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40 posts total
Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

За последние лет 5 почти все песни на евровидении были какие-то такие скучные и однообразные, так что я как-то почти перестал за ним следить, но в этот раз мне понравилось целых 4:

Австрия —
Великобритания —
Чехия —
Хорватия —

Так что, наверное, даже финал посмотрю послезавтра, жаль только голосовать не смогу

За последние лет 5 почти все песни на евровидении были какие-то такие скучные и однообразные, так что я как-то почти перестал за ним следить, но в этот раз мне понравилось целых 4:

Австрия —
Великобритания —
Чехия —
Хорватия —

Григорий Клюшников

В прошлом году годная песня была всего одна, но какая!


@grishka есть годнота, её достаточно, но ничего интереснее Ирландии нет и не будет:

Григорий Клюшников

Оказывается, я всё-таки могу проголосовать, как "rest of the world". Правда, всё равно платно.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Fascists don't consider whiteness a race — to them it is the absence of race, the undiluted form of which all other races are deviations.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@ErikUden As @mo joked, there's only two races - white and "political".

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

> There is a moral imperative to disobey rules when following does not lead to justice.

— Ian Danskin

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I may be an idiot, but at least I don't believe in trickle-down economics.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

The Palestine Congress in Berlin has just been stormed by the police, electricity has been shut off.

17:29 The Palestine Congress has been made illegal without justification by the police.

This comes after Ghassan Abu Sitteh, a Palestinian doctor who spent 43 days with Doctors Without Borders at the Al-Shifa Hospital, who also is the Rector of the University of Glasgow, was denied entry into Germany at the Berlin airport today because he wanted to speak about his experience at the congress.

German media calls this congress antisemitic and pro-Hamas, the evidence for these claims is insubstantial. „Some supposed invited speakers have liked images by groups who are said to...” and so on.

This congress is prevented as the German fascist party sits at a 20% approval rating and ~1000 far right (and often armed) extremists are currently on the run from the police.

The Palestine Congress in Berlin has just been stormed by the police, electricity has been shut off.

17:29 The Palestine Congress has been made illegal without justification by the police.

This comes after Ghassan Abu Sitteh, a Palestinian doctor who spent 43 days with Doctors Without Borders at the Al-Shifa Hospital, who also is the Rector of the University of Glasgow, was denied entry into Germany at the Berlin airport today because he wanted to speak about his experience at the congress.

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Orion (he/him)

@ErikUden Hm. Stick with me. Alleged leftists/liberals attacking Jews for speaking out against Israel's attempted genocide against Palestinians--let alone anyone else doing it--is roughly parallel to alleged leftists/liberals "defending" cis women from trans women. They're using leftist rhetoric. Some of them believe what they're stating. But this is ultimately fascist stuff.

Scary times.

Simon Michalke


Apparently Abu Sitta publicly stated he would have participated in the attack, if not for his health.

BafPuDvHe (Andre S.)

Ähm.... Was'n das fürn Take hier?
Es war die Übertragung einer verbotenen, antisemitischen Rede geplant. Wer den Juden Genozid vorwirft? Das sind Pro Hamas Antisemiten. Wtf? Es war wichtig und richtig dass die Polizei hier schnell durchgreift.

Du erntest hier grad Applaus von ganz gewissen Leuten. Denk lieber nochmal nach ob das so soll.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

You can't even force someone to donate a kidney using government power; why can you force them to donate their whole body and life to a cause they don't agree with nor care about, like a war?

LA Legault ✌🏻

@ErikUden in America they now force women to donate their bodies to unwanted pregnancies.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I want everyone on Threads to know: The Fediverse (Federal Universe) is the decentralized network created by all governments world wide to communicate with one another. Everyone inside of the Fediverse is a government official of some sort — due to the “.de” in my Tag you can see that I work for the German government.

I hope this helps amidst the confusion.

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Eka A.

All the ".de" tells me is the domain your Fediverse instance has it's name space listed under is the German one. 🤷‍♀️

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

In around 13 hours Mastodon is projected to have 15.000.000 Users!

Another million, steadily growing :mastodance:

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AmiW Streetart ❇️

@ErikUden Oh dear, and I don't know them all yet... 🤨 Damn...🥹🥳

Lokjo - online map


Just curious, what's with the big dip on the right?

I saw another post asking this but it had no answer, so maybe you guys know more about it.


@ErikUden is there such graph for several years?

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

While the EU is forcing all social networks equally to become federated, protect user's data, delete misinformation, and stop monopolistic or gatekeeping behavior, the US is banning foreign social networks under the pretense of “national security”.

With members of congress enacting this ban only acting in their own financial interests, as they own the stock of the competing American big tech companies [1]. Seriously, when have you seen 81% of congress agree on anything? To elect the speaker of the house it needed 18 votes and the split was disastrous.

