA server.


@leeloo @socketwench @vkc I've run minidlna on a raspberry pi (model 1B) with a usb drive for storage successfully. I think because it defaults to not transcoding and just streams the video the cpu requirements are minimal. It's been painless (but I moved it to a different computer a few years ago).

DLNA also works with older bluray players just fine if you don't have a smart TV.


@socketwench Another option, if you want an appliance:

Per the web page, storage can be expanded by hooking something up via one of the USB ports, or a microSD card. It also has wired gigabit Ethernet so I'd expect you can coax (no pun intended) it into accessing the files on your NAS through that.


FediThing 🏳️‍🌈


Also, important to emphasise you don't need to be a techy person to host your own services any more.

There are lots of independent managed hosting companies which will do the techy stuff for you, but you own and run the service and can move it to a different host if you want to.

Apologies for plug, but I run a website trying to encourage and help non-technical people to set up their own online sites and services at:


Raito Bezarius

@vkc that might be hot take and there's a lot to work to be done but this is why I am really convinced by NixOS style ecosystems where all the expertise knowledge on how to self host X software is crowdsourced by many smart people and *packaged* into a usable to a non-expert developer audience

In the future, I hope to see more docs of how to run "personal services in a box" or "org services in a box"


just a fwiw:

*If* you'd like to watch something, almost anything, from the 'before times' (before it was all streaming)
Check the Internet Archive 1st



@vkc you encourage me to finally set up my home media server for my kids.


@anders @vkc Anders, could you share how you do it? I’d like to do something similar

Old Man in the Shoe

@vkc OpenAI does this now with AI related questions. I used it, very early, to help build a site using Generative AI and parameter optimization. I would have never been able to do it without ChatGPT teaching me and then in the next few updates they nerfed the ability to get it to teach you about practical AI programming (LSTM training even).


@vkc I've seen a lot of people talk about self-hosting and some amazing tutorials on setting up everything, but I feel like they leave the important part of how are you going to the internet. The DNS part is always left out most of the time. I might be wrong but don't you need a DNS provider if you don't have a static IP. I want to self-host but I get confused on the DNS part, for example, "example. com" can point to a static IP but if your IP changes often, then what to do at that point.

DeManiak 🇿🇦

@pikachu_sensei @vkc what you are talking about is "dynamic DNS"( DDNS).

To make this work you will need:
- a domain, hosted somewhere that supports DDNS
- some automated way to check your external IP
- then take that IP and update your DNS record(s) with that IP

Some router manufacures make this easy by giving you a sub-domain under something they own, and built-in functionality to update it.

Some platform providers like linode make it pretty easy to update DNS records via an API call.

I hope the above would at least serve as sufficient info to at least get a sensible search going

@pikachu_sensei @vkc what you are talking about is "dynamic DNS"( DDNS).

To make this work you will need:
- a domain, hosted somewhere that supports DDNS
- some automated way to check your external IP
- then take that IP and update your DNS record(s) with that IP

Some router manufacures make this easy by giving you a sub-domain under something they own, and built-in functionality to update it.

Mid-sized Ackman

@pikachu_sensei @vkc you can use a provider who offers dynamic DNS (ddns) and configure your router to regularly update it. You'll need to open a port in your firewall, and set up a port forwarding rule.

If you're using CloudFlare as your name server, you can run a tunnel which will let you mask your IP address behind theirs. They've got a container that works really well for docker compose stacks, DDoS protection, and there's no need to open a port on your router.


@pikachu_sensei @vkc
The search term you need is "dynamic DNS"


@pikachu_sensei @vkc This is why we have a VPS (virtual Cloud™ machine). We don't run most things on the VPS (well, we run a few things on it, like our email, for reliability). Instead it's a bounce point, and mostly just relays stuff down to our desktop. Our desktop keeps a persistent VPN tunnel to the VPS so it can receive incoming connections.

This also gets around the fact that we don't control our internet connection, so we would have no way to forward incoming connections to us even if we had a dynamic DNS setup.

@pikachu_sensei @vkc This is why we have a VPS (virtual Cloud™ machine). We don't run most things on the VPS (well, we run a few things on it, like our email, for reliability). Instead it's a bounce point, and mostly just relays stuff down to our desktop. Our desktop keeps a persistent VPN tunnel to the VPS so it can receive incoming connections.


@vkc The last time I asked The Internet Oracle ( something, I got told off for not groveling enough, and now I think I owe them something ironic? 😄

Julio J.

@vkc that's already happening when you Google stuff for torrents and such, usually the first results are bulk generated pages where they offer you download or stream stuff but then either there's no download button or they point to "legit" streaming services. Most of the piracy related stuff is artificially downranked specially for keywords like "torrent" or "download".


@vkc The list of #GAFAM alternatives should be spread widely. One list I know was prism break. I am not sure if its updated but it is a good starting place

Longplay Games :pc_color: 🎮

@vkc I still find the best solution for videos is a DVD player that also has an awesome local video browser, like the inexpensive Philips DVD/Blu-ray player from Walmart.

It's able to handle pretty much anything that's h.264.

Les Orchard

@vkc This is a thing I keep running into and I feel dumb because it surprises me every time: folks who either have no idea that self-hosting is possible or, even weirder, somehow think that self-hosting anything is ILLEGAL. Like, DIY anything on the internet is an impossibility beyond reach.

And I forget that I grew up with dial-up BBSes run on personal computers in bedrooms. And web servers on hardware we assembled with domain names we bought. Even as cloud came around, internet services running under our own accounts.

