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Andy Baio

Ever wonder what the rest of Citizen Kane looked like? Got AI to generate the other 78 years of Charles Foster Kane’s life not depicted in the film, from potty training and first steps to board meetings and tax audits. Over 200,000 hours of him sleeping, it’s boring as fuck

jr conlin



Mona Lisa guarded the gates of Mordor.

Dym Sohin

@jrconlin @andybaio
what will she do if they just fly over on griffons?

monkϵyborg 🦾🐵

@andybaio Why doesnʼt Mona Lisa have a bottom half though?


@andybaio "The rest of the Mona Lisa" is such a weird idea to start with. There is no rest of the painting. The painting we have is the whole thing.

The AI may be generating a background, but the AI booster is generating a new reality.

Ben Werdmuller

@andybaio Or:

- Add 16 further hours to the Lord of the Rings trilogy (that's 24 extra endings)
- Zoom out Andy Warhol's Empire to include three feet of extra city street
- Add an extra, purely hallucinatory viewpoint to Rashomon, adding nothing to the story
- Take another three loops through Russian Ark


@andybaio this guy would walk up to Hemingway and be like

Kody [excited]: I’ve had an AI complete some of your short stories!!
Ernest: ??????


@andybaio ok but out painting and infill is an actual useful application of this stuff.

Eric J

@andybaio can you believe these lazy nerds? this is almost as bad as that pixel art fad where some guy got sued over doing a riff on another old piece of art.

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