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Elias Mårtenson

@nakedambition @lettosprey I just looked it up, and oh... my... It's been revived:

But interestingly enough, there are no actual code examples (kind of obvious, if you knew what it looks like). The blog posts are also written by someone named "orlando", which may be an alias, perhaps by someone who don't want you to google their name.

Thankfully, provides some historical information. In particular, you may want to read the presentations of the designers where they comapre themselves with K&R as well as John Lennon:

You can then go and search the name, and you'll find some interesting references, especially regarding how some child molestors change their names to not be as easy to look up.

Dana Rose Ross :heart_trans:

@loke @lettosprey this is amazing. On one level it's like a Lisp with angle brackets instead of parentheses. But it's object oriented? And you really weren't kidding about the nested XML?!

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