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Lett Osprey

Many, many years ago, a new specification called "XML" emerged. After a bit, people realized it was kinda useful for some stuff.

Then, something happened.


I imagine many conversations between managers / developers somewhat like this:

M: "So, what is the nice thing with #XML

D: "oh, it is a specification that simplifies stuff, since tools have a clean format to work with."

M: "So, what kinda specifications?"

D: "Oh, it can be more or less anything."

M: *starry eyed!* "an.. an... anything?"

I was teaching computer courses for companies at that point. Suddenly, my calendar was just packed with XML courses.

It is like very limited what you can teach, it is not really complex, so you talk surrounding technologies. But not...

"Our boss wants us to replace the SQL db with XML?"


"We gonna use XML instead of MS SQL"

"... what?"

"He said XML can be used for anything..."

If you think companies with #AI plans have actual plans, with a strategy make sense, please think of this story.


@lettosprey the fun thing is that MS SQL Server can output results in XML and afaik this is why it's part of our bespoke CMS' PHP/XML and client-side XSLT pipeline that's been going on for ages ๐Ÿ˜

Lett Osprey

@arakin And things like XML output from services can make perfect sense.

That a specification could somehow suddenly replace most of the services, not so much :O


@lettosprey @arakin One thing I hate about "IT" and "Dev" etc is that there's no prof organization part to it, there's no unions, there's no required CE, etc.

Job titles / roles are so meaningless and barely translate between orgs.
Folks can learn a thing in school and they're off to fend for themselves for the rest of their lives - be it keep up w/times and learn more or do nothing & become a dino, or try to adapt every buzzword/trend into everything.

All we have are vendor-specific certs :/

@lettosprey @arakin One thing I hate about "IT" and "Dev" etc is that there's no prof organization part to it, there's no unions, there's no required CE, etc.

Job titles / roles are so meaningless and barely translate between orgs.
Folks can learn a thing in school and they're off to fend for themselves for the rest of their lives - be it keep up w/times and learn more or do nothing & become a dino, or try to adapt every buzzword/trend into everything.

Tim Ward โญ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ”ถ #FBPE

@colinstu @lettosprey @arakin Depending on where you live, there are professional organisations you can join.

I have on occasion needed to hint to clients/employers that if they were really asking me to do [whatever it was] then sorry but I wouldn't be able to because it would breach the professional code of conduct I'd signed up to.

MBCS, CEng, Eur Ing

Vex Machina

@arakin @lettosprey I used to work at a place where we had massive strings of XML crammed into the MySQL database...

@pikesley @arakin @lettosprey Just sticking my head in to say: don't worry, you aren't the only one. ๐Ÿค—

It's OK, we've got JSON now.

Oh, JSON column data format? We're fscked.

Lett Osprey

@M0KHR At least, we still have a relational database to query.

We are not replacing mysql with json :O

Infernal Server Error

@M0KHR @lettosprey JSON columns are actually very good.

For storing JSON.

Which you sometimes may want to do!

And sometimes it's a good idea!

Postgres also does it very efficiently and can even index the hell out of it!

Sure, it's not normal, but as long as we don't make non-normal the new normal...


@M0KHR @lettosprey

Devs are terribly afraid of schema changes, because 20 years ago they were painful.

JSON column data format + virtual columns + indexes on virtual columns allow you to do schema evolution in a way that does not scare devs to death.

It's okay.

Larry Garfield

@M0KHR @lettosprey We got JSON Schema, aka, reinventing XML but with worse syntax and less standardization. Go team!

Matthew Martin โ˜‘ โœ…๐Ÿ“›

@lettosprey I remember those times. You need IIS & sql talking to each other, new clunky syntax, clunky xml client parsers and an imaginary situation where you'd exchange data between organizations & if you didn't cross org boundaries, you were supposed to use less painful pre-xml data structures.

Chris Adams

@mistersql @lettosprey My painful memory of that era โ€“ especially for anything semweb-related โ€“ was a thicket of ostensible standards whose architects were all so busy dreaming big that nobody had any time to work on actually testing them, maintaining examples, or seriously testing multiple implementation.

It was a formative moment both for strongly adopting the IETF's โ€œrunning codeโ€ position and, especially, treating maintenance cost as one of the most important feedback signals.

Aedius Filmania โš™๏ธ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ


Many years ago my boss saw the "RSS" button everywhere, so he ask me to add it.

