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Imagining a parallel universe where a community named Vermeilles is all about using exclusively a bright red palette.

Andy Alderwick

@ice They'd be constantly fighting with all the green folk over at Vertmeilles. Or do you think they'd get along fine? :flan_think:


#AUSPEX is out! It's a free exploration game made with @rpginabox that will get a new handcrafted level every day from January 1st to December 31st.

The idea is to use #gamedev as a kind of abstract journaling medium. Gameplay may vary depending on my mood, but it should be mostly contemplative and atmospheric.

Every day will also include a short #ambient track built upon the previous one.

Get it here:


#AUSPEX day 2 is now available.

Today was quite stressful. It probably shows.

Play the new level here:


For once, I'm releasing something for #BandcampFriday :)

I've been sitting on a few ambient tracks for quite a while, so I thought it would be a good idea to go with the flow.

This is a snapshot of soundscapes I've been nurturing for months. In a way, they just grew on their own. And they'll likely become something else at some point. Possibly a soundtrack for a sculpture exhibition...

I hope you'll enjoy them.

:kulupu: :ijo: :ko:


Today, in my never-ending war against domestic chaos, I had to go venture into the mephitic depths of the Swedish Temple of Blind Consumerism, in quest of numerous and affordable shelves.

I brought back loads of cursed superfluous items, and, quite unsurprisingly, a member of my party has fallen under the spell of the unholy idol of the #Fediverse.


There are many reasons to use a split keyboard, but this is without a doubt the most important one.

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Vakaris (soukyan) Blackwood

@ice look at that precious little tiger nogging, absolutely the most important reason

Simon Detheridge :snorlax:

@ice I've never managed to use a split keyboard because I never learned to type properly and my muscle memory gets messed up with keys around the center of they keyboard.

This is a factor in wanting to try again though. I hadn't considered it.


I’m increasingly drawn to #Shamanism for reasons I can’t quite understand. Various things in my life have been pointing to it for a while. I have zero cultural heritage regarding this practice, I’m wary of the new age nonsense that surrounds it, I’m mostly an atheist, yet it makes sense to me, especially when it comes to repetitive drumming, which I tend to do naturally.

Michael Harner seems to be a good start, but would there be other recommendations on the topic? Boosts appreciated :)


I’ve spent most of the week working on a new game project. Apparently I’m developing a farming/dating sim now. I tried to make a roguelike, but it just didn’t feel inspiring enough.

I need something peaceful and cosy, not war-like. It’s also a good opportunity to explore solarpunk thematics and societal models that aren’t built around money and profit. And to make some soothing drum & bass for the soundtrack.



So I thought about trying ChatGPT. You need to create an account. Then to verify your email. Then you need to provide you name. Then your phone number. Then, I don't know, because I closed my browser.

That was a fun, meaningful, enlightening experience for sure.

Jasper 🍉

@ice part of the reason i didn't try is because i expected some such...


So, I've finally received the Model 100 I had backed long ago. It's amazingly comfy, and comes right on time regarding my current stupid biceps tendonitis, but with this layout, not to mention Linear A legends, I'll be lucky to reach 1 word per minute...

At least I've no more excuse to not learn proper touch typing :)


Guess who's convinced the team that some civilization should speak #TokiPona in an upcoming game project?

The joke's on me though, now I'll have to actually adapt and write everything related. Which means I need to seriously review my grammar and get decently fluent.

Time to read every Lipu Tenpo issue I guess :) In case you don't know, it's an actual magazine written in Toki Pona, and it's a great resource if you're interested in the language:


It’s funny how similar designing a conlang and a game can be. As a game designer, I think the only reason I didn’t try it earlier is because creating a whole language felt absolutely daunting. Except it can be a personal language, with a tiny scope, made for fun. Like a game, it doesn’t have to be a damn MMORPG (you know, that stupidly overambitious idea every starting game designer always has…)


Today I woke up and started to work on my own conlang. Okay, brain, that's fine by me.

More about this later, but I'm aiming for something dead simple (likely quite close to Toki Pona) with a focus on time and cycles. Something I can use as a mental framework to help me figure out how to better live in the now and explore thought patterns related to the so-called flow of time. Something that makes the future look more fun.



I’ve spent the morning cutting grass and scrubs with my scythe and my sickle. I feel like a multiclassed barbarian/druid.

Joke apart, this was a really great workout. I’m glad I had calluses thanks to weight lifting, without them my hands would be bleeding right now. And my upper body is exhausted.

But enjoyed it very much. I don’t want to ever use a petrol mower again, it doesn’t even compare. Silence, precision, the feeling of not wreaking havoc upon nature… This was different.

Devine Lu Linvega

@ice it's never too late to re-spec a different tech tree ✊


This year, my #Inktober plan is to use my own prompts and my own drawing method (which will have nothing to do with ink.)

Prompts will be generated by rolling 3 random story dice every day. I have 36 unique six-sided dice, so it means loads of possibilities. I'll take a picture and post it first thing in the morning, around 7:00-9:00 UTC+2.

Feel free to share the rolls and use them in any way you want :) Just follow this thread or the #StoryDicetober hashtag if you find them useful.


Taking a walk through the valleys of my childhood. Last time I came here was two years ago, but it could as well be two days or two decades ago. No matter how the landscape may have changed, it’s blurred and merged with so many memories from different periods it could as well be a timeless dreamscape.



This place is quite aesthetically pleasing.

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