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POV: You made the mistake of trying to track a package in 2024

" wants to know your location" — on a parcel tracking page? WHAT THE FUCK FOR?!!! :marseyfacepalm:
@ocean All that and they deliver to the wrong location.
Moskitokönig Kevin

@ocean "We and our 1795 partners value your privacy" 🤡


@ocean it often occurs to me that online services seemed much more helpful when I was sitting in front of an original iMac in 1999 connected via my amazing new DSL line.

Comrade elronxenu

@ocean It's no wonder they can't deliver, they need to know your location.

Tormod Halvorsen


If I'm tracking a parcel, I sure hope UPS already know my location :)

will talk for elePHPants!

@ocean just to tell you that the parcel has been dropped at your preferred place (front door).

Guess who never set a preffered place. Also guess where no parcel can be found. Must have been someone elses front door... 🙈

Joshua Barretto

@ocean Help us improve UPS

Because we sure as heck don't know how


@ocean It's the lying "We attempted delivery" that gets me. UPS batting score 100% on this one (every delivery; last was two days running).

I was at home. Have CCTV on the drive and a video doorbell. My post code is location specific.

If they were fined for every lie they would stop doing it. I don't mind a delay. I do mind being lied to. Repeatedly.


@ocean Could be any random blog article, too..


@ocean That's awful. I only tend to send by Royal Mail and the tracking experience is quite nice once you pass the strange "odd one out" captures.

This is an item I posted recently with relevant details removed

A nice clean site with no popups or nags.

I would actually refuse to use a company that forced that kind of pushy website on me

a murmuration of goomy

@ocean POV you try to read an article in 2024

hazelnot :yell:

@ocean ...I finally understand the "wants to know your location" thing. Firefox uses different wording for that message so it never clicked with me 💀


@ocean Asking for your location is pretty redundant 🤦🏽‍♀️


@ocean My favorite is they all say "This site knows everything we know! Don't you dare ask a human for help!"

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