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162 posts total
Masta Live
Masta Live

#LinuxDistros picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @mobian - Mobile distro based on Debian

➡️ @droidian - Another mobile distro based on Debian

➡️ @KaisenLinux - Debian-based French distro for IT professionals

➡️ @fedora - Popular distro first released in 2003

➡️ @archlinux - General purpose distro, minimal base system by default

➡️ @garuda - Arch-based rolling release distro, lots of extras

➡️ @opensuse - Distro for software devs & sys admins

➡️ @AsteroidOS - Distro made for smartwatches


Masta Live

It seems like your timeline's missing something... Oh, I know what it is!

oldie but goldie: Flock Sillies

#MastoArt #FediArt #PixelArt #Art #Animals #Birds

Angua :spinny_fox_disability:

Yes indeed!

Thank you.

Your renditions evoke happy memories of the original Monkey Islands.

Masta Live

This TUI is all I needed. 👌

⚙️ **systemctl-tui**: A fast and simple TUI for interacting with systemd services and their logs.

🔥 Quickly browse service status and logs, & start/stop/restart services.

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #ratatui #systemd #systemctl #service #terminal

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weberc2 ☕️

@orhun @ratatui_rs It is wild how bad the standard CLI tools for systems are. Whatever else you might say about Docker or Kubernetes, their CLI tools are a lot better than systemctl, journalctl, etc.

Айсылу :foxjump:

wonderfox@archangel ~ $ sudo pacman -S systemctl-tui
[sudo] password for wonderfox: 
error: target not found: systemctl-tui
I can't find it in the AUR as well (checked just in case)

Masta Live

Gentle Privacy and Security Reminder
for Organizations 🔒🗑:

One of the easiest way for your organization to not have data stolen in a data breach, is simply to not have this data.

One of the easiest way to save your organization future headaches and costs is to simply delete thoroughly the data you do not need anymore as soon as you do not need it anymore.

Whenever possible, it's even better to not collect it at all in the first place.

You might need to retain some data of course, but when an incident occurs, you will greatly reduce the harm, damage, and cost if you keep only the minimum data required.

You cannot be held accountable for the data you simply do not have.

Keep this in mind! ✔️✨

#TinyPrivacyTip #Privacy #DataMinimization #DataDeletion

Gentle Privacy and Security Reminder
for Organizations 🔒🗑:

One of the easiest way for your organization to not have data stolen in a data breach, is simply to not have this data.

One of the easiest way to save your organization future headaches and costs is to simply delete thoroughly the data you do not need anymore as soon as you do not need it anymore.

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@Em0nM4stodon Amen. Or as I like to say, you don't have to protect what you don't collect! :)

Mad Alex

@Em0nM4stodon In German the principle is called Datensparsamkeit, literally data frugality.

JT the Artful :autism:

@Em0nM4stodon See also... customer credit card info. And names, birthdays, addresses, etc of people that AREN'T even buying services or goods from you!

Pisses me off that random websites want this info from people, and then proceed to have 'data breach accidents'. You deliberately collected this info that you didn't need from users. It WASN'T an accident.

(See also recipe websites, semi social websites, websites that force you to register just to see a free article...)

Masta Live

Can I just I have issues sending email to that server.

Masta Live

This man made my day: “Over 1000 People Turn Out To New York Square To Watch Masked Man Eat Cheeseballs” He just ate those cheeseballs 😎

Masta Live
Gonna post the full frieren emoji pack update later but for now

:FernSpin: :FrierenSpin:
Masta Live
Got myself a PinePencil v2, this thing rocks! 7 second from start of it to start of soldering, very neat. And it quite compact though.
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