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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mo I don't want to. It makes me angry that there's no proper tooling around this.

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss so we need tooling for this, not multireply

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn

@mittorn Multireply IS proper tooling. That post I linked to is a reply to both your message and @mo's. So it needs to be listed as such.


mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss no, multireply is shit and we already described why:
1. This makes loop issuse and solving it we break connections between posts
2. This will break existing clients even if allowed by AP/AS, because it was ported to json-ld not best way. Ideally, all implementations should handle all fields as array if it is array or array of one element if it's single element. Same semantics everywhere. But existing json libs not developed for such usage.
3. This is bad UX. User do not want BIIIG complex graphs.
4. This makes new ways to break threads and ddos servers just by connecting hellthreads to small threads and connecing big helltheads to single one.

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss no, multireply is shit and we already described why:
1. This makes loop issuse and solving it we break connections between posts
2. This will break existing clients even if allowed by AP/AS, because it was ported to json-ld not best way. Ideally, all implementations should handle all fields as array if it is array or array of one element if it's single element. Same semantics everywhere....

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn


1. Polytrees (which is basically what I propose here) are still directed and acyclic, so looping is completely irrelevant here.

2. I don't care about technicalities at this point.

3. Some don't but may be some do. I do. But yes, the UI will need to accomodate, somewhat, but I'm sure we can figure something out

4. This is actually a way to *avoid* hellthreads, and avoid parroting the same points all the time.

@mo @BigFoxBoss

Мя :sparkles_lesbian: replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

> way to avoid hellthreads
ROFL. It's a way to make it even more hell

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
> Polytrees
Looks more like having separate posts with their own threads with their trees connected into one single hellthread of a forest :blobfoxlul:

Thing is, people already keep graphs of their own discussions in their own heads, whether they still care to participate. Trying to formalize these huge ass graphs would not be really helpful for most. For those who really need it, they probably got their own means to keep track of everything. I bet it is exhausting though.

@drq @mittorn @mo
> Polytrees
Looks more like having separate posts with their own threads with their trees connected into one single hellthread of a forest :blobfoxlul:

Thing is, people already keep graphs of their own discussions in their own heads, whether they still care to participate. Trying to formalize these huge ass graphs would not be really helpful for most. For those who really need it, they probably got their own means to keep...

Мя :sparkles_lesbian: replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq also: your suggestion is not a polytree. Like, on the image from wiki, nothing stops G to be reply to both D and E

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to Мя

@mo Nothing stops, but they aren't.

Some messages are not replies to some other messages, you know.

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

Мя :sparkles_lesbian: replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq on the pic — arent. But there could be such thread if multireply is implemented

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to Мя

@mo There could, or could not be. It's up to the people involved.

@mittorn @BigFoxBoss

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to Мя

@mo No idea how to render this one-dimensionally (maybe someone more clever than I am can), but we probably could use time and do something akin to what @mittorn proposes, and show an "also a reply to:" field in such message.


mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss ok, as you want you answer show multiple times, this could be rendered as reply, but with link to another thread point with first reply source, instead of rendering all children. That duplication will allow keep consistency and even work with "polytree" model.
But in that case only one reply source will be rendered, other only referenced
And this will not show single thread as "Polytree", there will be 2 separate threads, but with "weak" junction point, so all next replies will go to thread, where first reply source was

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss ok, as you want you answer show multiple times, this could be rendered as reply, but with link to another thread point with first reply source, instead of rendering all children. That duplication will allow keep consistency and even work with "polytree" model.
But in that case only one reply source will be rendered, other only referenced
And this will not show single thread as...

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn

@mittorn Basically, joining two adjacent threads into one down the line. Yes, that's what I want.

@mo @BigFoxBoss

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss
1.PolyTree here will create only one junction point and drop all other. What you will do if this dropping will be in other place, not you want?
2. I dont care physics/mathematics, i just want...
3. Do you even have an idea, how to add multiple messages as reply source for user? Anyway, it's complicated
4. Maybe it allow omit some duplicate messages in thread, but this is not very much, only about 5-10%. Discussion moves and thread grows anyway.
But this will allow to kill any thread by joining something big to it...

