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This should be a viral national story in #US. After this team unanimously unionized, Google refused to come to the bargaining table.

A resolution supporting the workers was brought to the city council. The day the workers showed up to testify on the resolution, Google laid off the entire team.

This was the precise instant when YouTube Music employees became aware that we had lost our jobs, as we were addressing the City Council.


But still dumb&^%( s will argue how progressive of a workplace it is and why they refuse to place google gstatic tube blogsport in their firewall

Slap in your face people!



@yogthos checks all the boxes of stuff americans empathize with: leftism, tech worker issues, local politics

grob 🇺🇦

@plankers @yogthos a fresh organic asparagus couldn't snap louder. Oh snap

Dave Mc

@yogthos I'm embarrassed to say that I'm a subscriber. Are any of the other streaming services more ethical to their employees and to artists?


@guigsy not sure actually, I never got into using streaming services myself, I just like having music files.

What I ended up doing was to dump music on my own nextcloud, and use it as my private streaming service.

Obviously not a solution for everyone though.

Charles U. Farley

@yogthos @guigsy There are plenty of apps that will let you download songs from YouTube Music without having an account. On Android there are also apps that will let you stream from there without an account and without ads, with recommendations and everything. I like RiMusic and SimpMusic.

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

@freakazoid @yogthos @guigsy Googlebet hates it when anyone mentions and uses #invidious. But there’s not a thing they can really do about it, haha.

Charles U. Farley

@Shufei @yogthos @guigsy They can, but it would involve breaking a lot of older players. I imagine the medium to long term plan is DRM.

Dave Mc

@freakazoid @Shufei @yogthos Google have no issues with breaking stuff that's working perfectly if they aren't making advertising money from it.

Charles U. Farley

@guigsy @Shufei @yogthos I figure that's the clock, ultimately. When they no longer feel they're making more money on players that would be broken by DRM than they're losing by not using DRM, they'll pull the trigger.





I've been using NewPipe for years now, and it's my personal favorite.

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

@yogthos @guigsy Nextclouds should be run as metropolitan public utilities. There’s no reason they can’t.


@guigsy @yogthos purchasing the music outright from the artists via bandcamp or other similar sites, or hell on CD if it's available, is always the best option to directly support the artist. You can also use a self hosted streaming service like #funkwhale keep the ease of streaming.

Dave Mc

@strongthany @yogthos didn't Bandcamp recently fire half the staff, purely for corporate reasons?


@guigsy @yogthos when band camp was working on unionizing, the union seeking workers urged people and artists asked for people to not support artists by not using bandcamp


@strongthany @guigsy @yogthos

The game right now among all capitalists is to keep us exhausted and make it look like the goalposts are ever-receding memories of a false consciousness that we're not sure ever actually existed.

Just keep yourself prepared for the day that they cannot maintain the delusion any longer. They are each individually too narcissistic and lacking Theory Of Mind to understand the tension they are building and how it will come back at them.

Drop money in buskers' hats.


@strongthany @guigsy @yogthos

If you attend shows, attend shows at bars that hire bands and have a reputation for paying their bands and staff.

Solidarity is the only thing that every one of us can choose to exercise, if we want it.

I got notification this week that the extra storage I'm paying for on Google renews in a month, and I'm cancelling that.

I stood up a Nextcloud not too long ago. I'll be sharing it with friends who want it. I can do that.


@strongthany @guigsy @yogthos

Send bands you like twenty dollars in a letter. Use postal service money orders for that matter. Order swag maybe.

Send more if you plan to torrent their albums, which they almost certainly don't see as the biggest problem they have right now.

Hat. Cat in an N95😷

@jpaskaruk ableism is the OPPOSITE of helpful.

so called Theory of mind is straight up hate for ND people.



I had not heard that the term is considered problematic, but I'd be happy to read a document that explains what makes it so.

What I'm referring to is the ability to understand that other people's minds contain different thoughts and ideas than one's own.

I was very confused about that myself, when I was younger.

Hat. Cat in an N95😷

@jpaskaruk something which cats can do.
And bluejays.
The idea is that autistic people have no theory of mind
And it works out eventually to ND people aren't sentient .

"that other entity has a mind and it might see me" is something MICE need to know.

