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Eugen Rochko

Language selection is now available in the Mastodon web app. Make sure your posts are seen by people who understand them!

Supports quickly finding the right language with fuzzy search and remembers your most frequently selected languages.



@Gargron that's a great feature, thanks man! :)


@Gargron will it be implemented in the android app as well?


@Gargron language per toot??? :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatrainbow:


@Gargron interesting, i am implementing something similar. How does it federate?


@Gargron Works great!

But ehh.. we might have an issue here :mastolaughing: :blobcatcofesip: (joking)


@Gargron I am still seeing languages other than English when that is the only one selected in the section that says
"Public timelines
Filter languages
When checked, only posts in selected languages will be displayed in public timelines"


@Gargron Will this be available in the Android app anytime soon?

Velocipede Rider

@Gargron 🤔 why do I not have this? Running v3.5.2.

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode:

@Gargron I've defined my few languages of choice in my preferences already. (If Masto doesn't filter my timeline as you wrote here, I don't get what for.)

Why not auto-detect and suggest toot language among those preselected langs using stopwords with user override possibility? I detect blog article language between EN and DE using that in my blogging software.

✓ FF255 🇫🇷 🇪🇺


[fr-FR] un langage seulement par pouet !?

[EN] One only language / toot!?


Justinas Dūdėnas

@Gargron nice, thank you!
It could be improved even more. Nobody can write in all the languages, most people can in two or three. So only a few items in this language list are ever relevant to each user.
Maybe language list could use only manually chosen languages? Or it can be pre-filtered using the same language filter we use for reading?


@Gargron is there a way to select more than one language? I'm writing German + English on one account , but if i choose one, people who filter, either don't see stuff meant for the german writing community or or the worldwide art community on my server.
I often even have the description in both languages in one toot
I chose English for now, cause most germans speak that, but ppl more interested in only german writing stuff for example, won't see my #ed posts, when i set the language to Engl


@Gargron then i have to hope that the germans didn't kick english as language.
Do followers also don't see my posrs if written in "the wrong language" if they havw a filtersystem for language on?

Eugen Rochko

@uddelhexe_ Home feed is never language filtered. Mostly the language affects the explore tab.


@Gargron thanks a lot for building that feature ☺️


@Gargron And what about a "search on language"? :mastogrin:


@Gargron Not really sure.. But for example, I would love to find some more ppl from the NL but neither search not the user dir gives some options I think?

I don't want to set my account pref to only English and Dutch for that but do want maybe a lang dropdown on hashtag search results? I dunno..

(since our search is limited to interacted etc)

Eugen Rochko

@stux The explore tab would give you Dutch content if there was any


@Gargron Ah got it! But that's according to my interface language correct? 🤔


@Gargron Ah okay.. Thing is.. :blobcatgiggle:

Since we got Explore im over on English UI lang since we've never had anything Dutch trending :sad_cat: )posts or links) so it's very sad there

I hope in the future we can also change the iOS app lang :)

Eugen Rochko

@stux One of my next goals is to rework how trends are stored to allow retrieving more than one language, because currently the explore tab is empty if there is no activity in your interface language.


@Gargron That would be awesome!😄

I always post in English but often only see my posts in trending under English :blobcatgiggle: Makes sense but also not!

Filling it with other lang trending if none if available in UI lang would be totally okay I guess :blobcathearts:

M.I.A.'s Ghost 🇺🇦🇨🇦

@Gargron @stux This sounds great. The world is largely not English speaking so localization of the UI and searchability in multiple languages is a must. Also to repeat myself all code should be migrated away from GitHub to something not controlled by American Big Tech.


@Gargron @stux Will explore tab ever give local news and trends?

Eugen Rochko

@DarkWraithLord @stux Mastodon doesn’t know your physical location, so this will probably never be a thing

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