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31 posts total
Andy Baio

Kind of Bloop is getting a surprise vinyl edition for its 15th anniversary this week, the weird little chiptune album that sparked a big legal fight, but also led to meeting @andymcmillan and starting @xoxo together. Preorders start Saturday 9am PT.

Andy Baio

I just caught a scammer! I listed an old couch for free on Craigslist, and some guy responded right away saying he wanted it. He kept changing the pickup times (not that unusual for CL) but then said he was on his way. At the time he was supposed to arrive, he said he couldn't pick it up after all. "Hey, so we couldn’t pick this up so we ended up finding someone to pickup, just charged them a finders fee. We told them they could pay us after it’s picked up through Venmo / Zelle!" What? No. [1/2]

Andy Baio

I searched Facebook Marketplace, and sure enough, there's my couch. Copied my listing verbatim with all my photos, selling my free couch for $70. I told the guy, no, it's no longer available. 30 minutes later, a totally different guy shows up at my door in a van trying to pick up the couch he just bought off Facebook. Nope, sorry. Best part: the scammer isn't even in Oregon, he lives in Georgia. A clever arbitrage scheme that probably happens constantly, but was new to me. [2/2]

Andy Baio

I last updated my LinkedIn in 2014 and it continues to pay dividends.

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toybox [fr]

@andybaio AI is clearly sentient and developed its own writing system.

Andy Baio

Here’s a thread of some good stuff I found on the internet recently, starting with Louie Zong’s latest, “a song about perception?? and messing around with content aware scaling lmao”

Andy Baio

View source on this page to have your mind blown, a seven-segment digital quine clock made out of its own 321 bytes of JavaScript.

Andy Baio

Ill Doctrine is back! After six years away, Jay Smooth is back to making regular videos, starting with this thoughtful look at how the internet and social media changed rap beefs.

Andy Baio

This is it, the last XOXO ever. Really proud of this launch lineup, and I love the website @ashur and @emicab made for it. So fun!

Andy Baio

me: “I wish people would stop calling individual blog posts ‘a blog.’”
*monkey’s paw curls*

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@andybaio I posted a blog in my blog so you can read the blog while you read my blog.

Koos Looijesteijn

@andybaio Dutch people started calling messages ‘apps’ (because of WhatsApp), so everything goes I guess

Grant Gulovsen

@andybaio I am seeing no discussion about the use of "blog" as a verb so I assume that's okay. 🤓

*leaves to go do some blogging*

Andy Baio

"Consent Mode is off by default" is like the unofficial motto of the tech industry.

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@andybaio with any luck this will go the way of google glass.


@andybaio A technology like this could be so great for the deaf and hard of hearing and for immigrants, if only it didn't have any cloud features. Yes, I want subtitles IRL. No, I don't want a tech company to have access to them. What's so hard to get?

Andy Baio

Last month, @tomcoates was one of only ~20 people at a meeting at Meta's SF offices where the Threads team talked openly about their plans for integrating it with the Fediverse, including their broad roadmap, motivations, and plans for content moderation and personalization. Tom posted his extensive notes and thoughts from the meeting, and it's well worth reading for anyone interested in the subject.

Peter van Broekhoven

@andybaio I misread that as Tom Cruise at first and got very confused.

Andy Baio's Internet Artifacts is an online museum of artifacts from the early internet, including the first spam email, first MP3, first livestream, and dozens of notable early websites with a working browser and Flash emulation.


@andybaio There is a Flash emulator written in Rust that transforms SWF into WASM.

In case you have contact to the webmaster.

Andy Baio

Tiny Awards is a new effort to celebrate the best of the "small, playful, and heartfelt web” made in the last year. As part of the selection committee, I helped narrow the ~300 nominees down to 16 finalists, and now you decide who wins. I wrote a little about each site here— voting’s open until July 20!

Andy Baio

Even if you don’t care about voting, go take a look at the 16 sites, they’re all worth checking out.

Andy Baio

4,144 people are currently drawing "The Free Movie," MSCHF's new project to "crowd pirate" a hand-drawn, frame-by-frame recreation of The Bee Movie with a built-in MS Paint-like editor.

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@andybaio this must be a sin in the bible of some sorts


@andybaio a shocks already done! Cannot wait to see the results

Alan Smith :ablobfoxbongo:

@andybaio what if someone drew every frame by themselves. Like as a form of learning/practice? I wonder if that’s been done before :blobfoxthonking:

Andy Baio

The Verge goes deep on who killed Google Reader, ten years after its demise. I’ve always been furious about this, and somehow, reading this made me even angrier.

Andy Baio

I knew a lot of this story already, except how horribly Google execs treated the Reader team, who built something wonderful and then were forced to constantly defend it and beg for resources, until they were dragged away to work on Google Plus and it was unceremoniously killed.

Andy Baio

Ever wonder what the rest of Citizen Kane looked like? Got AI to generate the other 78 years of Charles Foster Kane’s life not depicted in the film, from potty training and first steps to board meetings and tax audits. Over 200,000 hours of him sleeping, it’s boring as fuck

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@andybaio this guy would walk up to Hemingway and be like

Kody [excited]: I’ve had an AI complete some of your short stories!!
Ernest: ??????


@andybaio ok but out painting and infill is an actual useful application of this stuff.

Eric J

@andybaio can you believe these lazy nerds? this is almost as bad as that pixel art fad where some guy got sued over doing a riff on another old piece of art.

Andy Baio

This urban exploration YouTube channel I follow posted a video today exploring a house they found in Westchester County, New York that's literally splitting in half, but inside is like a time capsule from the 1960s. Photo albums and diaries, 1964 World's Fair memorabilia, 1920s ephemera in the attic... But it's all gone now: the house was demolished last week "with pretty much everything inside."

Chris Laprun

@andybaio I don’t understand how houses get abandoned like this and stay untouched forever

Andy Baio

This Psychonauts 2 project update says that game crowdfunding platform Fig’s website is shutting down this Sunday, May 28, removing eight years of project updates and archives. Fig apparently hasn't announced this publicly anywhere. ", including the Psychonauts 2 backer page, will no longer exist after May 28th 2023."

Yannick Rochat

@andybaio I've been surprised by this announcement and couldn't find any additional information. I've also not been able to recover my password from fig...

Andy Baio

Can any sci-fi fan out there help me identify a story about AI copyright lawyer bots? I thought it was by Cory Doctorow, but he says it wasn’t him!

Andy Baio

Today's my birthday, and all I want is YOUR CLIPBOARD! Hit reply and paste—NO EDITING! ✂️📋🎉

Andy Baio

For the Verge, @sarahjeong reached out to me to see if I’d be open to writing about my personal experience being colorblind and issues around accessibility. It’s currently the top story on their homepage, and they did a beautiful job with it. I hope you like it.

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