It usually doesn't go that far but its roughly the same idea that's behind ABA.

That autistic people don't have an internal reality

@jpaskaruk something which cats can do.
And bluejays.
The idea is that autistic people have no theory of mind
And it works out eventually to ND people aren't sentient .

"that other entity has a mind and it might see me" is something MICE need to know.

It usually doesn't go that far but its roughly the same idea that's behind ABA.



Shoot me some links if you want to. I don't see what you're describing, and as I said, I have found the concept useful in explaining some of my early social experiences.

Whatever the case, I was referring to a different class of mind entirely - that of a child who is never held to account, and who holds incredible power over all of us.

Part of my understanding of how psychology thinks of it is that [all] children need to develop it, and some people struggle, and some never do.


@guigsy @strongthany @yogthos
Yes. I believe the workers started forming a union and the company was sold during the negotiations. The new owners determined who was important to keep and laid off almost all of the unionizing leaders, which coincidentally decimated diversity representation there.

I think. (Full honesty, I'm not going to look it up right now)


@guigsy @strongthany @yogthos

The @bandcampunited Union never suggested people should stop using Bandcamp to support artists

Today is #BandcampFriday when around 90% of the proceeds from purchases go directly to artists — which is way better than any other platform

And that means, regardless of the corporate policies, you’re not giving that much to the corporation

It sucks that #Bandcamp has gone through shitty buyouts

But it’s probably one of the better ways to support artists right now


@guigsy @yogthos Tidal pays artists a lot better. Not sure about employee treatment though


@guigsy @yogthos short answer is 'no', really. Bandcamp is decent to artists (but no longer to workers, if it ever was), but it's not exactly a streaming service.


@guigsy @yogthos
I have heard that Deezer pays artists more and is a good alternative. I buy my music outright though, I don't have experience with Deezer.

Julien Barnoin

@guigsy @yogthos
An ambitious technical solution can be envisioned to this issue of depending on these centralized services.
I hear nowadays music can even be bought from artists and stored locally on your device, wherefrom it can then be played back.
An outlandish idea for sure but some say it's feasible.

Jérôme Petazzoni

@guigsy @yogthos personally I use ublock origin to get rid of YouTube ads (and deprive them of ad revenue) and when I regularly watch someone's videos I support them thru Patreon or similar platforms. Probably very imperfect still!

Edit: hadn't realized it was specifically about music streaming 🤔


@guigsy @yogthos It’s all a bit of a nightmare… All I* can do is encourage everyone to divorce their listening data (which is a item of corp. value) from the platform they are currently using, by connecting to At least then you can be flexible when issues arise.

Keep in mind that this lets you control and migrate data but makes it *more* public, so weigh that up against your privacy goals first. -a

*do I need to disclaim that I have bias? You can see the account name 😜


@yogthos The clearest proof that the NLRB and the NLRA are fundamentally broken.

That should land the YouTube Music execs in prison.

If you, an executive, lay off a bargain unit to avoid bargaining with them, you should do a 2 year felony bid for each person you laid off.

It's in step with the way the NLRA criminalizes railway workers protesting, with jailtime and fines that can leave you imprisoned for life.

If we don't hold executives personally accountable, things will only get worse.


@weilawei @yogthos Minor correction, Rail workers are controlled by separate, older agreements from the NLRA & NLRB. In fact they’re just called the RLA and RLB. Kinda like how railroad workers have separate retirement from SSI. A lot of the stuff in the NLRA is based on the RLA but it’s different and the RLA is generally (but not always) more restrictive. For instance, it’s much more difficult for rail workers to go on strikes, but they are allowed to go on sympathy strikes (which NLRA forbids)

John Quentin Heywood

@yogthos Google's first rule: Remember to always Be Evil.


@yogthos Corporations are getting away with murder, we need a #GeneralStrike

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


My new year's resolution was to become ungoogled, for reasons just like this shit. I am sooo done with these Big Tech fuckers!


@IAmDannyBoling @yogthos and protonmail have great Google alternatives.

The Doctor

@yogthos Spreading this around. Also, Leandra archived the video in case it disappears.

MooMoo the Cat

@yogthos This seems more like, "Do the wrong thing" is Alphabet's motto.

