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Lett Osprey

Oki, this ended up with more reach than I ever expected.

Heck, I must have touched on something relatable.

And as this reached further than I expected, just wanted to underline a few things.

I am in no way comparing XML to AI, it is to underline the issue when people making decisions do not understand the technology. I am no AI expert, and as such, I don't want to make any decisions in regards to using AI other than those that can be made with the small scope I get. Managers with far less understanding than me, make big decisions, often based on input from companies that benefit from these decisions.

Given the potential AI has, this is vastly more concerning than a bad XML decision. These decisions can ruin a lot more than "replace our database with XML!" ever could, for far more people.

Also, I am not against XML, as a dev, I use it for stuff even now.

Nor am I against AI, but it must be ethical and consequences well understood.

Now, managers are running too fast, copyrights are violated, etc.

1 comment

@lettosprey I actually like XML (especially when compared to JSON and YAML), but your story is spot on.

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