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Andy Baio

"Consent Mode is off by default" is like the unofficial motto of the tech industry.

Andy Baio

also, naming your company "Limitless" is a really great way to set impossible expectations for everything you ever make


@andybaio Indeed. I've been assuming it's a reference to the movie of that name starring Bradley Cooper, based on a book by Alan Glynn, that's about artificially increased mental capacity as a superpower.

Andy Baio

@disquiet Yeah, they mention that as a parenthetical in the second paragraph. "Oh, and in case you’re wondering: yes, it’s very much a reference to the movie."


@andybaio What's especially funny is I vaguely recall the movie as a quasi-cautionary tale about unintended consequences.

Keith Ivey

@disquiet @andybaio So the brand is much like Soylent and Palantir.

Antonio Patriarca

@disquiet @kcivey @andybaio I am starting to think we should stop producing dystopian/cautionary tales as there will always be some tech CEO thinking it is their utopian dream.


@kcivey @disquiet @andybaio
"Palantir" is very different in that, instead of either banking on or simply having media illiteracy, Peter Thiel fully understands the evil implications of the reference and is embracing it.


@jargoggles @kcivey @disquiet @andybaio plus it sounds arguably cool.

Doesn't one need a license for that or something or can just everybody create a tv show "Gandalf and the Rivendell adventure"?



tech bros can't help but make the torment nexus


Flaming Cheeto

@andybaio @disquiet yet it's moving us towards the alibi archive of Robert J Sawyer 's Neanderthal parallax

tom jennings

@disquiet @andybaio

Possibly a propos, the TV show LIMITLESS is about a self-centered cis young tv-handsome do nothing white guy talking over women and always getting his way even though he's an incompetent fuckwit.

David Friedman

@andybaio And causes all sorts of oddly phrased questions in the FAQ like, β€œIs there a free Limitless plan?"

Yes! But the AI features in the free Limitless plan have a 10 hour limit. If you upgrade to a paid Limitless plan, those features are unlimited. In both plans, audio storage is limited (but if you live in a state with all-party consent requirements for recording private conversations, your ability to record audio may also be limited)

Andy Baio

@ironicsans Everything Unlimited Ltd. is the name of Davey Wreden's game studio, which is delightfully convoluted.

Leon Cowle

@andybaio Your statement is definitely true, with a (possibly a single) beautiful exception: one of the nicest possible human beings you will ever find did (near) exactly that β€” though he was just being creative with his lastname. Of Accidental Tech Podcast fame, @caseyliss (his company name is Limitliss, and he has a few great apps to his name!)

Kenneth Freeman

@andybaio β€œLensman” would have been better.


@andybaio This is like the google glass nightmare all over. I hope someone designs something that will screw up recording. This is invasive at the very least.

laura lemay

@andybaio I misread this as β€œlimitless pedant" and thought "but why pay $99 when we get so many of those for free on social media”

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? πŸ¦‘

@andybaio Oh look, another tech that is by default illegal in the EU.


@andybaio pretty sure this device is illegal in the EU. can't wait to see the GDPR fines


These are my terms of service for talking to me: If you speak to me while wearing one of these you consent to me punching you in the mouth. To opt out of a punch in the mouth post a notice to me here within two (2) weeks of purchasing your Limitless Pendant.

Kevin Russell


Would it be legal to break these when seen? As it is recording your conversation without your consent and they aren't stopping.

I am NOT recommending petty violence or ANY action, but I do want to know what the legal recourses are.

Bart Janssens πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ

@andybaio How is it possible that this kind of thing is described as normal and acceptable?

Jason Evangelho

@andybaio β€œit’ll be about AI agents that actually do stuff on your behalf, so Limitless can know everything about you and do everything for you and everything will be amazing.”

Nope. Don’t like that.

jack the nonabrasive

@andybaio Gotta wonder how this works in multi-person consent states? Would a person recorded without their consent be able to take action against Limitless? Betting the user agreement indemnifies Limitless from the purchaser, but not sure how that would work for the person recorded.

Och Menno !!

