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Imagine writing an open source twitter alternative

One that is federated and built on open protocols

Then having to deal with users who are upset you are working with an established walled garden social platform to support those very open protocols

Girl, you can't have it both ways

We can build better mod/safety tools


You can't moderate who gets to participate in an open protocol

Maybe let's focus on the important aspect, better mod/safety tools

fedi developer


FediPact is a noble endeavour, but one borne out of the lack of actionable improvements.

Where is the FediModPact of people dedicated to improving platform safety services and tools for each fediverse platform?

It's easy to say you're blocking threads, the real challenge is organizing and writing features that improve moderation + safety.

I've only seen a few people actually do this, it does make you wonder...

digitalCalibrator (she/her)

@dansup i mean, we already defederate from servers that allow illegal or repulsive content, or who otherwise refuse to moderate. The fedipact is more of a preemptive strike, given that meta has historically shown themselves to be uninterested in moderating things like anti-lgbtq content and racism.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@dansup I don't think it's necessarily easy to say you're blocking Threads. Some portion of your fedi community is going to disagree with that decision, if your server serves more than a handful of people. And beyond that, clearly most of our friends and family also disagree, otherwise they wouldn't be using Facebook products. Blocking Threads is a brave and difficult stance that only sounds popular in a weird bubble.

It's also not easy to organize a community, no matter your stance on Threads.

johanna, at the cafe counter

@dansup this is exactly where IFTAS is working. Moderator tools, training, documentation and community.

Martin Be

@dansup People have a good reason to be upset, because those open protocols have no proper tools for users to feel themselves safe in the case of collaboration with some big-tech corpos being well known for lying many times to users. Such things should be developed in the first place, before someone even began thinking on opening, collaboration, federation etc. Before, not after the fact. The order plays an important role here. Doing the opposite will only produce horribly disastrous results.


@dansup what does upset mean in this context though? Like, if you run a Mastodon instance, and someone goes: if you don't block Threads, I'm moving instances

You go: I won't block Threads

They go: alright, I'm moving

Is that upset? Because I see that as perfectly reasonable; this kind of freedom is what makes the Fediverse awesome

If people start harassing instance admins, that's a whole different story—anyone who does that doesn't belong on the Fediverse to begin with



Necessary edits:

"Imagine writing an open source twitter alternative

One that is federated and built on open protocols

Then having to deal with users who are upset you are working with an established walled garden social platform whose entire agenda is to override and ultimately destroy those very open protocols in a demonstrated pattern of conquest and assimilation"


"Girl, you can't have it both ways"



What is this, TikTok or a high school lunchroom?

argv minus one


Valid point, but I worry that this is an #EmbraceExtendExtinguish scheme:

1. Threads federates.
2. Something happens that makes Threads a highly desirable instance to be on, e.g. a flood of spam that only Threads has a good filter for.
3. Threads, having absorbed the vast majority of Fedi users, defederates.

See also: email.

Danie van der Merwe

@dansup I value the right of individuals to decide if they want to follow or block (instances). Having a choice is why we should be here. A walled garden decides everything for individuals, and leaves them no choices. Many of us wanted to get away from that.

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