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Halla Rempt

@raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy I heard from an acquaintance who works for RedHat that the desktop team basically exists so they can keep the Hollywood content creation crowd -- the people using Houdini and so on.

But I guess the memo hasn't arrived; also, most VFX studios were still using KDE3 in 2019, the last time we talked.

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@halla @raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy > also, most VFX studios were still using KDE3 in 2019, the last time we talked.
wow :ablobcatknitsweats:

On another side, VFX studios probably have the ability to raise enough funds to help KDE & Wayland developpers to improve things... :ablobcatcoffee:

Halla Rempt

@grum999 @raghukamath @carlschwan @davidrevoy Actually, they go broke all the time. Their employees migrate from company tax have to tax haven. There's not a cent to be wrung out of the big VFX companies.


@grum999 @halla @carlschwan @davidrevoy
The colour management section is funded by corporates like Redhat valve but it is for making it better for games VFX and multimedia. HDR is all the hype now and not print design or illustration or artists who paint. All this free software is for the community, for greater good, public good is PR fluff. Most free software in the end for corporate consumption and is funded by them to cater to their needs. I understand that devs need to be fed too. But be honest about it 😊 don't sugar coat and talk about community, empowering user and other idealistic stuff.

@grum999 @halla @carlschwan @davidrevoy
The colour management section is funded by corporates like Redhat valve but it is for making it better for games VFX and multimedia. HDR is all the hype now and not print design or illustration or artists who paint. All this free software is for the community, for greater good, public good is PR fluff. Most free software in the end for corporate consumption and is funded by them to cater to their needs. I understand that devs need to be fed too. But be honest...

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