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POV: You made the mistake of trying to track a package in 2024

Baa Send them feedback and just attach this image.


@ocean at least you can view the status without registering an account!


@ocean wait, before you navigate away, do you want to sign up for our newsletter?!


@cozymel @ocean

User: [clicks "no"]
Site: Are you sure?
User: [clicks "yes"]
Site: Enter your email address...

Andreas K

@hosford42 @cozymel @ocean
Just so we know whom to spam via 3rd party ad spammers instead of in-house spam.


@ocean Yesterday UPS pages kept refreshing after five seconds. Parcel FTW.

Simon MacDonald

@Blogjackets @ocean Yes, this is why I am happy to pay for my yearly Parcel subscription.

Bex :hex_non_binary: "little owl" 🦉

@ocean not much better clicking a random reddit link in the search engine. Before I let that bloatware load to completion, I move my mouse to the address bar and change the hostname from reddit to a libreddit instance I trust. Unfortunately, that won't work with parcel tracking.

Aurora 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Ooo you got lucky though. 99% of the time when I get a tracking link from a corporation I only a error page that there is no associated package.


@ocean What about the other browser tab with the merchant shop that is showing shipping info that is in it's own parallel universe 😅

Darwin Woodka

@metaphase @ocean

*six email notifications while trying to track package*








@darwinwoodka @ocean Please give me all the label updates.

* label was created
* label was sent to the printer
* label is sitting on the output tray
* label was peeled from the backing
* label corner got stuck too early
* label mostly stuck to box - except for that one corner- that’s a little loose now

🇸 🇭 🇮 🇳 🇲 🇦 🇮

@ocean the best part is that in the end you'll just notice another line appear in the transit log that says "recipient couldn't be reached, package diverted to pick-up point" and nobody's been to your door all day


@shi @ocean That's not even bad, last week or week before, mum told me that she saw the car arrive from the window, but it went past, so she went outside thinking it will be coming backwards from the neighbors and she went outside to wait for it, then tried to flag it down and it almost ran her over in its haste to escape. Turned out they left the package with the neighbors, probably got embarrassed when they saw her and made a hasty enough retreat to endanger random passersby and other commuters.

Good thing we are on good terms with the neighbors but wtf. No call, drops off everything in the same street at a (randomly picked?) single house.

@shi @ocean That's not even bad, last week or week before, mum told me that she saw the car arrive from the window, but it went past, so she went outside thinking it will be coming backwards from the neighbors and she went outside to wait for it, then tried to flag it down and it almost ran her over in its haste to escape. Turned out they left the package with the neighbors, probably got embarrassed when they saw her and made a hasty enough retreat to endanger random passersby and other commuters.

🇸 🇭 🇮 🇳 🇲 🇦 🇮

@sahqon @ocean I WISH they'd leave packages with a random neighbour here,because I'm disabled and traveling to the pick up point is almost an hour by bus and extremely taxing :(

I hate all courier services with a burning passion 😅


@shi @ocean Ours are normally very good. No official porch delivery, most stuff comes with pin codes now, so you need the code to pick it up. Which can be turned into porch delivery if you can talk the driver into it: you say the code and they drop it wherever you want (since they got the confirmation of delivery by code), otherwise they won't. Most routes have set drivers so if you order a lot of stuff, you'll know them all (we have personal phone numbers for a few of them). They often offer to take larger items inside though that's not in their job description. One always comes in to pet the dog. But then every once in a while they get a new guy and shit can go either hilariously or annoyingly south.

@shi @ocean Ours are normally very good. No official porch delivery, most stuff comes with pin codes now, so you need the code to pick it up. Which can be turned into porch delivery if you can talk the driver into it: you say the code and they drop it wherever you want (since they got the confirmation of delivery by code), otherwise they won't. Most routes have set drivers so if you order a lot of stuff, you'll know them all (we have personal phone numbers for a few of them). They often offer to...


@shi @ocean Also I think almost every delivery comes with 3 tries, so not delivering would have them deliver it again the next day - guess that extra annoyance makes them try and deliver it harder?

Corvid Crone

@shi @sahqon @ocean when I lived in NY, I tried to have a package delivered to my Harlem address and the sender sent it via FedEx.

"Missed delivery" - I was at home and no delivery attempt was made

"Missed delivery" - same story, this time, I'm sitting at the window overlooking the door. No FedEx person even came into the courtyard.

"Missed delivery final notice" - same story, this time, I'm sitting outside

I call FedEx, and ask them wtf. They tell me I can go pick up from the warehouse. Great, where's the warehouse? In the middle of a godforsaken island where no public transit goes because no one lives there and it's only warehouses. I tell them no, I will not be swimming or taking a taxi to this middle of nowhere warehouse. Long hold. "Well, we can try one more time". And I'm like, "you never tried the first time, no FedEx truck even came to the building". Long hold. "He's coming back". Bro peaks head into the courtyard, shakes head, and starts to leave. I'm running towards him, "you got my package, man??"