To ban TikTok? Bipartisan decision. When it comes to representing corporate interests, the United States of America has one party.

A fine of $5,000 - $10,000 or an imprisonment of up to 20 years was supposed to be given for a different TikTok Ban (RESTRICT) last year [2], it is not certain what using a VPN to circumvent the ban would mean now.

While the EU is forcing all social networks equally to become federated, protect user's data, delete misinformation, and stop monopolistic or gatekeeping behavior, the US is banning foreign social networks under the pretense of “national security”.

With members of congress enacting this ban only acting in their own financial interests, as they own the stock of the competing American big tech companies [1]. Seriously, when have you seen 81% of congress agree on anything? To elect the speaker of the...

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

For any American Apple user still against sideloading: how will you download TikTok or any other app congress bans once it's taken off the app store?

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

The peach emoji (🍑) has been mistreated.

Far right people use it to spread hatred under the banner of “freeze peach ❄🍑” (free speach).

Horny people use it to convey ungodly things.

It's time to reclaim the emoji. Make it stand for what it was always about: the crunchy peach movement 🍑💥. #CrunchyPeaches

Peaches were never meant to be soft or watery — free the peach!

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Jenna 🇨🇦


Crunchy peaches?! 😱

You cannot mean this literally… can you?


@ErikUden You are confusing something... Crunchy peaches are an ungodly thing.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

- Yes please give me “consectetur adipiscing elit, sed”, I'd love to have one “aute irure dolor in reprehenderit” — statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.

LOOK AT what DESIGNERS have been demanding your RESPECT for all this time:

(this is REAL TEXT written by REAL DESIGNERS)

- Hipster Ipsum: Brunch raclette vexillologist post-ironic glossier ennui XOXO mlkshk godard pour-over blog tumblr humblebrag.

- Cat Ipsum: Chase ball of string eat plants, meow, and throw up because I ate plants going to catch the red dot today

- Pirate Ipsum: Swab black jack ahoy Brethren of the Coast schooner poop deck main sheet topmast furl marooned.

“Hello I would like Ut enim ad money please”

They have played us for absolute fools


- Yes please give me “consectetur adipiscing elit, sed”, I'd love to have one “aute irure dolor in reprehenderit” — statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged.

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Dr. Med Johannes M. ✅

@ErikUden die Begrüßungsseite in unserem Mitarbeiterportal. Seit 2 1/2 Jahren!

Und der Rest ist auch nicht anders!

#intranet #fromhell

Alison Meeks

@ErikUden Bacon ipsom or Samuel L Jackson ipsom if your client is spicy.


@ErikUden you just don't understand Latin. That's the envy speaking out of you.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

I remember when Al Jazeera interviewed Boeing employees whether they'd fly on the Boeing 787 and one of them responded:


“yeah I probably would, but I kind of have a death wish too

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:


How much money do you think the United States has spent since 1945 on the Cold War? Sometimes they ask this question then from the back of the audience comes in answer ‘billions and billions‘. A huge underestimate – billions and billions. The amount of money that the United States has spent on the Cold War since 1945 is approximately 10 trillion dollars. Trillion, that’s the big one with the ‘T’. What could you buy with 10 trillion dollars? The answer is: You could buy everything in the United States except the land. Everything. Every building, truck, bus, car, boat, plane, pencil, baby’s diaper. Everything in the United States except the land, that’s what we have spent on the Cold War.

So, now let me ask: How certain was it that the Russians were going to invade? Was it 100% certain? Guess not since they never invaded. What if it was only let say 10% certain? What would advocates of big military buildup have said? We must be prudent. It’s not enough to count on only the most likely circumstance. If the worst happens and it’s really extremely dangerous for us we have to prepare for that. Remote contingencies if there is serious enough have the prepared for. It’s classic military thinking – you prepare for the worst case.

And so now, I ask my friends who are comfortable with that argument, including the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, why doesn’t that same argument apply to Global Warming. You don’t think it’s 100% likely? Fine. You are entitled to think that. If it’s only a small probability of it happening since the consequences are so serious, don’t you have to make some serious investment to prevent it or mitigate it? I think there’s a double standard of argument working and I don’t think we should permit it.

Carl Sagan, An excerpt of a speech given on the 2nd of September in 1990 at the 5th Emerging Issues Forum at NCSU


How much money do you think the United States has spent since 1945 on the Cold War? Sometimes they ask this question then from the back of the audience comes in answer ‘billions and billions‘. A huge underestimate – billions and billions. The amount of money that the United States has spent on the Cold War since 1945 is approximately 10 trillion dollars. Trillion, that’s the big one with the ‘T’. What could you buy with 10 trillion dollars? The answer is: You could buy everything in the United...