Seems like all of that is not even a memory to a lot of folks today, because they've never seen it in action in their lifetimes.

@vkc This is a thing I keep running into and I feel dumb because it surprises me every time: folks who either have no idea that self-hosting is possible or, even weirder, somehow think that self-hosting anything is ILLEGAL. Like, DIY anything on the internet is an impossibility beyond reach.

And I forget that I grew up with dial-up BBSes run on personal computers in bedrooms. And web servers on hardware we assembled with domain names we bought. Even as cloud came around, internet services running...

Brooke Vibber :blobcatcoffee:

@lmorchard @vkc this is exactly why the fediverse is so important to me...

being able to show the next generation that many individuals can work together to create a network without a central authority that's beholden only to shareholders...

and we're not gone yet :D

multiple implementations, small and self-hosted sites sit side-by-side with beheamoths like m.s

and that's as it should be <3

mos_8502 :verified:

@lmorchard @vkc I believe you, but I would really like to see some of these “illegal” claims, so I have screenshots to use when it suits me.

Irenes (many)

@mos_8502 @lmorchard @vkc it's not quite about self-hosting, but there's a recurring theme where, when cops put out statements about people they've arrested, they emphasize that the person owned a 3D printer


@ireneista it never clicked for me where all those illegal claims were coming from until you said this.

In communications and on tv shows, by always drawing attention to the "bad guys" in that way (badGuy™ had X, did y, etc) they've convinced people that perfectly legal things are illegal.

There is probably also a healthy amount of chain letters/spam/rumors that don't help with that either. But I don't think I've seen any chain letters that would cause people to look down on you like announcing that you use a VPN or encryption does sometimes.

@mos_8502 @lmorchard @vkc

@ireneista it never clicked for me where all those illegal claims were coming from until you said this.

In communications and on tv shows, by always drawing attention to the "bad guys" in that way (badGuy™ had X, did y, etc) they've convinced people that perfectly legal things are illegal.

There is probably also a healthy amount of chain letters/spam/rumors that don't help with that either. But I don't think I've seen any chain letters that would cause people to look down on you like announcing that...


@lmorchard @vkc even if its during their lifetimes its like expecting people to understand that they can simply build a combustion engine anytime they want, or begin farming again, many people dont realize you can just plant that thing you eating right now and get a new one

Security Writer :verified: :donor:

@vkc @Adam_Cadmon1 God damn. This.

Preserve, pass on, make alternatives.

You already get copyright warnings from the chatbot response, when searching for firmware or other files which should be readily available.

Security Writer :verified: :donor:

@vkc @Adam_Cadmon1 Lots of people suggesting LibreELEC, which is great.

I’m currently using TrueNAS as my media server though, and it’s bulletproof if built correctly… oh and FAST.

Those that only know streaming and on demand services will be blown away by the performance of any locally hosted media server running on solid state disks.

laurent oget

@vkc those same company own your internet provider though, and if self hosting bothers them they can make it hard to do on their network - what are we going to do next - build our own broadband?

Sven Slootweg

@laurentoget @vkc If that's what it ends up taking to maintain a functional internet, then yes. But thankfully the internet backbones are generally in a much better place than the major web companies are.

Veronica Explains

@laurentoget I do 90% of my self-hosting *away* from the public internet. I don't need access away from home- that was something that took getting used to. I stripped things back to what was necessary to be happy, even if smaller. That's always an option.

Pete Keen

@vkc I have a bunch of stuff self-hosted, including Jellyfin. I've been trying to make sure that my kids (8 and 5) understand that when they use Jellyfin, the videos they're watching are coming from the computer in the basement, which they've touched and looked inside of.

Trying to plant little seeds early. We'll see how it goes.

Vesna Manojlovic

@vkc “we” already have the so-called NotFlix : a solution hosted by a group of friends, but it’s as secret as a Fight Club ! (I’m supposed to NOT talk about it!)


community-supported and collectively cared-for infrastructure :1000:

HP van Braam :verified:

@vkc yeah, there's also a large group of people who just claim that running anything yourself is "a nightmare" and essentially call people who do a kind of digital Luddite.

It's very discouraging, some part of it is undoubtedly that asking a lot of people who DO run this themselves aren't great at explaining things.

I'm glad you're jumping into the fray!

... I should really finish and publish my guide on how to run your own email server. *Shame*

Nemes Content

@vkc oh yeah I'm expecting this too. It's why I've been looking into alternative ways to construct a feed if they ever pull RSS support. Even been looking into newsletters.

Cesare Pautasso

@vkc just like when the birdsite started to censor fediverse accounts

@vkc I'm scared of that sort of thing as well. It would be great when decentralised search is finally perfected.
Joseph Dickson

@vkc RE: RSS, fifteen years ago Indeed, the job website used to support RSS, it was fantastic. Filtering out old posts for new ones was easy. Today, they've disabled that feature and their website is useless and prioritizes content based on their own interests. The Internet is slowly dying to prop up bad algorithms. 🙄

@josephdickson @vkc Indeed's business model at this point is extorting companies for payment to be able to remove expired/outdated postings.

Which goes a *long* way to explain the quality (or lack thereof) of its contemporary results.

@vkc I see this even now. Remember not too long ago when you’d search for something and the best answer was on some random guy’s blog? I don’t often see those random blogs anymore… that knowledge is out there, somewhere, but is it only AI crawlers that see it and will take credit for it?

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