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss
1.PolyTree here will create only one junction point and drop all other. What you will do if this dropping will be in other place, not you want?
2. I dont care physics/mathematics, i just want...
3. Do you even have an idea, how to add multiple messages as reply source for user? Anyway, it's complicated

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn


1. Don't understand. Elaborate.
2. You heard me right, no need to be an ape, by "technicalities" I meant the Fedi's technical status quo, which can change.
3. Shit, that I do. You have a reply button on each post. This button adds a post into the list, not replaces it.
4. I see more, whole squabbles and dramas could have been avoided, in fact.

@mo @BigFoxBoss


1. Don't understand. Elaborate.
2. You heard me right, no need to be an ape, by "technicalities" I meant the Fedi's technical status quo, which can change.
3. Shit, that I do. You have a reply button on each post. This button adds a post into the list, not replaces it.
4. I see more, whole squabbles and dramas could have been avoided, in fact.

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
> 2, 3
It still matters how it would be handled under the hood. Doing that is complicated.

> 4
Un-twitter the twitter? :blobfoxgooglymlem:
If given the ability and opportuniity to answer a shitton of people at once, it would merely open one more gate for petty squabbles

Trollbait meme
Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss We already have abilities and opportunities to mention a shitton of people at once, so it's a wash.

Also, I already answered to how 3 will work under the hood.

@mittorn @mo

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
Well, duh, so how is it supposed to avoid/prevent further dramas?

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss By linking to a collective memory of people who already had this conversation.

@mittorn @mo

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
You expect people to always be rational and/or run out of things to say? :blobfoxthonking:

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss In places where moderation is alive, yes, I expect some decency of people.

Where it isn't, well... They can do pretty much whatever.

@mittorn @mo

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
You expect to moderate each topic ever discussed so you won't need to talk/discuss/repeat about points/topics again?
If the most basic FAQ section doesn't save tech (or any other) support from silly questions, then I highly doubt the "collective memory" would prevent any dramas

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss No, I expect the moderation to fend off spammers and trolls who would abuse a feature (any feature).

@mittorn @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo we do not have such amount of moderation. Why add potentially harmful features? Or you want use some AI for moderation like big corps?

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
Where is the distinction between a person talking about a topic previously discussed (regardless of how controversial it is) and an abuser?

Bringing up a previously discussed topic or getting someone to reiterate a point previously stated is abuse or what?

Spammers and feature abusers are an entirely different beast.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss


> Bringing up a previously discussed topic or getting someone to reiterate a point previously stated is abuse or what?

No, why?

I'm talking about cases as described in:

> Spammers and feature abusers are an entirely different beast.

No they aren't. Spammers abuse technology to send spam.

@mittorn @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo this might be useful with premoderation, but not with postmoderation

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo

> I'm talking about cases as described in

And what does this have to do with "collective memory"?

> No they aren't. Spammers abuse technology to send spam.

Different not from each other, but different from people who may talk about a topic previously discussed or have a point being reiterated by someone.
How do you expect to moderate what people discuss or ever discussed to a point you won't need to reiterate anymore?

Stack overflow comes to mind, where you come ask a question and they claim it's a dupe and link you to something either surface level or straight up unrelated :blobfoxgoogly:

@drq @mittorn @mo

> I'm talking about cases as described in

And what does this have to do with "collective memory"?

> No they aren't. Spammers abuse technology to send spam.

Different not from each other, but different from people who may talk about a topic previously discussed or have a point being reiterated by someone.
How do you expect to moderate what people discuss or ever discussed to a point you won't need to reiterate anymore?

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

> And what does this have to do with "collective memory"?

Uhhh... those are separate topics, so... nothing?

> Different not from each other, but different from people who may talk about a topic previously discussed or have a point being reiterated by someone

Yes, and that's a very clear distinction, the latter are just talking, and the former use automated tools to send as much as possible, what's the question, again?

@mittorn @mo

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
The question is still the same: how is this proposed feature going to avoid/prevent further dramas? :blobfoxthinksmirk:

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss I already told you: by allowing reference. The number of "platinum threads" will be reduced, at least.

Yes, threads will be bigger, they will be more long-lived, but there will be fewer of them.

@mittorn @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo so you just need reference tool, not multi-reply

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn

@mittorn Allowing reference as reply, gosh darn it.

Do I have to reiterate everything in every post?

@BigFoxBoss @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo you asked for multiple entities in replyTo, not references and said that you do not want references (i do not want to search this post in so big thread now)

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo but it is not just a reference, but graph connection. And you asked to use not just single-root directional tree, so you wanted to change main graph

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn

@mittorn How is it "not just a reference"?

