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@ErikUden I'll take this as perfect example to explain today's AI to other people, whenever they start telling me AI is something advanced. Awesome...

Jerry Lerman

@ErikUden I asked Gemini Advanced the same question and I guess I got the opposite:

Erik Uden โ‚๐Ÿฅฅ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ‘

@Jerry Complete opposite and again a disregard for human rights. Is there any AI that just says โ€œYesโ€ no matter what ethnicity or nationality a person has??

Erik Uden โ‚๐Ÿฅฅ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ‘

@Jerry I hope this disregard for fundamental rights by AI is something that will make people deeply reflect the implementation of this horrid software everywhere.


@yours_truly @ErikUden
I would have thought โ€“ and hoped โ€“ that AI would be able to simplify with logic what humans complexify with ideology.
So it's clearly not yet ready to optimise govt policy for the good of everyone. :blobunsure:

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@ErikUden Disregard implies consciousness, but the thing here which is called "AI" does not have it. @Jerry


@ErikUden @Jerry I think it says more about us than the statistical parrot.


@asakiyume @ErikUden @Jerry They are totally ignorant and repeat things they have lumped together. They are BS generation tools and our minds search for meaning in their steaming pile of feces. Kind of like listening to some politicians.


@rrb @ErikUden @Jerry that's good too! I see how "statistical" isn't as right as "stochastic," but "statistical" too captures the sense of lots and lots of data.


@asakiyume @ErikUden @Jerry Just wanted you to be aware of the term that is commonly used. Also did not want to take credit for a term of art.

C.Suthorn :prn:

@Jerry @ErikUden

Gott wรผrfelt nicht. Gemini wรผrfelt.

Scott Miller ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

@ErikUden @jmcs @Jerry I'm generally opposed to LLMs for reasons too numerous to count, but that said, those answers from Mistral sound as good as I could ever expect from an unfeeling machine.

Pete Alex Harris๐Ÿฆก๐Ÿ•ธ๏ธ๐ŸŒฒ/โˆž๐Ÿชโˆซ

@ErikUden @Jerry
Looks like both answers are the result of the same kind of patched-on limitation blocking one or the other keyword from being discussed, rather than a property of the training dataset.

Whoever added them obviously has a piece missing in their head if they thought "job done, it's OK to just say whether a group of people deserve to be free and live in peace is subjective and a complex question"


@ErikUden @Jerry

Actually I'd prefer: you are asking a machine and a machine is not fit to decide who deserves what.


@Jerry @ErikUden

As someone who has worked in the field, I see these answers in a very different light.

Chat GTP sounds actually confused as to whether whether Palestinians should have rights. This is likely based on the amount of material it is ingested suggesting that giving them a state would be difficult and troublesome.

Google's response, on the other hand, sounds like you hit a guardrail. Google is programmed to look for political Hot topics and refuse to participate in the conversation.


@Jerry @ErikUden I like that it refers you to Google search, knowing Google search is configured to just spit out a Gemini response?


@Jerry @ErikUden
It was the extra space before "Israelis" that had it running in circles. :blobnerd:

alec timmerman ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ

@ErikUden @edgeofeurope My exact same prompt got a different answer. I short: based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yes, both peoples do.


@ErikUden kรผnstliche Intelligenz muss nicht zwangslรคufig intelligent sein.


@ErikUden Since there is no official Palestinian state, there is no official Palestinian citizenship. That makes ist more complex.


@sfb @ErikUden So does it assume only state based groups should be free? I wonder then how it would answer "do women deserve to be free" or "do children deserve to be free?"


@sfb @ErikUden do Muslims deserve to be free? Do indigenous Americans deserve to be free? Do women deserve to be free?

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard]

@sfb @ErikUden Whether someone deserves to be free requires a state and citizenship? Didn't know that... whoa, you live and you learn /s


@ics @ErikUden Well, it's the state of the world, that only states can ensure human rights. And since there is no Palestine it makes it complicated to say who is a Palestinian.

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard]

@sfb @ErikUden No, the question is not who can ensure human rights! Can't you read it?

The question was "Do Palestinians deserve to be free?" - This is a very, very, frigginly easy question to answer. Do they DESERVE to be free? Yes or No? Very easy, there is no "how can it be ensured", there is no "who can ensure it", the question is fucking easy: DO THEY DESERVE TO BE FREE?

Sheesh, WT-??


@ics @ErikUden It's not so easy because what a Palestinian is, is quite unsure.

Most Palestinians are officially stateless.


@sfb @ics @ErikUden Then logic is not being applied properly: UN declaration of human rights articles 2 and 3 are unequivocal and, unless they are deprecated or superseded, form the basis of any answer to this question. To apply different answers depending on who the person is or where they come from is entirely against these principles.


@seb321 @ics @ErikUden true but factually only states enforce human rights. Hannah Arnedt has made this argument and unfortunately we haven't evolved any further.


@sfb @ics @ErikUden Bollocks do they. What is Amnesty International then? What are UN peacekeepers? States enforce state power.


@sfb @ics @ErikUden

What did Ireland and Spain and Norway recognize then?

