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Lett Osprey

@M0KHR At least, we still have a relational database to query.

We are not replacing mysql with json :O

Infernal Server Error

@M0KHR @lettosprey JSON columns are actually very good.

For storing JSON.

Which you sometimes may want to do!

And sometimes it's a good idea!

Postgres also does it very efficiently and can even index the hell out of it!

Sure, it's not normal, but as long as we don't make non-normal the new normal...


@M0KHR @lettosprey

Devs are terribly afraid of schema changes, because 20 years ago they were painful.

JSON column data format + virtual columns + indexes on virtual columns allow you to do schema evolution in a way that does not scare devs to death.

It's okay.

Larry Garfield

@M0KHR @lettosprey We got JSON Schema, aka, reinventing XML but with worse syntax and less standardization. Go team!

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