When it was done, he looks at it and ask me to change the design of the page xD

Q.H. Stone

@lettosprey I have to deal with XML data columns in SQL Server daily because when Microsoft was advising my company a couple of decades ago before I worked there, they were pushing XML columns as the wonder solution to everything.

Paul :python: :django:

@lettosprey When teaching web design at a business school circa 2005 I had a career-change student who had been building enterprise Java apps that were all about processing XML. When I showed him that you could make a web page just by typing tags and text into a file... mind blown.


@lettosprey You make fun but the founders of the company Iโ€™m at now took this exact decision (in 2007) and weโ€™re still paying the cost decades later. Apparently theyโ€™d been burned by Oracle at their previous company ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ

Weekend Editor


Managers happen to a lot of things.

A LOT of things.

J. Martin

@lettosprey @cstross Yesโ€”I had to do exactly that in the late 2000s! For several years, our freelancer team created Flash microsites for Landroverโ€™s annual Live Rallye, crunching daily images, videos, and diary entries transmitted per satellite from the Malaysian jungle and similar. And during my very first call with Landroverโ€™s UK IT department, I was told that, for security reasons, we couldnโ€™t use a data base! Thatโ€™s how I came to create an #XML backend as a stand-in for SQL.

Fun times!

Quinn Norton

@lettosprey it also took a minute for people to figure out what is was actually good for, and fit it into their regular toolkit, like all the other specs...

Michal Mฤ›chura

Funny to read this now while I'm working on an XML schema for database queries in one system I'm developing (to be translated into SQL down the line).

Chris Swan

@lettosprey I found myself saying exactly this to some colleagues at an โ€˜AIโ€™ event a couple of weeks ago.

Sam Livingston-Gray

@lettosprey "XML โœŒ๏ธdata islandsโœŒ๏ธ"

Jerry Sievert

@lettosprey my _favorite_ xml documents were real estate documents for distribution that included a single field: unstructured `csv` rows.

Richard Welty

@lettosprey thinking back on all the times the CIO read the latest issue of CIO magazine and then demanded the tech stack of the month...


@lettosprey ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ™€ ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Glen Turner

@lettosprey Has been interesting to watch science adopt, and then drop, XML as a format. At the moment, if you want data exchange it will come as a CSV file, with the first line containing the variable names of the columns. Mostly driven by the lack of fuss in reading the file on whatever system you use.

Glen Turner

@oddhack @lettosprey That's to cherry-pick astronomy. Some fields have formats particular to their needs. But often if you break open systems which use that format you'll often find CSV files for temporary data.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@lettosprey thatโ€™s a pretty interesting perspective on the quality we can expect from AI.

To this day, the xslt libraries for Java (the most widespread enterprise language) only work partially. While you can solve most problems with time, better avoid trusting the documentation, if you need to change XML directly.


@avirr @ArneBab @lettosprey i had to support a system written by a senior IT academic for their faculty that used XML files to store the data, and xslt to translate it into HTML on demand. I still wake up screaming. (Guess which language it was in)

Arne Babenhauserheide

@aeduna what helped me when I had to fight with xslt the third time (or so, transforming geo XML stuff) was to think of it as a very verbose, very inconsistent lisp.

It didnโ€™t make the actual work easier, but it felt better.

โ€œSee how much nicer this could be if it were a lispโ€ โ˜บ

Also itโ€™s then much easier to picture the transformations.
@avirr @lettosprey


@aeduna @avirr @ArneBab @lettosprey A friend disappeared for 4 days. People were concerned enough to track down and call his wife. Turns out his work had a system like that and a typo interacting with odd data caused it to spit out an insane mix of HTML and JS. And the entire site went down. Took 6 people three and a half days to find it.

P J Evans

There was, for a little while, a movement to translate knitting instructions into something like XML.


@lettosprey It felt like this already, thank you for the anecdote.

I did comparemthe corporate push to the idea of doing everything in Excel already, but Iโ€™ve not seen this with my own eyes.

Paul Schoonhoven ๐Ÿ‰

@lettosprey I saw this post by accident as I had blocked AI from my timeline pretty much because of what you discribe so well!

Lett Osprey

@vosje62 I get it. I am more in the "know they enemy" phase right now. I was actually quite optimistic in regards to AI when it surfaced, I saw potentials it had and could think of several amazing use cases where it could really benefit us if we applied it correctly.

Unlike with XML and such, this technology was a lot more complex, so, naive as I was, I assumed that "they can't just invent stupid shit to do, they surely will depend on scientists that understand this!"

I generally do well in forecasting how technologies will go and impact they will have.