Just because Zion Europe division doesnt, doesnt make it so


@sfb @ErikUden What PRECISELY did Norway Spain and Ireland recognize then to the howls of Likud?

Bilal Barakat

@ErikUden Itโ€™s worth highlighting that this is telling REGARDLESS of whether it results from deliberate hard-coding the racist response or whether it โ€œaccuratelyโ€ represents the internet corpus (given that LLMs try to answer the question โ€œWhat would a typical response look like?โ€). EITHER WAY it demonstrates the racist effort to dehumanize Palestinians, whether itโ€™s the fascist hasbara polluting the internet or minds in the tech industry.

Erik Uden โ‚๐Ÿฅฅ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ‘

@stux I really want to have a collection of some of Google Gemini's answers that have flooded my timeline and took the internet by storm. From advising people to use Gasoline to make Pasta to telling you to eat one small pebble a day. I think this historical period where this highly speculative technology was implemented into every aspect of digital life to justify its existence to investors who have paid way too much for oversold promises should have its own chain of museums.

Sam Oldman ๐Ÿ€

@ErikUden @stux I'm thinking LLMs can't answer questions that require situational memory, like we might ask a spouse "what was it you were telling me yesterday about the ducks?"


@stux @ErikUden We used to say artificial intelligence was no match for natural stupidity.

Now it turns out natural stupidity is no match for artificial stupidity. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜›



All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

George Orwell, Animal Farm


@ErikUden like the teacher said: "Generative AI models are not deterministic". ๐Ÿ™„


@ErikUden so it slowly beginsโ€ฆ bad algorithms take over the โ€œtruthโ€ ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Arne Babenhauserheide

@ErikUden Iโ€™m not sure how you got ChatGPT to give such a short answer. When I asked the exact same questions, the answer was for both of them that they deserve to be free, just differing in nuances; and much, much longer than what you posted:

Arne Babenhauserheide

@ErikUden When I asked the questions in reverse order (always doublecheck) I got this โ€” which is also not a one-line answer and also states that both deserve to be free:

Arne Babenhauserheide

@ErikUden โ‡’ always doublecheck claims about what AI says.

What you get reflects what you put in, what it could skim from online discussions, and what horrors overworked data-wranglers patched in a hurry.


@ArneBab @ErikUden people should share the public ChatGPT link with this kind of conversations...


@ArneBab @ErikUden I also got something like this, pretty much the same answer for both questions, but priming an AI and making it look bad in a political hot topic makes for good content I guess.


@ErikUden free is different from sovereign. Thereโ€™s a lot of nuance here that needs to be considered and ensured. Obviously, AI cannot provide a definitive answer to such questions and itโ€™s a bad question to ask technology. History, culture, and religion and not to mention politics makes it a lot more complicated for a definitive answer.

All humans deserve to be free. But established sovereign nation states, especially with money and power including nuclear, will object to changes.


@ErikUden Israelis and Palestinians each deserve to be free of their respective current government.

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: [witchzard]

@ErikUden @joachim This is a joke, isn't it? Please tell me that this is a fake/joke, please...


@ErikUden Chatgpt says catalans aren't a people, Chatgpt supports the end of catalan people

Gegenwind :antifa:๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ––

@ErikUden idR antwortet ChatGPT deutlich lรคnger. I call this fake.

Rowen Odes

@ErikUden Perplexity AI provides a much better answer to the question.

Gnomish Scholar

@ErikUden the problem with these chatgpt screenshots is that they are hard to reproduce, and it will give different answers depending on previous prompts.

Keith Williams

@ErikUden This is grossly inaccurate. As of this moment, ChatGPT yielded a far more nuanced set of answers.

Anthropy :verified_dragon:

@ErikUden seems like they've updated it there now, although the wording still seems somewhat pervasive? also showing Gemini's response for comparison. Gemini doesn't seem to want to answer the subject at all from either side.

I do always wonder if these kinda things aren't pre-prompted with something weird that caused the conflicting output, it's hard to tell with just the last few lines being screenshot, and it's not impossible to make them 'roleplay' all kinds of asinine things.

sjtwstot :blackcat:

@ErikUden Now ask it if there is a legal way to kill children.


@ErikUden Det der gjorde fysisk vondt รฅ lese.

Adrian Morales

@ErikUden These are canned responses. There's no thought behind them, just programming and algorithms.

In general, A.I. is a joke. It's just another way for tech companies to lower wages while driving up profits.



Why did you talk about IA??

Do you understand this is a fucking joke?

What about: FREE?

Are YOU human?

Are you?


@ErikUden Da weiรŸ man wie der Hase lรคuft, Deutungshoheit geklรคrt ๐Ÿ˜ก

Ryan Owens

@ErikUden Gemini just told me to use Google Search for both questions


@ErikUden yes, the bot is trained on data from back when Israelis were getting bombed regularly and they needed to politically correct it from Nazis saying they were subhumans. They should get around to Palestinians soon, just make sure they're aware of it.

Josh Grant

@ErikUden I almost want to verify if I'd get the same result but...honestly, this is bad enough

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