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Kit Malone

Never in the history of ever has the phrase "quell student protests" indicated a growing societal reverence for democracy and civil rights.


@thekitmalone Mike Johnson saying that peaceful protest is not constitutionally protected and his calling for the National Guard to be called in is on-par with Trump's worst statements as president (e.g. "If you count the legal votes, I easily win.")

🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🐧 🥦


It might help if those students weren't carrying signs saying "Death to America", "Death to Israel" and various antisemitic slogans.

Lucy B

@Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone
Do you have any reliable sources that show that there are many instances of hate happening at the current student protests? Everything I have seen has indicated otherwise, that the issues have come from non students. The protests in Boston involved Jewish students sharing Passover with others, including Muslims. I find it to be quite inspirational.

Jon Bodner

@lucybeahere @Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone

I heard that Log Cabin Republicans met with Melania Trump at Mar-a-Lago; I found it to be quite inspirational. The Republican Party can't be anti-LGBTQ.

(Because all words will be used against me, I am not a Trump supporter. I am just tired of quislings being used as proof of anything)

Catherine Schmidt

@Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone covered under free speech….and it’s t as nearly intimidating as wear a gun in public.

sean, with words

@Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone the reason this response is hilarious is because people have been asking to be heard on this for 7 months now and they've been ignored. so now you're criticizing their approach, and using that as an excuse to ignore their message.

also: conflating criticism of Israel/US foreign policy with anti Semitism is a dangerous lie, and it really needs to stop.

Kit Malone

@seanwithwords @Methylcobalamin

It's not hilarious. Calls for death/violence aren't funny.

But I have seen no real evidence that it's in any way widespread among the student protestors. And no side of this argument has the monopoly on using fighting words, I'm afraid.

sean, with words

@Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone I don’t think I was celebrating or laughing at calls for death and violence. I was referring to the response itself, which is laughably bad.

I’m sorry for suggesting there’s a light side to this. The ignorance of people making broad and poor generalizations in order to rationalize the dismissal of very legitimate protests has become quite tiring.

It also doesn’t help much to “both sides” this, either.

Kit Malone

@seanwithwords @Methylcobalamin

I don't think it's "both sidesing" the Palestinian liberation movement to acknowledge that, if we comb far enough, we'll find people using pretty horrible language on both sides of the issue and that therefore that maybe isn't a great measuring stick for who is right.

sean, with words

@thekitmalone @Methylcobalamin agreed. We should be talking about the merits of the arguments, not the nature of how we protest the actions of a violent state


@thekitmalone @seanwithwords @Methylcobalamin "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" are not calling for the deaths of or violence towards anything or anyone. It's a common call in anti-imperialist circles for the abolition of these imperialist states.


@seanwithwords @thekitmalone @ruby @Methylcobalamin TL;DR: It’s a hyperbolic exaggeration of the same sort as an English-speaker saying that someone is going to kill them, meaning ‘be very angry with them’.

Ciggy Bringer of Smoke

@Methylcobalamin @thekitmalone

Go talk to your folks about killing children in hospitals, and I'll talk to my folks about signs? Wait, do not even have a conduit to the child killers?

Kevin Leecaster

Have we ever had social media driven student protests that have been this obviously driven by Russian political technology?

Kit Malone

@GreenFire I don't buy it.

It's def inconvenient timing, but I've organized alongside plenty of pro-Palestinian organizers over the years, and of course they are going to be highly active in this moment.

Do I think Russian disinfo actor might be using this moment as a wedge to destabilize the election? Sure. But the Palestinian liberation movement isn't astroturf. It's been simmering for years, waiting for its moment.

Kevin Leecaster

I think that Gavin McInnes' involvement along with Russia, Iran, and their proxies promoting these anti-USA protests provides significant support that they're being used as useful idiots. I just hope that everyone will consider which side their actions are helping is all.

