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David Revoy

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!

Blog post:

#linux #x11 #wayland #debian #fedora #krita #plasma #kde

James Wells

Can you please explain how you were "kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40"

Please note I am not trying to start an argument, just trying to understand your point.

Also note that I am not a Fedora user, but I am a very long time KDE user.

David Revoy

@nikatjef Hey, no problem. Check the discussion linked on the "2. The challenges and the issues" and you'll have all the background.

James Wells

Ahh, somehow I missed the link to your blog post...

Thank you for the post, sadly I can't help with any of the points you raise as I have very little experience with anything you mention. :(

David Revoy

@nikatjef Thank you very much for reading. True, difficult problems and very challenging.

David Revoy

@triskelion lol, very cool! But also totally hard (impossible?) to discover for a newcomer. I'll update it on the article, thank you!

Loïc ⏚

@davidrevoy we need more of that kind of high quality blog post :blob_cat_heart:

helpsterTee great write up! Also the distribution I chose recently.

Tried a bit of Wayland at the beginning, but could not get screen flicker under control (which should be solved with NVIDIA explicit sync soon), so back to X11.

Carl Schwan :kde:

@davidrevoy Just a small clarification but the old Wacom tablet config module is still maintained and released as part of Plasma 6. It's X11 only but this is also something upstream Plasma still support.

And yeah I am also not a fan that Fedora dropping X11, there was no need for that yet. Changing the default to Wayland and keeping X11 available for people like you, would have been enough.

David Revoy

@carlschwan Thank you very much for the feedback and clarifications. Very good to know it's possible to get a Plasma6 X11 setup with the previous tablet config module. That should include maybe a Neon KDE Stable among my list of possible good distro for painting.


Have a look as well at #openSUSE, there is #Tumbleweed as most actual but still stable (so factory and automatic testing was passed), #Slowroll which was a delayed and hardened Tumbleweed and #openSUSELeap which is more a LTS like system. All supports KDE/plasma and still X11 pretty well.



@carlschwan @davidrevoy Wayland was already the default in fedora for many years. I got told that this is to push Linux forward and compel developers to port things to Wayland and fedora's decision would magically fix all these issues in time. There was also a blogpost from kde dev ( it felt sarcastically mocking) the choice of fedora by people like us and that we could choose from a bazillion of other distros. I was told that fedora devs care about artists. So I hope it was worth it. After all we are a small subset of users. What difference do we make.

@carlschwan @davidrevoy Wayland was already the default in fedora for many years. I got told that this is to push Linux forward and compel developers to port things to Wayland and fedora's decision would magically fix all these issues in time. There was also a blogpost from kde dev ( it felt sarcastically mocking) the choice of fedora by people like us and that we could choose from a bazillion of other distros. I was told that fedora devs care about artists. So I hope it was worth it. After all we...

Halla Rempt

@raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy I heard from an acquaintance who works for RedHat that the desktop team basically exists so they can keep the Hollywood content creation crowd -- the people using Houdini and so on.

But I guess the memo hasn't arrived; also, most VFX studios were still using KDE3 in 2019, the last time we talked.

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@halla @raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy > also, most VFX studios were still using KDE3 in 2019, the last time we talked.
wow :ablobcatknitsweats:

On another side, VFX studios probably have the ability to raise enough funds to help KDE & Wayland developpers to improve things... :ablobcatcoffee:

Halla Rempt

@grum999 @raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy Actually, they go broke all the time. Their employees migrate from company tax have to tax haven. There's not a cent to be wrung out of the big VFX companies.


@grum999 @halla @carlschwan @davidrevoy
The colour management section is funded by corporates like Redhat valve but it is for making it better for games VFX and multimedia. HDR is all the hype now and not print design or illustration or artists who paint. All this free software is for the community, for greater good, public good is PR fluff. Most free software in the end for corporate consumption and is funded by them to cater to their needs. I understand that devs need to be fed too. But be honest about it 😊 don't sugar coat and talk about community, empowering user and other idealistic stuff.

@grum999 @halla @carlschwan @davidrevoy
The colour management section is funded by corporates like Redhat valve but it is for making it better for games VFX and multimedia. HDR is all the hype now and not print design or illustration or artists who paint. All this free software is for the community, for greater good, public good is PR fluff. Most free software in the end for corporate consumption and is funded by them to cater to their needs. I understand that devs need to be fed too. But be honest...

Diane 🕵


I wonder if Debian with KDE and X11 would also work better for blind users. Wayland has apparently also broken the linux screen reader.

Internet Rando

@alienghic @davidrevoy

As a(n albeit sighted) daily user of Debian + KDE + X11, outside of my lack of real experience with things like Orca, it's a solid experience in all other ways.

