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Guess what? It's #AUSPEX day 87! Yes, I've been making a level a day for 87 days.

We're going deeper, exploring ancient sewers. Unless it's one more uninviting vision of the future.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 88 is out.

Let's hope whatever dug this hole isn't around anymore.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

Here's #AUSPEX day 89.

Ghost tubes all the way through forgotten ruins.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 90 is live.

Someone else may be watching.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Here comes #AUSPEX day 91.

Let's get lost in underground ruins.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Hey, it's #AUSPEX day 92!

Going full speed on the antique conveyor belt of some forgotten dream factory.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 93 is out!

The best of both worlds: conveyor belts set up as a moving staircases. Haunted, of course.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 94 has been released.

The future is reshaping the past.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

It's #AUSPEX day 95.

Waking down the glass caves of abandoned futures.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

I think it's #AUSPEX day 96?

Is it still stairs if there are no steps?

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lectronice replied to lectronice

Well, it's #AUSPEX day 97.

Is a wall still a wall if it's not made of bricks?

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lectronice replied to lectronice

Seem like it's #AUSPEX day 98.

Going at an uncanny speed from nowhere to nowhere.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 99 is out.

Are you never truly alone?

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Apparently it's #AUSPEX day 100, meaning this insane project now includes 100 levels.

Enjoy the industrially-crafted solitude.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Here comes #AUSPEX day 101.

Are you still lost if looking for a way out has been your goal for too long to remember?

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 102 is here.

If you're the product, are you ready for the next stage of your lifecycle?

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 103 has been released.

And the ruins grew overnight.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Hey, it's #AUSPEX day 104.

Sometimes the world simply feels broken.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Here's #AUSPEX day 105.

For once, you might want to use your spacebar.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 106 is out.

Déjà vu? Of course. But how many times was it forgotten?

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 107 is live.

So many rabbit holes to fall into.

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lectronice replied to lectronice

It's #AUSPEX day 108.

Maybe there is solace in joining the lost civilizations club.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Here comes #AUSPEX day 109.

The past is full of holes, made larger by each visit.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 110 has been released.

Darkness blends everything peacefully.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

This is #AUSPEX day 111.

What if it's all just a simulation within a simulation?

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lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 112 is out.

So many lights, yet none to show the path.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

This looks like #AUSPEX day 113.

Exploring the synthcaves of bleeding light.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

Hey, it's #AUSPEX day 114.

Burning out.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 115 has come.

In a place that likely self-constructed and never had a name.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 116 is out.

Follow the line.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 117 has been released.

Wandering the cybercathedral.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

It's #AUSPEX day 118.

And the spirals are back.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 119 has been released.

In the land of slippery synthetic slopes.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

It's #AUSPEX day 120 and I had to restrain myself from adding pounding techno to the soundtrack. Maybe tomorrow, though...

There's probably a rave party going on somewhere near anyway.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

#AUSPEX day 121 is out.

All hail the synth pyramid, tomb of the great deluded future.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

So, it's #AUSPEX day 122.

Another vision of yesterday, but whether it's actually in the past or yet to come is hard to say.

Play the new level here:

lectronice replied to lectronice

I'd say it's #AUSPEX day 123, meaning this project is now more than 33,33% complete.

In the land of cyber mausoleums, what could lie at the heart of a spiraled techno ziggurat?

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