@karabaic @andybaio writing a Gdpr complaint every week ^^ just in case


@karabaic Conceivably yes, the user could be liable for recording someone without consent in a multi-person consent state. But Limitless would likely be no more liable than Sony would be for making a tape recorder used to record someone without their consent in the same situation.

jack the nonabrasive

@stg That makes sense for a generic recorder used in a place with no expectation of privacy with other uses, like recording music.

This is specifically designed to record human interactions and has a consent setting turned off by default.

Is there a colorable argument that the service provider knows the product has consent issues?

I'm thinking something like the product liability lawsuits against gun manufacturers who marketed guns for particular uses?


@andybaio yet another reason to learn ASL or any other sign language really

Third spruce tree on the left

@andybaio I see a new opportunity: The J4mm3r: You wear it like a pendant but it emits EM jamming on all frequencies known to be used by Limitless devices.

Le Chep

@tezoatlipoca @andybaio I'm happy to carry a 100Wh battery on a backpack linked to that pendant if it can actually use beam-forming tech to fucking fry the Limitless devices on sight.

After all "Consent mode off by default" right? Consent mode to fry by default then. Game on.


@tezoatlipoca @andybaio that would be knocked down as illegal in an instant, because it would interfere with potentially legitimate electronics, like cell phones or emergency radio.

Third spruce tree on the left

@kinyutaka @andybaio Sigh, yeah, I know. :/

Now, if I just so happen to be carrying a device with really really bad EM leakage on the 2.4GHz bands used by wifi and bluetooth, you know like how my microwave drops my LAN when I make popcorn..


@tezoatlipoca @andybaio
Most likely a new firmware option for existing devices (HackRF, Flipper, etc.)


And you know that they're still going to gather data even if you turn on "Consent Mode" because tech bros reject the very idea of consent on religious grounds.

Charles U. Farley

@andybaio Pretty sure these claims go well beyond the current state of the art anyway, especially on a portable device with 100 hours of claimed battery life. So I posit the whole thing is a scam.


@andybaio And it wouldn’t be difficult to have a screen during onboarding simply asking β€œEnable or Disable β€˜Consent Mode’” with an explainer. Like, bare minimum consideration here.


@stg @andybaio

Or default to it "on"

Or don't carry around a wireless always on microphone that saves every conversation you hold into The Cloud.


@andybaio The way he switches to first person when describing how it collects data is telling - "I have access to your email, I have access to your Slack messages".

Soulfire The Wolf

I gotta admit that the device, while probably not private and kinda creepy, does look really nice

Gravitational Wave Influencer

At glance I thought it was a water bottle with different colored tops. An idea which I will now claim as my own invention, and am open to anyone wishing to invest. 🍢



Consent mode being off by default conveniently (for big tech) puts the burden on the user to know whether the state they're in requires only one or every party to a conversation to agree to being recorded.

Stupid move by big tech, but it's their basic business model.

billy joe bowers - Harris2024


We should really be thinking more about why the people with all the money are spending all of our resources to make the world shittier instead of better, and why we're allowing them to.

Aviva Gary

@andybaio you spelled capitalism wrong πŸ˜‰

Toni Aittoniemi

@andybaio Mother*****s. But they dare. I guess the good old tactic of punching the nazi is what remains for the people.

Queer Like The Slur

@andybaio inb4 tech bros hear recordings of what they mutter to themselves when they're not listening.


@andybaio So default reaction to encountering such a pendant then is to pull off and stamp it on the floor?


Only talking to naked people from now on.


@andybaio The Fediverse is one of the few places online that seems to understand the concept of consent.

#Mastodon #Fediverse

Robert Kingett on hiatus

Oh trust me, there are newcomers to the Fedi that desperately wish everything was opt out like the rest of the tech industry, but luckily the old comers held their ground when they were mocked, etc. Over pushing for opt in design rather than opt out design. @ahimsa_pdx @andybaio


@weirdwriter @ahimsa_pdx @andybaio What are yous guys β€” some kind of β€œfree software extremists”??!


@ahimsa_pdx @andybaio Unfortunately some parts of the fediverse haven't figured out what doxxing is or why it's bad yet


@andybaio UGH that is horrible.