I try Wayland once in a while, but there are too many mouse and gaming issues for me to switch to it totally still.


@alienghic @davidrevoy Screen readers work well in Wayland, there are only minor issues, some of them are at least in #GNOME right now worked on to be fixed.

Diane 🕵


So what is the screen reader status with gnome & wayland?

I've seen complaining about fedora. I've only slightly figured out how to use Orca. It seems like gnome-terminal and files works well. But other things I use like evolution or dino were pretty useless.

Halla Rempt

@davidrevoy I really wish we could make building Krita easier... For the Qt6 port, I'm actually using only distribution packages to see how far I can get. But working with the upstread Qt project can be really hard, and we need sooooo many patches to make Qt work well on all four platforms we support!

David Revoy

@halla :blobcatheart: Hey, take the time you need for the Qt6 port, I now have a home to run Krita as it is until 2028. I remember the old ports in the past (Qt3 to Qt4, etc) and how they are massive work. Take care!

Halla Rempt

@davidrevoy Yeah, and this time... Apparently there was nobody left who remembers the days when Qt was supposed to make C++ as accessible to non-computer scientists as Java, and it's gotten seriously c-plus-plussified.


@davidrevoy thank you so much for being vocal that wayland is not yet near production-ready. similar to the krita issue is xsane – i guess you could run it as an xwayland app (maybe?), but there’s no benefit (+potential compatibility complications) and there’s no wayland equivalent.

when you bring this up, people go ‘just use simple-scan! :D’ as if that was a reasonable suggestion.

having a vague something available in wayland for a given use doesn’t mean wayland is ready for being used seriously.

@davidrevoy thank you so much for being vocal that wayland is not yet near production-ready. similar to the krita issue is xsane – i guess you could run it as an xwayland app (maybe?), but there’s no benefit (+potential compatibility complications) and there’s no wayland equivalent.

when you bring this up, people go ‘just use simple-scan! :D’ as if that was a reasonable suggestion.

David Revoy

@gekitsu Oh 😵 I had no idea about Xsane! Thank you.


@davidrevoy this mainly based on this forum reply, that is also a couple years old now:

but also, nothing much more recent is coming up on that xsane-in-wayland issue, so…

Elias Probst

@gekitsu have you tried #KDE's scanning applications as Xsane replacements? AFAICT they support a similar range of features:
- #Skanlite - a simple, but fully featured scan application
- #Skanpage - optimized for multi-page scans



@eliasp @davidrevoy no, i haven’t – but thanks for the heads-up! i take it they’re usable outside of KDE itself?

Elias Probst

@gekitsu yes, they should work outsidea KDE Plasma session just fine.
Their "" page provides a (bit outdated) screenshot what they look like:

Maybe (if you're using Flatpak) just give the most recent version a try to see whether they can serve your use-case or check, whether your distribution provides them as packages.


@gekitsu yes, they should work outsidea KDE Plasma session just fine.
Their "" page provides a (bit outdated) screenshot what they look like:

Maybe (if you're using Flatpak) just give the most recent version a try to see whether they can serve your use-case or check, whether your distribution provides them as packages.

Elias Probst

@gekitsu oh, sorry - just realized only Skanpage is available via Flatpak.
But since Skanlite is the more established application it's also more likely to be found in your distribution's repositories.



@davidrevoy (extra space in the markdown link to “my previous installation guide” in the color calibration section. The audacious and videotrimmer links in the software section is broken too)

David Revoy

@oblomov Thank you for the proofreading feedback 💜 (and sorry for them, I spent two weeks on this article 🙃 I'm now blind to the big mistakes) I'll update the article now.


@davidrevoy no, thank you for spending the time writing all these things down, it's extremely precious information.


@davidrevoy in the section 6B you have two typos and the links to audacious and scribus weren’t rendered correctly

F :dragon_headphones:

@davidrevoy the cat posing for the picture is the best part

Ivor Hewitt

@davidrevoy excellent overview 👍Have you ever tried or considered opensuse? (Not trying to convince you to use it, just curious if you'd ever tried that)
I've used opensuse since way back at nversion '6', and always found it to be a superb platform for kde.

David Revoy

@ivor Hey, yes, I was an OpenSuse user at one point (but maybe long ago), I always loved the extra admin tools they offer in the Settings to help the user to do advanced administration task with a GUI. I went to their website when I tested the guide for this distro, but I had difficulties to understand how Leap was 'frozen' and how long they would go Plasma5, or if they already ship Plasma 6, etc. This confusion in the communication of their website made me not testing it this time.

Ivor Hewitt

@davidrevoy yeah agreed, their stable releases appeared confusing to me, and they're doing it again with the new 'slowroll' changes. ☹️ So as a developer I just go with Tumbleweed which I find ok as long as I decide how and when I update otherwise it can be a bit chaotic.