Raccoon Formality

@yogthos @owashe isn't this union busting? isn't this like actually supposed to be illegal?

Matthew Reinbold

@yogthos probably already on his radar, but I wanted to make sure @beep sees this.

Mx Amber Alex

@yogthos how is that not illegal for Google to do?

Coreyartus Imagery

@yogthos I'm done with Google. I don't understand why people still use YouTube.

Angie / 𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑰 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇵🇸🇺🇦


Old Google: "Do no evil."

New Google: "Dude, you totally gotta snort some of this evil."

Charles U. Farley

@yogthos Are these the contract workers who joined the AWU and the NLRB said Google had to bargain with back in January?

Terfs have no friends - Arthur Morgan, 1899

@yogthos Could you possibly put a transcript in the alt text or replies? Thanks for sharing the video


@yogthos This is why my tack has been anti-outsourcing in general.

Google gets to hide behind “BuT tHeY wErE cOnTrAcToRs” without consequence, because they know they can easily find a new contractor that’ll charge an even lower rate and solve the immediate problem.

The reality is that contracting is toxic, pure and simple. Contractors (the staffing firms) have no vested interest in the long term success of the company retaining them, or their own armada of temps: it’s all about getting the contract done while extracting as many hours of work as possible (if not fixed-rate/capped) or finishing it as quickly as possible to move on to the next one (if fixed-rate/capped).

Likewise, companies retaining contractors or outsourcing abroad are sending an unambiguous signal: immediate profit now, fuck whatever comes next. They’re admitting they have no desire to build a sustainable or profitable enterprise, and nobody should work for them expecting growth or success.

@yogthos This is why my tack has been anti-outsourcing in general.

Google gets to hide behind “BuT tHeY wErE cOnTrAcToRs” without consequence, because they know they can easily find a new contractor that’ll charge an even lower rate and solve the immediate problem.

The reality is that contracting is toxic, pure and simple. Contractors (the staffing firms) have no vested interest in the long term success of the company retaining them, or their own armada of temps: it’s all about getting the contract...


@Stegosaur @yogthos

Yes, this outsourcing/staffing firms model is a big problem.

They are not at all how we imagine traditional employers, and to the detriment not only of their workers but also the projects they work on and the health of the industry they participate in overall.

For example: staffing firms are not really experts in the domain, and they do not have the knowledge to mentor workers, the way a normal team anywhere else would.



@Stegosaur @yogthos

Furthermore, the people who do have the knowledge to mentor those workers are the people from the big corporation. And those guys are very strongly discouraged from doing so, by their own corporate training, to maintain the legal distinction between employee and “contractor”.

Now, there are better and worse contract gigs. My grapevine has had a low opinion of google for a while based on their experiences.


@astroPug @yogthos I have done the contracting sphere multiple times. Government Contracting, Contract-to-Hire, Uncapped/no-length contract, as well as worked for multiple Managed Service Providers (who, in turn, function off contracts).

Contracting has zero redeeming values to it. Every single contract gig I was on - save one - would have seen lower costs for the contracting entity (company/gov) and higher quality of life for the contractor (staffer) if it had been a permanent hire instead of outsourced, simply by removing the middle man parasite layer.

The sole exception was a contract for a pharmaceutical company that had made grave staffing errors during their growth phase and needed help cranking through basic support ticket backlogs ("reset my password" and "I need Lotus Notes access" stuff). It lasted ~6mo, we crushed the queue, and that was that.

That's what contracting is: temporary help for temporary problems, not replacing or offshoring FTE workers.

@astroPug @yogthos I have done the contracting sphere multiple times. Government Contracting, Contract-to-Hire, Uncapped/no-length contract, as well as worked for multiple Managed Service Providers (who, in turn, function off contracts).

Contracting has zero redeeming values to it. Every single contract gig I was on - save one - would have seen lower costs for the contracting entity (company/gov) and higher quality of life for the contractor (staffer) if it had been a permanent hire instead of outsourced,...

Shufei 👩🏽‍🌾

@yogthos What in blasted evil… “Capitalism must die”, yes!


@yogthos the thing is, this is text book illegal retaliation, and literally no one will do anything about it.