The sad thing is I could see some very valid uses for a far less obvious recording device that does clear recording of voices (medical appointments or other scenarios where you need to record information, any encounter with the police, documenting abuse) but all of the privacy violation and stuff this funnels data through (as well as the obvious appearance) would make it horrible for any valid need for recording

Evan 🫠 πŸ”œXOXO Fest πŸ¦ˆβ€οΈπŸš€

@andybaio ironic consent decisions aside, imo the general concept is exciting, especially for disabled people and those with memory problems. i don’t like the idea of a company having all this data though. would much rather have a self-hosted version. Also.. with regards to work life and personal life, how is data security supposed to work assuming users wear this at work and outside of work? (1/2)

Evan 🫠 πŸ”œXOXO Fest πŸ¦ˆβ€οΈπŸš€

If this conversation data is commingled, we’re deciding between a company’s security breach or an employee’s entire life information fed to their employer. (2/2)


@andybaio so many pretty doodads with such ugly "AI" technologies...


@andybaio is it like a hearing aid?

I don't trust AI to be a simple calculator so why should I trust AI to process auditory consent?


@andybaio A piece of civilian surveillance equipment that uploads all recorded data to a private company’s servers, is always recording by default, yet is painfully visible as it’s worn like a piece of jewellery can only ever be the product of free market capitalism.

Vijay Prema

@andybaio Endgame of this is company could be to record all inputs and outputs of office workers and then train an AI agent that does their job... then sell the agent to the employer getting them fired. Good luck to anyone who actually buys this thing or works for a company that forces them to wear it.


@andybaio I would wager that means consent mode doesn't work

Mark Pauley

@andybaio news flash: it’s off by default probably because that feature doesn’t work



>Off by default

That is illegal in my state!


@andybaio This is really, especially horrifying. OOH! Hacking it gonna be FUNNNN!



@andybaio if someone is wearing this in my area, I will not politely exist in their environment.

Timothy Johnson

There is no off when it is always listening for consent.

Robert Kist πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

@andybaio Ten years ago when hearing about dystopian shit like this you'd think of China and Social Credit. Now it's Silicon Valley Tech Bros and AI.


@andybaio Can we have one with Richard Nixon's face on it, please? He was the original let's record everything guy, and the first one to Find Out. How long will it take before someone is convicted of a crime based on one of these things?

Sammy 🐾

@andybaio "it doesn't record people until it records them consenting to being recorded"

ah, so it does record them, it just only uploads to their servers without showing it to the user

framebuffer :archlinux: :gentoo: :tuxspin: the thumbnail: why do they look like flat cock cages? hello????????????????? ​:fox:​

Anton Piatek

@andybaio wow, love how illegal this is to record a conversation without consent...

Leo ✨

@andybaio what is that supposed to be good for

Noah Cook

@andybaio I love how their first idea for AI speech interpretation is basically wearable surveillance. Meanwhile, I haven't worn hearing aids since college because they can't properly distinguish voices from background for people with usable hearing.

Like, there's a real, existing, and VERY LUCRATIVE use-case for this, and they sped right past it towards privacy-destroying surveillance.

Mark T. Tomczak

@andybaio Pretty much. Mostly because the idea of a consent mode (much outside of authentication and respecting robots.txt) is something imposed upon the tech sector, not generally something it grew from within.

A lot of people pulling data from the internet are doing so under the assumption that the data is there because somebody wants it pulled and they are surprised when they are post-hoc told no.


@andybaio I solemnly pledge to physically assault anybody who wears one of these within speaking distance of me

Batichi 🧿

@andybaio so does anyone remember in the 90s a bunch of 'spy toys' like listening devices got banned for being 'too invasive'.

Love a surveillance state where everyone is a narc.


Chris Helming :enby: :they:

@andybaio "consent mode is off by default" is also the unofficial motto for men everywhere... 😬

Bryan Haskin

@andybaio would be neat if it wasn't such a blatant marketing lie lol

For I am CJ :screwattack: :black_sparkling_heart: :screwattack:


I really hope someone from the DOJ is reading this... since like half of the states have anti-wire-tapping laws that this device would definitely violate


@andybaio with any luck this will go the way of google glass.


@andybaio A technology like this could be so great for the deaf and hard of hearing and for immigrants, if only it didn't have any cloud features. Yes, I want subtitles IRL. No, I don't want a tech company to have access to them. What's so hard to get?

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