For this, I realize I have been stupidly naive.

There is not a thing they cannot ruin.

@vosje62 I get it. I am more in the "know they enemy" phase right now. I was actually quite optimistic in regards to AI when it surfaced, I saw potentials it had and could think of several amazing use cases where it could really benefit us if we applied it correctly.

Unlike with XML and such, this technology was a lot more complex, so, naive as I was, I assumed that "they can't just invent stupid shit to do, they surely will depend on scientists that understand this!"


@lettosprey remember the old saying .. XML is like violence .. if it doesn't solve your problem you aren't using enough of it ... also mostly true these days ...

Alexander Shendi

@lettosprey @ArneBab

XML is dead! JSON is the new XML. Orange is the new Black. Slavery is FREEDOM!!!!

Arne Babenhauserheide

@alexshendi โ€žJSON es the new XMLโ€œ โ€” yes, at least itโ€™s used that way, and thatโ€™s a problem:

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@lettosprey Another one to add to the Venn Diagram of *"Actually just a very slow database"*s... ๐Ÿ˜น

Beko Pharm

@lettosprey I worked once on a presentation app that read it's data (categories, details) from an exported directory structure riddled with XML files to describe the contents. This was read before by an obsolete Flash app that did the same.

NONE of the XML files was good. It took several recursive regex operations on all the files to just fix the syntax, the encoding hell and some stupid corner cases, find duplicates and so on.

And all the time I wondered how the Flash app did the same before.

Lett Osprey

Oki, this ended up with more reach than I ever expected.

Heck, I must have touched on something relatable.

And as this reached further than I expected, just wanted to underline a few things.

I am in no way comparing XML to AI, it is to underline the issue when people making decisions do not understand the technology. I am no AI expert, and as such, I don't want to make any decisions in regards to using AI other than those that can be made with the small scope I get. Managers with far less understanding than me, make big decisions, often based on input from companies that benefit from these decisions.

Given the potential AI has, this is vastly more concerning than a bad XML decision. These decisions can ruin a lot more than "replace our database with XML!" ever could, for far more people.

Also, I am not against XML, as a dev, I use it for stuff even now.

Nor am I against AI, but it must be ethical and consequences well understood.

Now, managers are running too fast, copyrights are violated, etc.

Oki, this ended up with more reach than I ever expected.

Heck, I must have touched on something relatable.

And as this reached further than I expected, just wanted to underline a few things.

I am in no way comparing XML to AI, it is to underline the issue when people making decisions do not understand the technology. I am no AI expert, and as such, I don't want to make any decisions in regards to using AI other than those that can be made with the small scope I get. Managers with far less understanding...


@lettosprey I actually like XML (especially when compared to JSON and YAML), but your story is spot on.


@lettosprey At my last job I often gave feedback to job descriptions written by my former boss and it really gave me a bit of a grudge against XML.
Literally every job for data science or software had 'Experience in XML' as a prominent bulletpoint at equal importance to the actual programming languages the team used or actual subject-matter knowledge for the role. Every time, I gave her the feedback that that makes as much sense as treating CSVs as some major vital skill, but it kept showing up again and again.
It somehow having a kind-of fandom among managers explains so much.

@lettosprey At my last job I often gave feedback to job descriptions written by my former boss and it really gave me a bit of a grudge against XML.
Literally every job for data science or software had 'Experience in XML' as a prominent bulletpoint at equal importance to the actual programming languages the team used or actual subject-matter knowledge for the role. Every time, I gave her the feedback that that makes as much sense as treating CSVs as some major vital skill, but it kept showing up again and again.

Dana Rose Ross :heart_trans:

@lettosprey this is exactly the attitude I would expect from someone who isn't alpha sigma black belt XML certified

Dana Rose Ross :heart_trans:

@lettosprey my experience in the trenches (more or less word for word):

Boss: I read in CIO Magazine about this new thing called XML that's going to revolutionize the industry. I met with the Oracle reps and bought every XML tool they sell.

Devs: What's on the roadmap that requires XML?

Boss: I don't know, but we've spent almost a million dollars on them so you'd better use them.


Architect: This new app is going to be based on EJBs that produce XML which we'll convert to HTML through an XSLT transformation.

Me: Wouldn't it be more direct and less fragile to use a JSP?

Architect: Yes, but this way we get to put all of these technologies on our resumes.

@lettosprey my experience in the trenches (more or less word for word):

Boss: I read in CIO Magazine about this new thing called XML that's going to revolutionize the industry. I met with the Oracle reps and bought every XML tool they sell.

