#LinuxDistros / #LinuxDistributions / #Distros picks of the day:
➡️ @linuxmint - Ubuntu-based distro emphasising ease of use
➡️ @kubuntu - Version of Ubuntu running KDE Plasma desktop
➡️ @LubuntuOfficial - Lightweight version of Ubuntu using LXQt desktop
➡️ @edubuntu - Ubuntu-based distro for educational settings, schools & students of all ages
➡️ @ubuntustudio - Ubuntu-based distro for creative people who like FOSS tools
➡️ @ubuntubudgie - Ubuntu-based distro using Budgie environment
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#LinuxDistros picks of the day (continued):
➡️ @elementary - Ubuntu-based distro with friendly interface suitable for new & experienced users
➡️ @ubuntusway - Ubuntu-based distro using Sway compositor
➡️ @pop_os_official - Ubuntu-based distro with COSMIC desktop, maintained by @system76
➡️ @ubports - Develops & maintains Ubuntu Touch for mobile devices
➡️ @alpinelinux - Lightweight & secure distro based on musl libc & busybox
➡️ @postmarketOS - Smartphone distro based on Alpine Linux