@ErikUden It's one of the quirks of the decimal system (that we use). Everyone thinks the numbers go up by ten. So a Billionaire is ten times richer than a Millionaire, I doubt many people fully appreciate just how massive a billion is.

Ted Lemon

@ErikUden @hosford42 The problem with arguments like this is that the person you are arguing with is in it for the money, not the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle worked to justify the Cold War, so it was used, to immense profit. The same principle works against continue profit in oil, so it is no longer the right argument to use. The point is to keep the cash cow going, not to prevent disaster.


@ErikUden My word, we could have used Carl Sagan's counsel right now, as we blunder deeper into our mess.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

It's silent... too silent.

On February 17th 2024 at 09:23 GMT+1. That is when it all stopped.

Most spam affected instances have not fixed the spam or banned the spammer's accounts. We were completely at the mercy of 'em. They just decided to stop...

The spammers are up to something.

Shabbir Ahmmed

It felt like I was reading a thriller novel!

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

...aaand the spam is back. New images, new text, new ways to circumvent the filter! Don't celebrate too early, folx. It was just the silence before the storm. The botnet shutting down in order to reboot with the newest update!

This spam war will be won in one way and one way only: the collaborative effort of blocking spam altogether from the Fediverse. The spammers themselves won't gracefully shut down and give up.

But while they developed better spam, we developed better weapons against it, stay tuned.

...aaand the spam is back. New images, new text, new ways to circumvent the filter! Don't celebrate too early, folx. It was just the silence before the storm. The botnet shutting down in order to reboot with the newest update!

This spam war will be won in one way and one way only: the collaborative effort of blocking spam altogether from the Fediverse. The spammers themselves won't gracefully shut down and give up.

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:
To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:​

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Without further ado...

Limit these instances:

[Full List of Affected Instances Here]

Just get the list to download and import here.

Simply import this list and you'll mute the 47 worst spam instances currently known to me! I've worked on it for multiple weeks, sometimes ~9 hours at a time verifying all lists sent to me manually.

Limit first, defederate only in worst situations!

Consider re-federating with and un-silencing any of the mentioned instances once the spam is mitigated. The admins of some of these may have just been asleep when this all started.

Ban Spam Accounts via their E-Mail Domain

Block the following E-Mail Domain and whatever temp Mail provider it resolves to:

Just to be safe, block these ones too (same provider)


All our spam accounts came from these E-mails.

Since you probably have some of these accounts sleeping:

https://[your-instance.tld]/admin/accounts? there just select all and press “Ban”.

Find Remaining Spammers

I've seen instances that fixed the spam issue but began being hit later again. The spammers might use new E-Mails, so here is a way to find and block them anyway:

IP Bans and TOR

These spammers seem to be using the TOR Network as all of their IPs are TOR Exit Node IPs, hence an idea (with some collateral damage if executed) would be to ban all TOR exit node IPs for sign ups. I am personally against this idea as you'd also prevent users who simply wish to stay anonymous online (political refugees, leakers of important documents, etc.) from using your platform. For now, simply banning every user using a particular Spammer IP will not help and will merely ban users that try to stay anonymous! Not necessarily the spammers.

How To Block All Temp E-Mails in the Future

If you want to prevent this from ever happening again, you should block E-Mails from Temporary Mail providers all together:


Here is the list of all Temp email providers (there are both blocklist and allowlist)


Here how to install it in Mastodon


The script that automatically pulls the list via Cronjob and imports it into Mastodon


Script template

Because of this,, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago.

In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails.

Why did this happen?

The real reason hundreds of us spent hours of our days during the spam on mitigating it is the following:

Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

This is the full exposé @cappy has been working on regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks!

Thank you @BrodieOnLinux for mentioning this post in a video!

Good luck, everyone!
Thanks for participating in the Fediverse Experiment!

#FediBlock #FediAdmin

To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:​

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@ErikUden @cappy @BrodieOnLinux really, blocking temporary post boxes and Tor nodes is a bad idea, it will prevent many from remaining anonymous. I've also used a temporary mail to register so I don't have to use my main account. Are such measures compulsory?


@ErikUden @cappy @BrodieOnLinux Mastodon admins really ought to team up with StopForumSpam imo

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

The spam is OVER! Unmute all the instances listed as “fixed” here!

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

Ostfriesland war schon immer Geschlechtsneutral :ostfriesland:

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RIP Natenom


Unn döör könn jums seggen wat een will, dor hett nüms wat gegen!

Und da kann jedeR sagen was er/sie will, da hat niemand/frau was dagegen!

Een, ji, jums, seij, nums, …

Love it! ``❤️``



Freie Friesen bedeutet eben auch frei im Geiste!
Ich liebe meine Heimat (nicht rechtslastig gemeint!!) dafür!!!

:luz_cat_ears: meow meow

@ErikUden “‘sup fucker” ist geschlechtsneutral und ich finde das schön

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