"Uhhhh..." Finally get my package. Took over a month

@shi @sahqon @ocean when I lived in NY, I tried to have a package delivered to my Harlem address and the sender sent it via FedEx.

"Missed delivery" - I was at home and no delivery attempt was made

"Missed delivery" - same story, this time, I'm sitting at the window overlooking the door. No FedEx person even came into the courtyard.

Andreas K

@shi @sahqon @ocean
I hate modern GIS systems with a passion.

I live in an apt complex with 1000s of flats in it. No apt no, no delivery.

30 years back, every one knew that the street name was a bit on the long side, and one abbreviated it.

Today, the IT knows all streets by their official name. Guess what gets cut off with a surprising regularity?

Which means, no matter how fast the delivery is supposed to be, the parcel stays a day longer with "address incomplete".

@shi @sahqon @ocean
I hate modern GIS systems with a passion.

I live in an apt complex with 1000s of flats in it. No apt no, no delivery.

30 years back, every one knew that the street name was a bit on the long side, and one abbreviated it.

Today, the IT knows all streets by their official name. Guess what gets cut off with a surprising regularity?

Andreas K

@shi @sahqon @ocean Did I mention how much fun it is to try to spell out to a voice recognition system a 12-15 character long parcel ID on the phone? Because there seems literally no chance to reach a human operator before identifying yourself with your business transaction. And the parcel number alone was not enough to change the delivery address online, ...

One of the moments when one realizes, this is it, why we had to read Kafka in school, to prepare us for these existential phone calls.

Darwin Woodka

@sahqon @shi @ocean

My fave was when they dead dropped a package at the townhouse next door with a label printed for that address when nobody lives there. Peeled off that label and the one underneath was for a town 200 miles away. I took it back to the package store to reship it



Pop up hell. 😑

I’m still waiting on something that I ordered in November that’s been stuck in the black hole that is Customs in NYC since December 12. It’ll probably be expired by the time it actually arrives.


@ocean heh, UPS are the worst of them too. My favourite from them was: compulsory account signup ("UPS My Choice®" 🙄) to track a parcel, and at the end of signup being told I'd need a code sent to me by letter to sign in. The letter arrived the day after the package


@ocean this site is way less shit on mobile using firefox...

🏔️ owl 🌲

@ocean dam now i miss the public postal service even more.

Eric Lawton


"Privacy policy" 🤣🤣🤣

They've turned the word into its opposite, as corporations and their political friends do with so many words..


★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

@ocean @gardevoir i have to pay for a separate app to track my packages as i refuse to deal with this shit anymore

Tim WIcinski

@ocean Wow is like the "updated" UPS App like 100x worse than the old one?


> 1hr ago
> 26 replies, 167 boosts, 251 likes
Struck gold.



Well, at least they didn't call you...

@ocean this screen fills me with rage
Joe Ortiz

@kkarhan @ocean The problem is that more and more carriers are cracking down hard on third parties in order to lock you into their products.

I know FedEx and UPS are doing that so is DHL.

Kevin Karhan

@joeo10 @ocean well, #AfterShip just works and I use them all the time since I don't want to remember which damn courier any ShutExpress vendor uses...


@ocean or when you get an email saying it’s using something called ‘shop’ and you can only do it by downloading an app

I've got a package for you to check 🍆
Aaron Kulbe

@ocean This uhhhh…. tracks. 😂

I get the we'll-get-you-a-delivery-date-ASAP message, every time I try, and then it just shows up.

Joel Housman

@ocean @Meyerweb I cannot recommend this app enough:

Use it constantly. Though, I'm an IT Director and am constantly shipping tech things to staff.

Joe Ortiz

@joelhousman @ocean @Meyerweb More and more carriers are cracking down hard on third parties over the past year to encourage lock in. I know several third party apps are having issues seeing them.

I know that DHL, FedEx, and UPS are locking down their products.

Tom Walker

@ocean I have never seen any good implementation on any website ever of those stupid "do a survey about our site" overlays

Jonathan Lamothe
@ocean In Capitalist America, package tracks you?
Edge Jelqington III, Earl of Goonshire, Duke of Cockbury
@ocean lol I just signed up for their stupid program that texts me updates
André, R.I.P. Natenom 🕯️🖤

@ocean Don't ask what UPS can do for you, ask yourself, what you can do for them 🙃


@ocean its crazy. They are shipping from mars nowadays

Ben Stokman

@ocean tbf you did get the actual information immediately.


@ocean Ick! I can’t stand that crap!

I use Hush for Safari on Mac. It removes a lot of crap (most all Cookie messages at least). Have a pi-hole on my network so I see no ads while browsing the web. These 2 things make browsing around great.

When I have to use our work VPN (which negates my pi-hole), I get slammed with ads. I then realize how truly bad browsing without these things is.