@davidrevoy boosting not as an artist ahaha but as a linux nerd it's good to know what distros are doing


@davidrevoy was expecting ranty, instead got detailed, well reasoned, opinionated setup info.
Wonderful post.

Unfortunately I can't draw a stick figure, so.... :-)

Json Doh

@davidrevoy This guide is awesome! And not only for digital artists. Many tips are valuable for ordinary mortals too.

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@davidrevoy Hi David!

Interesting blog, as usual :blobcatheart:

One thing about this step:

D. Install the KDE desktop.
The Debian 12 installer has a single interface for installing many desktop environments. At one point in the process, you'll only need to uncheck the default GNOME and check the Plasma KDE desktop.

Using this option to install KDE will install standard KDE environment: it includes a lot of useful/useless components (notion of useful/useless will of course depend of what you exactly need/use :blobcathappy: ).
The problem with the standard KDE install package, if you want to remove one component (let's say, remove the akonadi-server package for example, then it will start to remove a lot of stuff because of some meta-packages include one application that needs it and then all the meta-packages content will be removed...).

Maybe for your next installation setup, you can be interested to start from a minimal KDE installation and then install in your system only the KApplications you really use.
Here are listed the available KDE desktop packages for Debian:

Then from step D you have to uncheck ALL desktop environments: you're installation will be light and you'll have to start your computer in terminal mode :ablobcatbongo:
Then after logon in terminal mode, do sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop to get the minimal installation of KDE Desktop and restart. You have a minimal KDE desktop :blobcatheart:

Better to test in a virtual machine first if you're not used to work on terminal only Linux :blobcatcoffee:

On my side its now how I doe: minimal install, appimage for big softwares, Debian install for system, command line tools, and small applications.

@davidrevoy Hi David!

Interesting blog, as usual :blobcatheart:

One thing about this step:

D. Install the KDE desktop.
The Debian 12 installer has a single interface for installing many desktop environments. At one point in the process, you'll only need to uncheck the default GNOME and check the Plasma KDE desktop.


@davidrevoy welcome to Debian club. I hope our oasis supports us through this drought

J.L. Jouannic

@davidrevoy You may want to give a try to xournal++ ( Better UI, nice features and less bugs than in xournal.

David Revoy

@jljouannic 😍 😍 😍 Oh, good to see a fork with more polishing and features. Thank you for the link!


@davidrevoy Reading this reminds me of all the problems I ran into when setting up my new desktop a bit less than a year ago. I'm really lucky with having always used debian. Plasma is new for me and give me headaches but all the critical stuff works so it's good. I wish I didn't need to turn my tablet on and off after boot to have the pen activated.. kinda stupid little bug.

I wish there was some creative linux fund to have some devs work on our problems if we just gave them some money.


I'm gobsmacked that CG art is considered niche in some quarters. If that were true, the big beasts such as Krita, Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, etc, would have stopped developing years ago.
#linux #art


@davidrevoy Also thank you so much for writing this, now I have something to link to people when they ask about this stuff. I had forgotten all the details at this point.

Spacewizard! (Ed H)

@davidrevoy cool, will be reading this post after work, I'll see if you sell me on it :)


@davidrevoy Very interesting, thanks for sharing.


@davidrevoy Interesting read. I'm not a digital artist, but my photo editing rig is on #Debian +X11 for many of the reasons you mentioned.

One of the reasons I've stayed on Debian for the last 15 years is that, due to its slow pace and overall conservatism, all of the "next big things" in Linux tend to be more feature complete and less buggy by the time they hit Debian stable.

jdkiser :openbsd:

@davidrevoy This is a great blog post. Debian stable is a nice base platform for years. Backports and flatpaks keep the user facing apps up to date. Enjoy your setup.



„We were told that our use was niche, our needs were diminished.“

I wasn't told that but it is how I feel about serious audio/video production on Linux.

Reaching to the point where some folks advise you to use ffmpeg for video editing.

Also the reason why I'm sort of stuck with Kubuntu 18.04 + kxStudio.

Me say: „I need X in order to do my work”
The say: „You cannot want to use X, use $nonsenseReplacement instead”

– heard that countless times.

I'd heavily need an update, but so many things might not work any more.

I really fear the breaking of my fragile construction for using audio plugins that are Windows binaries („you cannot want this”)… video editing software relying on interfaces to hardware working well in X11 (Wayland? No idea) and then there's Pipewire as new audio system with many great ideas, but does it replace Jack successfully for my hardware (expensive gear!)?

I feel like nobody can tell. It's probably easier to use the same software on OSX, after 20 years of Linux only.


„We were told that our use was niche, our needs were diminished.“

I wasn't told that but it is how I feel about serious audio/video production on Linux.

