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Andy Baio

also, naming your company "Limitless" is a really great way to set impossible expectations for everything you ever make


@andybaio Indeed. I've been assuming it's a reference to the movie of that name starring Bradley Cooper, based on a book by Alan Glynn, that's about artificially increased mental capacity as a superpower.

Andy Baio

@disquiet Yeah, they mention that as a parenthetical in the second paragraph. "Oh, and in case you’re wondering: yes, it’s very much a reference to the movie."


@andybaio What's especially funny is I vaguely recall the movie as a quasi-cautionary tale about unintended consequences.

Keith Ivey

@disquiet @andybaio So the brand is much like Soylent and Palantir.

Antonio Patriarca

@disquiet @kcivey @andybaio I am starting to think we should stop producing dystopian/cautionary tales as there will always be some tech CEO thinking it is their utopian dream.


@kcivey @disquiet @andybaio
"Palantir" is very different in that, instead of either banking on or simply having media illiteracy, Peter Thiel fully understands the evil implications of the reference and is embracing it.


@jargoggles @kcivey @disquiet @andybaio plus it sounds arguably cool.

Doesn't one need a license for that or something or can just everybody create a tv show "Gandalf and the Rivendell adventure"?



tech bros can't help but make the torment nexus


Flaming Cheeto

@andybaio @disquiet yet it's moving us towards the alibi archive of Robert J Sawyer 's Neanderthal parallax

tom jennings

@disquiet @andybaio

Possibly a propos, the TV show LIMITLESS is about a self-centered cis young tv-handsome do nothing white guy talking over women and always getting his way even though he's an incompetent fuckwit.

David Friedman

@andybaio And causes all sorts of oddly phrased questions in the FAQ like, “Is there a free Limitless plan?"

Yes! But the AI features in the free Limitless plan have a 10 hour limit. If you upgrade to a paid Limitless plan, those features are unlimited. In both plans, audio storage is limited (but if you live in a state with all-party consent requirements for recording private conversations, your ability to record audio may also be limited)

Andy Baio

@ironicsans Everything Unlimited Ltd. is the name of Davey Wreden's game studio, which is delightfully convoluted.

Leon Cowle

@andybaio Your statement is definitely true, with a (possibly a single) beautiful exception: one of the nicest possible human beings you will ever find did (near) exactly that — though he was just being creative with his lastname. Of Accidental Tech Podcast fame, @caseyliss (his company name is Limitliss, and he has a few great apps to his name!)

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