@blhue I’ve been using ad guard on safari but maybe I should try this


@ocean I think you’d want this in addition to an ad guard.

Tay 🧛‍♀️ this was terrifying, but then I noticed that uBlock shows 42 blocked ads, and it suddenly became even more terrifying.


@ocean This is the real reason why JavaScript was invented. Seriously tho why do they need this many popups? I would leave the website after this


@ocean in fascist America, package tracks you!

Spudwart :verifiedenby:

@ocean adblock is useless when the entire page is an ad.

🇺🇦 Aarøn :oko:

@ocean ... and uBlock Origin already blocked 42 things ... 🙈

If you want to have an even greater user experience, try open one of that cooking recipe sites on your mobile phone.


@ocean And that's with an adblocker, I can't imagine how much worse this would be considering it says it's blocked 42 elements here lol


@ocean In capitalist USA, package tracks you!


@ocean Web designers really just need to look at a design guidelines. Or, more accurately, their managers do. They'll tell whoever to knock this shit off. That's good advice.


@ocean crazier still, that's with uBlock Origin too.


@ocean this looks like justification of content blockers usage 😅

Ned Hairston 🌈

@ocean Is this what using Chrome is like? This is why I use Firefox with uBlock Origin.

@ocean that's why i never use proprietary trackers, just a universal tracker like

@ocean in soviet russia package track YOU!


@ocean track package? By the time you're done clicking it will have arrived


@ocean Truly this has become such a problem and I can't believe how few people even seem to realize it.

Once upon a time we had to have popup blockers because of this hot mess. Now they just render it in frame so it is 10,000x harder to block. And at least back in the day it was just the low grade sites that did this. Now, just as this image shows, it's the bigger companies themselves who are the worst offenders.


@ocean I don’t need to track its every move from warehousing to shipping to my front door. All I really need is the assurance that my package is “on its way”. I don’t know what these package-tracker apps are for other than to satisfy the human urge to watch paint dry.

Moffin'tosh Jesus fucking christ. Making Poste Italiane look competent

Gene Cowan 🏳️‍🌈

@ocean @lisamelton And then it has the gall to tell you “this is the same info our customer service agents see so don’t bother calling us.”


@ocean If you try to track a package you should be in consent with our tracking of you. It's just fair: tit for tat.

Jens W. Klein

Scary to see this. Parts of this hell are blocked here in my Firefox by the I Still Dont Care About Cookies add on. However, even the remaining ones are incredibly annoying.



And this is why I use client applications for as many things as possible.
Email? Client - Kmail, and K9
News? Send it to Wallabag that syncs to my RSS.

If there is a desktop application for it, that is likely what I'm using

mah:~ $ :arch_linux: 🇪🇬🇵🇸

@ocean gotta love that it's this messy with uBlock active. Imagine it wasn't.

Baloo Uriza

@ocean First thing that I do on entirely too many sites now is hit that uBlock Origin shield and then the eyedropper and pick apart their page until it's respectable again.

Psoul 🏳️‍🌈:vbike:🇺🇸

@ocean I thought we had killed pop up windows but they eventually… popped right back up…


i don't think unpinned dependancies are THAT bad

aburka 🫣 #SaveChandra

@ocean and then once you defeat all the popups... "Label created"


@ocean So much enshittification in one screenshot.

gif in displayname :bop_cat:

@ocean "Mail Innovations is not a day definite service" oh, good to know!

Dustin D. Wind

@ocean In Corporate Empire America, package track you!

Julik Tarkhanov

@ocean all the while here (NL) UPS routinely do "fake not home" because apparently their drivers are overworked and it is easier for them to pretend to have tried a delivery to make KPIs...



It’s somehow even more horrible to see it laid out here, like a butterfly pinned in a naturalist’s display, than it is when you’re in the middle of it. Just clicking furiously to get through it as quickly as possible.

Arjan Zuidhof

@ocean everything is fine: you can read the essentials without connecting to Meta 😕


@ocean there is still abput 40% of the webpage visible. They could put some ads there...

Robin Syl 🌸:blobcatreach:

@ocean UPS is uniquely shite and I'm annoyed whenever a company uses them

Robin Adams

@ocean Pop-ups, crowded layout, dancing baloney - we've come full circle back to 1990s Web site design.

🌊 Tempest :therian: 🐉

@ocean I have to deal with that site nearly everyday for work and it's an absolute bloated piece of garbage. Even on an overpowered PC it feels super slow and sluggish when creating a label. :dragnangry:


Just got glasses from eyebuydirect. They make you download this stupid app that pissed me off so much I've blanked on the name.
It also connects to your Amazon, if you want to.
Guess what the only order that kept getting screwed up and I never even knew when it was coming.

Amber im more surprised it actually accepted your tracking code

River :therian: (villan's voice) you consent... you consent... mwahaha!

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