Reaching to the point where some folks advise you to use ffmpeg for video editing.

Also the reason why I'm sort of stuck with Kubuntu 18.04 + kxStudio.

David Revoy

@nielso 😩 Oh yes, I understand your feedback really well. Courage!

Elias Probst

@nielso I wish the community would get an initiative across various projects up and running where they pick a random user's special use-case (like yours) and try to fix as many of the issues there are as possible and by solving those, raise the tide for all other users in a similar place as well.



@eliasp @davidrevoy

Well, Linux in a way is democratic. What isn't used by many people isn't supported that well. This was more or less okay in the past, you could always try to compile stuff yourself and tweak things.

But with Wayland and Pipewire we're facing kinf of a new situation, in which central infrastructure of distros gets replaced by things not yet suitable for special needs.

Furthermore, putting more and more tings into snap packages doesn't make it better. Snap doesn't allow accessing files outside $HOME, but who would but 6TB of video footage into their $HOME? (my situation)

Even worse, I use an X11 graphical terminal. Dunno if that will be supported in the future.

First time in my Linux life I will have to set up a "development system" with a recent distro and switch over after I got to work everything.

I can do it. But it's not my main business, it keeps me from doing other things.

@eliasp @davidrevoy

Well, Linux in a way is democratic. What isn't used by many people isn't supported that well. This was more or less okay in the past, you could always try to compile stuff yourself and tweak things.

But with Wayland and Pipewire we're facing kinf of a new situation, in which central infrastructure of distros gets replaced by things not yet suitable for special needs.

David Revoy

@miskatonicstudio He sleeps next to me, I took my camera to capture his reaction to the "pspsps" → he merely opened the eyes and fell asleep immediately after 😆


@davidrevoy OK, let's do it(I mean - adding Wayland support to Krita)

Space Catitude 🚀


I just installed AV Linux this month. So far, I like it a lot. I was using Ubuntu Studio, but got fed up with the snap packages.

AV is built on MX which is built on Debian. The desktop environment is XFCE4, so it looks a lot like Ubuntu Studio.

Also, it's an init.d system by default, although there is an alternate systemd boot provided.

Haven't tried my colorimeter yet.

David Revoy

@TerryHancock Thank you for the feedback. First time I hear about AV Linux, but for this article I tested MX Linux KDE (and it was super high on my list). , very cool. 👍

OrbitalMartian :GoToSocial:

@davidrevoy Debian is one of my favourite distros, my home was Fedora, I have been trying Debian in a VM and on WSL, much better and more stable than Fedora. I haven’t tried F40 yet but I may not do that.

Lou Katz

@davidrevoy Thank you for this most excellent post. The deprecation or disappearance of CLI interfaces is a thumb in the nose to all experienced users, who can now only use a program in the way the creator thought to use it, and sometimes only with a file structure that the creator had in mind. I do not use my system the way you do, but thanks for pointers to three programs I did not know about but will be very useful to me.



I remember an awful lot of posts happening around the time the decision was made to default to the Wayland protocol for the f40 KDE spin.

I sure came away from those discussions understanding that, while Wayland would be the default, it would remain possible to install X11 and continue along as before with it, too. I was pretty sure that they hadn't banned it, just discontinued making it the default.

Are you saying that that's not true?

David Revoy

@jrredho "the transition to KDE Plasma 6 will also include dropping support for the X11 session entirely, leaving only Plasma Wayland as the sole offered desktop mode. "

sources: (but it's released, so you can also read many reviews and videos about F40 KDE and test it in a VM).

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@davidrevoy Just mere curiosity: Does KDE Plasma 6 on X11 (so not Fedora) also have a regressed tablet configuration?

As it seems kind of weird that KDE would ship a new release with such a significant regression.

@davidrevoy My graphics tablet wasn't configurable out of the box on #Wayland as well, but it was relatively easy to create a config file that made it appear in #GNOME settings. Though I am not sure if there are all the configurations you would need (my tablet is pretty simple though).
Also I wonder why #Krita doesn't have an official #Flatpak package. I can't see anything that would be different from an AppImage...


The right distribution for anything will always be @opensuse :)

Robert Riemann 🇪🇺

@davidrevoy If #Krita had enough sponsors, I am sure they could pay someone to speed up the feature-complete port to plasma6/#wayland.

Don't you think you could use your reach to organise a special fundraising project to fix said issues?


@davidrevoy : Merci David, ce genre de post est essentiel. Et tu pointes bien les problèmes de Wayland que les geeks en console comme moi ne voient pas (je ne sais même pas ce que c’est la calibration d’un écran).

Au fait, bienvenue sous Debian !


@davidrevoy loved this article. I also installed #debian12 with #gnome but I may switch after reading!

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