Lucy B

@GreenFire @thekitmalone
I have not seen any credible reporting of specific anti US protests, but rather protesting policy. I think that the protests have been effective in changing Biden’s handling of Israel, in a better direction. I’m a solid Biden voter by what I view as necessity, but I will not rubber stamp all of his actions.


Anti-US? Should we be celebrating our tax dollars funding Israel's genocide instead? It blows my mind that you can look at what is happening and blame it on Russian disinfo. Believe it or not, a lot people really dislike genocide. And fuck Gavin McInnes. He'd get his Nazi ass kicked if he showed up to any of these protests.


Ivey Janette McClelland

@thekitmalone @GreenFire That's exactly what it is. Some of the protesters at USC were far-right groups infiltrating to push their own divisive agenda. And to sow civil war. That's probably why LAPD was so heavy-handed towards the REAL protesters. Those false actors did the same thing in the 2020 protests. And even during the 1992 uprising that surrounded the campus.

Kevin Leecaster

@IveyJanette @thekitmalone
@lucybeahere Russian agents’ use of Facebook went far beyond targeted advertising, using Facebook pages and accounts to plan dozens of politically divisive marches, protests, and rallies. Russian-linked “social-media agitators” piggybacked off of the emotionally charged aftermath of shootings in Minneapolis and Dallas in 2016, hosting a rally in support of Philando Castile and a “Blue Lives Matter” protest.

@IveyJanette @thekitmalone
@lucybeahere Russian agents’ use of Facebook went far beyond targeted advertising, using Facebook pages and accounts to plan dozens of politically divisive marches, protests, and rallies. Russian-linked “social-media agitators” piggybacked off of the emotionally charged aftermath of shootings in Minneapolis and Dallas in 2016, hosting a rally in support of Philando Castile and a “Blue Lives Matter” protest.

Lucy B

@GreenFire @IveyJanette @thekitmalone
This is definitely a concern. But I refuse to accept that because of this, protest is no longer a legitimate means of expression. Because that is the endgame. To make protest illegal, to make voting seem illegitimate, to make people feel hopeless. It more important than ever that we are educated and thoughtful participants in the political sphere, that we don’t make assumptions until information is confirmed from trusted sources.

Kevin Leecaster

@lucybeahere @IveyJanette @thekitmalone
If you know me than you know that I am a strong advocate for protest and corporal politicking in general. I just think that time, effort, and thought should go into in order to make it effective protesting rather than rushing in and end up doing harm to the cause.

That is my main point.

Lucy B

I do think we often agree, as I see your posts frequently! Good to be able to talk it out without it devolving like it’s Twitter.

Ivey Janette McClelland

@GreenFire @lucybeahere @thekitmalone I agree. I remember walking with my grandma in a picket line outside the department stores on Broadway in the early 60's in downtown LA. When I was an infant. The stores integrated not long afterwards. I walked the picket line with my mom multiple times during the grape boycotts and when her union went on strike against the big hotels. My cousins participated in the Eastside Blowouts of 1968. Protesting gets voices heard.

Ivey Janette McClelland

@lucybeahere @GreenFire @thekitmalone That's also why so many disaffected communities choose to violently take to the streets instead of voting or protesting. We've seen it time and time again.

Catherine Schmidt

@thekitmalone are you being sarcastic? Quell means to “ put an end to rebellion or disorder typical with the use of force”. Oxford languages

Kit Malone

@lillyfinch I think you've misread my toot. I know what quell means. Obviously, I think using force to stop protest is undemocratic. That's literally what I said.

Catherine Schmidt

@thekitmalone ok, didn’t mean to offend just is sarcasm….

Aviva Gary

@thekitmalone no... it usually means bad tidings 👀

Kit Malone

Gonna mute this thread now because it's going places and that means it'll inevitably become a cesspool. I don't really feel like participating.

Von Xylofon

@thekitmalone Never in the history of ever did the people uttering the phrase care for any of those things, or, for the most part, pretended to.

@thekitmalone nor has "arrest gatherings of Jews" (looking at you, Germany)
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