That just happened yesterday. It seems per this article that Google employed the team through a staffing firm, practice that allows big companies to quickly change the rules, get rid of a team, etc. and then say “oh, we just ended the contract”
I know people who work in that space. Their employment future is always up in the air even if they moved to another location for that job.


That just happened yesterday. It seems per this article that Google employed the team through a staffing firm, practice that allows big companies to quickly change the rules, get rid of a team, etc. and then say “oh, we just ended the contract”
I know people who work in that space. Their employment future is always up in the air even if they moved to another location for that job.



And so much for, “Don’t be evil.”



@yogthos This sort of thing is why I simply don't care what happens to big corps.

They don't care about anyone, so right back at ya.

Tyler Stone :ca1:

@yogthos Um, “I’m sorry: you’re time’s expired” hits a little differently in this clip.

Ericka Simone

@yogthos Hi. I’m Ericka. I’m reaching because frankly, this shit is horrible. Also, I want to know if you know about UMAW, a growing union of workers in all music spaces.

Please let me know what I can do to help.


@ErickaSimone hi this is definitely terrible, I'm just resharing the incident, so I'm probably not the right person to reach out to since I don't have any direct involvement

Ericka Simone

@yogthos okay. I’ll start digging into it, see if I can find them. I’ve been working with the creative congressional committee to start to take action against this type of behavior. Thanks for posting.

Alan Campbell, Слава Україні!

@yogthos "Don't be evil" seems to have died a while ago too by the way


@yogthos Holy shit, this is some next level scumbaggery from Google.

I'm pretty sure laying off the entire union while they're speaking is illegal? It sure smells like retribution

Blake Leonard

@yogthos I smell a wrongful termination lawsuit, if not one for union busting.

Caio C. G. Oliveira

@yogthos OMG this is so so sad. This company's actions shows that they are definitely not what they advertise to be. Feeling a bit frustrated to be a paying user of YT Premium (to avoid ads).



Google has traveled all the way from "don't be evil" to residing in and acting from the 9th level of hell's heart.

Stunning to have witnessed this transition in it's entirety.

Cheradenine Zakalwe "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you suckers really believed we meant that 'Don't be evil' shit?"


@yogthos is there any other source than this video? This is so rude...

Googly Eyed Peas

@yogthos hot take: if you continue to insist on working for FAANG companies against all the evidence that they are the devil incarnate, then expect this to keep happening. I know it's not cool, but there are other companies out there who need tech people and can't get them because everyone wants that FAANG sweet sweet $$$$$$$$ for the 6 months they get to keep their job

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦


more than a half-million IT workers were laid-off the past 2 years alone; but this process started with Google in 2019 after your attempts to unionize.

i noticed and have been calling out the trend as an expert on the intersections of tech & politics.

#techbros are now burning the internet to the ground with AI just because y'all dared to unionize.


🇨🇦 OhOkKay

And they'll get away with it too.
Bastards. Greedy f*ckin' bastards.


@yogthos “Don’t be evil.” Google should really think about revising their principles. Maybe something like “Make all the money, no matter who you hurt.” Or would that be too on-the-nose?


@yogthos "I'm sorry your time's expired."


@yogthos The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA) forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights to form unions and engage in collective bargaining. Google. Just broke this law, on television. Please put this literally everywhere you can.

Keev 🇺🇦

@yogthos thinking that big corporations will police themselves is dangerously naive.

You have to make them to listen - stop using their products, now.


@yogthos And now they won't let me use adblockers, which means anytime I want to use YouTube, I have to listen to ads blaring at me. Or babysit the computer and be ready to hit the mute button when they come. Or use FreeTube, but Norton & Windows Defender threw a fit when I tried to update it. And who knows how long that will last before Google cracks down on it.


@yogthos once again, i have to ask, how the fuck is this even almost legal, and the answer will almost certainly be something like Aaaaamerica.

:mastodon: Ricardo Martín

@yogthos I was surprised that nobody mentioned in the thread. Maybe it could be of interest to someone 🤔

Leon Bambrick

@yogthos you’d think this would be covered by major journalists — they too are employees in huge multinational companies oh wait


@yogthos The look of helplessness in his eyes - "Did you just see what happened? Could you at least do something?"

Let's hope some genius comes up who doesn't sell off to corporate greed.



'Don't be evil'

Integrity is something else.

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