It points to a previous point in conversation, semantically linking it with the current one. Which is almost textbook definition of a reference.

@BigFoxBoss @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo nobody will read big threads. Maybe, 2-3 doomscrollers, but anyway it is very few

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
Again, you expect people to always be rational and go reference?

I also told you if basic FAQ doesn't alleviate support centers from silly questions and squabble, then this feature is unlikely to prevent further dramas.
That feature might actually exacerbate them, by referencing a previous heated discusson and people wiill get even more riled up reading them.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss Well, if someone is being irrational to the point of being annoying, that's what's moderation for.

@mittorn @mo

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
So, if someone annoys you just because they ask something someone else asked n-th time before them, or if they express what they think many times (and by extension annoy you by it), you'd ban them?

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to BigFoxBoss

@BigFoxBoss I would ban anybody being sufficiently annoying and abusive, no matter how they do it.

@mittorn @mo

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @BigFoxBoss @mo you want to introduce tooling that allows flood in almost semi-automate way

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss
1. When you replying to post in this thread, this is not tree or polytree, just looped graph. To make polytree you need break loop, losing connection
2. Unlikely, very unlikely. Just because of technical solutions in implementations. It's more, more safe to send second and next replies in separate fields. This will just work with current implementations.
3. ok, that is possible way to compose such message. I suggesting here specify if we should show reply copy here or just embed it as forward (with link to original) so we may avoid flooding when do not want extra reply to be shown
4. Connecting many threads with different ideas may produce even more dramas. But if it will be secondary replies, not showing whole thread (not connecting it techincaly, not mergin replies and leaving visual split between threads), then ok.

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss
1. When you replying to post in this thread, this is not tree or polytree, just looped graph. To make polytree you need break loop, losing connection
2. Unlikely, very unlikely. Just because of technical solutions in implementations. It's more, more safe to send second and next replies in separate fields. This will just work with current implementations.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn

1. What loop, in the first place? How do you *make* a loop?

2. We overhauled protocols in 2017. We can fucking do it again.

3. Up to the implementer, I guess. We can have an option to show additional parents or not, I think.

@mo @BigFoxBoss

mittorn replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss

1. Here you posting link to other posts in THIS thread. So if you make this like multy-reply, it will be loop, not polytree. Even if it not looped really, this means rendering 2 same branches. Both is useless.
We need hard-break or soft-break this. I suggested ideas how it may be done, but this means not multy reply, but one reply and junction points. Only render first branch, second just link, junction point.
2. Do you really want break just working thing? Maybe we do not need AP at all, but you know, if we break what works now, then it will be very hard to build community again in this world when everybody get addicted to whatsapp/tiktok/etc. And you know how this addiction is strong. And again, all might be done without breakage using extension. JSON-LD is pain of AP, but this is not catastrophe and may be worked around in way, compatible with all implementations.

@drq @mo @BigFoxBoss

1. Here you posting link to other posts in THIS thread. So if you make this like multy-reply, it will be loop, not polytree. Even if it not looped really, this means rendering 2 same branches. Both is useless.
We need hard-break or soft-break this. I suggested ideas how it may be done, but this means not multy reply, but one reply and junction points. Only render first branch, second just link, junction point.

Dr. Quadragon ❌ replied to mittorn


1. Well, this is not really a loop, is it. The graph still goes in one direction. Rendering is another question entirely, it may be up to the implementer. Maybe someone will actually build a graph view instead of linear feed. Who knows. The options are there, earlier you even suggested a few.

2. Everything breaks eventually. Ostatus broke. So will AP.

@mo @BigFoxBoss

BigFoxBoss replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq @mittorn @mo
Straight up, graph the current discussion and then illustrate which threads/replies you would merge by, like, multireply thing and pass by all references you end up grabbing. You would get loops, because these posts share something you considered in common. They may be in parallel threads or in the same one, still loops at some point. Then backend implementation of parsing this stuff goes into play and it gets messy.

And break backwards compatibility...

@drq @mittorn @mo
Straight up, graph the current discussion and then illustrate which threads/replies you would merge by, like, multireply thing and pass by all references you end up grabbing. You would get loops, because these posts share something you considered in common. They may be in parallel threads or in the same one, still loops at some point. Then backend implementation of parsing this stuff goes into play and it gets messy.

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