Devs: What's on the roadmap that requires XML?

Boss: I don't know, but we've spent almost a million dollars on them so you'd better use them.

Elias Mรฅrtenson

@nakedambition @lettosprey oh wow. It this the time forme to tell you about "Water", an XML programming language back in the very early 00's?

When I learned about it at the time, it was just so stupid that I kept looking at it like you can't look away from a car crash. The people behind it were so certain this was the future.

The premise was that the biggest problem with programming languages was that they weren't XML-based. Apparently all your data is XML, so if the programming language is XML too, that would somehow make things, better?

To be fair, this isn't entirely unheard of, since Lisp stores data and code in the same way, and tge makers of Water clearly knew about Lisp since their language took a lot of ideas from it. However, Lisp data has something XML don't, which is a type system.

So what did they do? Well, they added a type system to XML of course. At no point did they consider that perhaps XML wasn't the best format for this stuff. Well, they did, but their solution was to promote something they called "concise xml" which was an abomination that included types, and had some syntax simplifications that has to be seen to be believed. Let's just say that the end result looked like someone took XML, ran it through a grinder and tried to write Lisp with it. My favourite syntax extension: you could put tags inside other tags.

All of this apparently had a one-to-one mapping with regular XML, because again, the biggest problem with web programming was supposedly that everything wasn't XML.

The people behind it was promoting it with the most self-certain attitude I've ever seen. They were so sure of themselves.

Eventually you stopped hearing anything about it, and information about the priject just seemed to disappear. It was kind of weird. I remember trying to figure out what happened, and I came across a news article that was reporting on the main guy being convicted of child molestation and sent to prison. That explains things I guess.

@nakedambition @lettosprey oh wow. It this the time forme to tell you about "Water", an XML programming language back in the very early 00's?

When I learned about it at the time, it was just so stupid that I kept looking at it like you can't look away from a car crash. The people behind it were so certain this was the future.

Dana Rose Ross :heart_trans:

@loke @lettosprey I need to find out more about this! It sounds so obnoxiously typical of those days

Elias Mรฅrtenson

@nakedambition @lettosprey I just looked it up, and oh... my... It's been revived:

But interestingly enough, there are no actual code examples (kind of obvious, if you knew what it looks like). The blog posts are also written by someone named "orlando", which may be an alias, perhaps by someone who don't want you to google their name.

Thankfully, provides some historical information. In particular, you may want to read the presentations of the designers where they comapre themselves with K&R as well as John Lennon:

You can then go and search the name, and you'll find some interesting references, especially regarding how some child molestors change their names to not be as easy to look up.

@nakedambition @lettosprey I just looked it up, and oh... my... It's been revived:

But interestingly enough, there are no actual code examples (kind of obvious, if you knew what it looks like). The blog posts are also written by someone named "orlando", which may be an alias, perhaps by someone who don't want you to google their name.

Dana Rose Ross :heart_trans:

@loke @lettosprey this is amazing. On one level it's like a Lisp with angle brackets instead of parentheses. But it's object oriented? And you really weren't kidding about the nested XML?!

Coding Cottagecore Bogwitch

@lettosprey about 2010 I worked for a supply chain company that had issues integrating data provided by multiple upstream suppliers

A consultant: "But they are switching to XML, so if they all give you XML and your system imports XML it will all just work"

Me: " doesn't work like that"

Them: "eh?"


Coding Cottagecore Bogwitch


Me: "XML isn't a data format, it's a way of creating data formats. A web page is XML. Our accounts package can import XML. If I try importing our company home page into our account's not going to be able to do anything useful"

Them: "...ohhhhh. Nobody has ever actually explained it to me like that before."


Lett Osprey

@forestpines And now, it is common to make exactly the same assumption with APIs.

"Our service uses an API from this place. That other place also has an API. Why are you saying our service does not work with this API?"

Coding Cottagecore Bogwitch

@lettosprey oh definitely, I've come across that a lot, especially when people have absorbed just a little bit of surface-level marketing from API gateway vendors

Molly ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ

@lettosprey The current iteration of "your company needs to be using blockchain!"

Eckes :mastodon:

@lettosprey well, you donโ€™t need the managers to have developers use shiny new tech in their products


The red flag I hear is management asking about what's possible.

It's possible to make a computer out of a series of rats in cages, trained to push a lever on command.

It's possible to run your business on TempleOS (which is totally immune to viruses).


@lettosprey i know it's bad but i like xml and once made a html alternative with itโ€ฆ

Lett Osprey

@hacknorris But I have no issues with XML.

I just enjoy using it for purposes that makes sense :P


@lettosprey idk if using xml instead of html makes sense xD

Lett Osprey

@hacknorris I thought that is what xhtml is :O


@lettosprey no, i've been adding stylesheets to regular xmls (defined with dtd's) and they just worked, either on codeberg pages or just dropped into browser. moment

jr conlin


Several old Devs gathered around a poorly lit table in a run down bar near the edge of the Wastelands.

With a voice that speaks of the scars of long fought battles one Dev breaks the silence: "There were... programming languages written in XML. You had things like <If condition="something"> ... </if>"

The Dev begins to sob and retract into a fetal position as they mumble something about function returns and binary interface layers. The rest just pour themselves another round.

Lett Osprey

@jrconlin I may be harming myself here, but JSTL (JSP Standard Template Library) was an example, and given what the alternative was at that time, it was kinda refreshing. You only used it to handle view logic, getting "beans" from the "actual business layer code". The "language-as-xml" code was just to render HTML.

The alternative had been a mix of c-line languages hidden in <? ?> tags mixed with HTML. That was a nightmare.

The other was ColdFusion that I think initially lacked the separation view / business layer and that would be a bit more of a nightmare. Once the Enterprise Java spec came with the taglibs, ColdFusion could more or less be written as a JSP taglib, and that is the path it took, and got the same separation possibility. That all got bought by Macromedia or something. The flash people. Evil stuff.

It was not as cool as doing REST calls from the browser and just doing everything in the client, but that was not a thing at that point :P

@jrconlin I may be harming myself here, but JSTL (JSP Standard Template Library) was an example, and given what the alternative was at that time, it was kinda refreshing. You only used it to handle view logic, getting "beans" from the "actual business layer code". The "language-as-xml" code was just to render HTML.

jr conlin


Oh, yeah. There's good case for having separation of flows and having business logic apart from display logic (MVC FTW and all)

The horrifying thing was seeing XML programming being used for business logic. And someone trying to work out how to do bit twiddling for network layer stuff by converting to strings and string functions.

I mean, +1 on creativity and thinking outside the box and all, but... <endless screaming into the void>

jr conlin

Bringing things back to your main point, that's also my fear about AI "coding". Is it possible to use ML to construct efficient, well structured, safe code? Possibly, yes. Could it be done before the heat death of the universe? Maybe.

Would I still trust it without review and rigorous, adversarial testing? Hell no. AI doesn't get special treatment.

Lett Osprey

@jrconlin but, who is there to review the code, when no one understands?

This brings to mind a job ad that popped up while I read online newspaper, I guess it deemed it relevant for me as it was a IT "developer" job. The ad was for a "no code / low code" position, where "ChatGPT and similar tools" would be use to write "software without the need to write code"

The job ad specified that since you did not actually write code, you did not really need to be a coder.

I am not actually sure WHAT they wanted people to know.

Surely, this was some crap popup company that would go away in no time.



I did not have time to find a void to scream into, there was no time.

Am I concerned? Am I scared? YES.

But there is also the off chance that I will not need to pay taxes next year because no one knows anything about what anyone owes and it is years until it is repaired, so who knows, it might work out ok.

(no, seriously, I enjoy public health care)

@jrconlin but, who is there to review the code, when no one understands?

This brings to mind a job ad that popped up while I read online newspaper, I guess it deemed it relevant for me as it was a IT "developer" job. The ad was for a "no code / low code" position, where "ChatGPT and similar tools" would be use to write "software without the need to write code"

Tony Fisk

@lettosprey "Perhaps if we used XML to specify our LLM..."
(or maybe I 've seen one XKCD tagnote too many.)

Rob Synnott

@lettosprey There's one of these every few years; other notable hits include 4GLs and The Almighty Blockchain. And AI another few times, actually.

Lett Osprey

@rsynnott I am trying to forget about 4GL. Shame on you! ๐Ÿ˜€

Rob Synnott

@lettosprey Wouldn't be amazed to see something along those lines come back as the next fad after the current bubble bursts, tbh; it has some of the same "computers will do the work, by magic" promise, but is more deterministic.

Lett Osprey

@rsynnott It is there now, bundled with the AI wave "no code software development". As I commented to someone else, I saw a job ad for software developer that does not need to know how to code. because ChatGPT does that.

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